File tree
9,531 files changed
lines changed- vendor/
- BurntSushi/toml
- _examples
- cmd
- toml-test-decoder
- toml-test-encoder
- tomlv
- Shopify/sarama
- .github
- examples
- http_server
- mocks
- tools
- kafka-console-consumer
- kafka-console-partitionconsumer
- kafka-console-producer
- vagrant
- StackExchange/wmi
- aws/aws-sdk-go
- .github
- aws
- arn
- awserr
- awsutil
- client
- metadata
- corehandlers
- credentials
- ec2rolecreds
- endpointcreds
- plugincreds
- processcreds
- testdata
- stscreds
- crr
- csm
- defaults
- ec2metadata
- endpoints
- request
- session
- testdata
- signer/v4
- awsmigrate/awsmigrate-renamer
- Godeps
- gen
- rename
- awstesting
- cmd/bucket_cleanup
- integration
- s3integ
- mock
- sandbox
- unit
- doc-src
- aws-godoc/templates
- plugin
- templates/default
- layout/html
- module/html
- package/html
- struct/html
- example
- aws
- credentials/plugincreds
- plugin
- endpoints
- customEndpoint
- enumEndpoints
- request
- customRetryer
- handleServiceErrorCodes
- withContext
- service
- cloudfront/signCookies
- dynamodb
- expression
- scanItems
- unitTest
- ec2
- filterInstances
- instancesbyRegion
- rds/rdsutils/authentication
- s3
- concatObjects
- listObjects
- listObjectsConcurrently
- presignURL
- client
- server
- putObjectAcl
- putObjectWithProcess
- sync
- sqs/mockingClientsForTests
- internal
- ini
- testdata
- invalid
- valid
- s3err
- sdkio
- sdkrand
- sdkuri
- models
- apis
- AWSMigrationHub/2017-05-31
- acm/2015-12-08
- acm-pca/2017-08-22
- alexaforbusiness/2017-11-09
- amplify/2017-07-25
- apigateway/2015-07-09
- apigatewaymanagementapi/2018-11-29
- apigatewayv2/2018-11-29
- application-autoscaling/2016-02-06
- appmesh/2018-10-01
- appstream/2016-12-01
- appsync/2017-07-25
- athena/2017-05-18
- autoscaling/2011-01-01
- autoscaling-plans/2018-01-06
- batch/2016-08-10
- budgets/2016-10-20
- ce/2017-10-25
- chime/2018-05-01
- cloud9/2017-09-23
- clouddirectory/2017-01-11
- cloudformation/2010-05-15
- cloudfront/2018-11-05
- cloudhsm/2014-05-30
- cloudhsmv2/2017-04-28
- cloudsearch/2013-01-01
- cloudsearchdomain/2013-01-01
- cloudtrail/2013-11-01
- codebuild/2016-10-06
- codecommit/2015-04-13
- codedeploy/2014-10-06
- codepipeline/2015-07-09
- codestar/2017-04-19
- cognito-identity/2014-06-30
- cognito-idp/2016-04-18
- cognito-sync/2014-06-30
- comprehend/2017-11-27
- comprehendmedical/2018-10-30
- config/2014-11-12
- connect/2017-08-08
- cur/2017-01-06
- datapipeline/2012-10-29
- datasync/2018-11-09
- dax/2017-04-19
- devicefarm/2015-06-23
- directconnect/2012-10-25
- discovery/2015-11-01
- dlm/2018-01-12
- dms/2016-01-01
- ds/2015-04-16
- dynamodb/2012-08-10
- ec2/2016-11-15
- ecr/2015-09-21
- ecs/2014-11-13
- eks/2017-11-01
- elasticache/2015-02-02
- elasticbeanstalk/2010-12-01
- elasticfilesystem/2015-02-01
- elasticloadbalancing/2012-06-01
- elasticloadbalancingv2/2015-12-01
- elasticmapreduce/2009-03-31
- elastictranscoder/2012-09-25
