Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
The app is in the android folder. Inside the src folder, the following folders are available:
- main: the app code. It is packaged by feature, and not by layer. The only classes packaged by layers are those common to all features, such as BaseActivity. Packing by feature enables different developers to easily work on different features in a contained manner. It also enables a new developer to understand what features the app has simply by scanning the package list, and to understand a given feature by reading through the code in a given package.
- debug: used for resources for the debug build.
- androidTest: contains instrumentation tests. Those are written with mock data so they are not dependent on the backend. They can be run on either a device or an emulator.
- test: contains unit tests. Those are plain Java unit tests and do not need a device or an emulator to be run.
The main packages are:
- archframework: classes used for the mvp framework. [Refer to the MVP Framework doc] (
- explore: the explore feature. This is the home screen for the app, and it also accessible from the navigation drawer.
- feedback: the session feedback feature, where the user can provide feedback for a session. This feature is accessible from various other screens.
- gcm: this handles the notifications received by the backend. [Refer to the GCM doc] (
- io: this handles the conversion of the json from the backend into POJOs. It uses the Gson library.
- map: the map feature.
- myschedule: the schedule feature. This is accessible from the navigation drawer.
- provider: the content provider and contract used for all the data in the app.
- session: the session details feature. This is accessible when selecting a session from either explore or schedule features. Sessions that the user views are indexed using the [App Indexing API] (, and will appear as search suggestions in the Google app.
- sync: this contains all the logic to handle the backend sync of the data. [Refer to the sync doc] (
- ui: contains custom Activities which are extended and used by different features, as well as custom views which are also used by different features.
- videolibrary: the video library feature. This is accessible from the navigation drawer.
- welcome: the welcome feature. This is shown to the user the first time they launch the app. It includes the login screen.
- test classes: packages correspond to packages in the app. Classes that are actual tests are named following the ClassTest convention where "Class" is the class under test. If several test classes exist for a given class under test, they are named following the Class_UseCaseDescriptionTest convention, where "UseCaseDescription" defines the conditions of the test. An example would be "SessionDetailActivity_KeynoteSessionTest".
- test methods: for unit tests, they are named following the MethodUnderTest_DataType_ExpectedResult convention. For UI tests, they are named following the ViewUnderTest_ActionOnView_ExpectedResult. Note that ActionOnView may be omitted for some tests.
- UI tests: UI tests are written using the [Android Testing Support Library] (