- email/2010-12-01
- entitlement.marketplace/2017-01-11
- es/2015-01-01
- events/2015-10-07
- firehose/2015-08-04
- fms/2018-01-01
- fsx/2018-03-01
- gamelift/2015-10-01
- glacier/2012-06-01
- globalaccelerator/2018-08-08
- glue/2017-03-31
- greengrass/2017-06-07
- guardduty/2017-11-28
- health/2016-08-04
- iam/2010-05-08
- importexport/2010-06-01
- inspector/2016-02-16
- iot/2015-05-28
- iot-data/2015-05-28
- iot-jobs-data/2017-09-29
- iot1click-devices/2018-05-14
- iot1click-projects/2018-05-14
- iotanalytics/2017-11-27
- kafka/2018-11-14
- kinesis/2013-12-02
- kinesis-video-archived-media/2017-09-30
- kinesis-video-media/2017-09-30
- kinesisanalytics/2015-08-14
- kinesisanalyticsv2/2018-05-23
- kinesisvideo/2017-09-30
- kms/2014-11-01
- lambda/2015-03-31
- lex-models/2017-04-19
- license-manager/2018-08-01
- lightsail/2016-11-28
- logs/2014-03-28
- machinelearning/2014-12-12
- macie/2017-12-19
- marketplacecommerceanalytics/2015-07-01
- mediaconnect/2018-11-14
- mediaconvert/2017-08-29
- medialive/2017-10-14
- mediapackage/2017-10-12
- mediastore/2017-09-01
- mediastore-data/2017-09-01
- mediatailor/2018-04-23
- meteringmarketplace/2016-01-14
- mobile/2017-07-01
- mobileanalytics/2014-06-05
- monitoring/2010-08-01
- mq/2017-11-27
- mturk-requester/2017-01-17
- neptune/2014-10-31
- opsworks/2013-02-18
- opsworkscm/2016-11-01
- organizations/2016-11-28
- pi/2018-02-27
- pinpoint/2016-12-01
- pinpoint-email/2018-07-26
- polly/2016-06-10
- pricing/2017-10-15
- quicksight/2018-04-01
- ram/2018-01-04
- rds/2014-10-31
- rds-data/2018-08-01
- redshift/2012-12-01
- rekognition/2016-06-27
- resource-groups/2017-11-27
- resourcegroupstaggingapi/2017-01-26
- robomaker/2018-06-29
- route53/2013-04-01
- route53domains/2014-05-15
- route53resolver/2018-04-01
- runtime.lex/2016-11-28
- runtime.sagemaker/2017-05-13
- s3/2006-03-01
- s3control/2018-08-20
- sagemaker/2017-07-24
- sdb/2009-04-15
- secretsmanager/2017-10-17
- securityhub/2018-10-26
- serverlessrepo/2017-09-08
- servicecatalog/2015-12-10
- servicediscovery/2017-03-14
- shield/2016-06-02
- signer/2017-08-25
- sms/2016-10-24
- sms-voice/2018-09-05
- snowball/2016-06-30
- sns/2010-03-31
- sqs/2012-11-05
- ssm/2014-11-06
- states/2016-11-23
- storagegateway/2013-06-30
- streams.dynamodb/2012-08-10
- sts/2011-06-15
- support/2013-04-15
- swf/2012-01-25
- transcribe/2017-10-26
- transfer/2018-11-05
- translate/2017-07-01
- waf/2015-08-24
- waf-regional/2016-11-28
- workdocs/2016-05-01
- workmail/2017-10-01
- workspaces/2015-04-08
- xray/2016-04-12
- endpoints
- protocol_tests
- input
- output
- private
- model
- api
- codegentest
- models
- endpointdiscovery/0000-00-00
- jsonrpc/0000-00-00
- restjson/0000-00-00
- restxml/0000-00-00
- service
- awsendpointdiscoverytest
- awsendpointdiscoverytestiface
- restjsonservice
- restjsonserviceiface
- restxmlservice
- restxmlserviceiface
- rpcservice
- rpcserviceiface
- cli
- api-info
- cleanup-models
- gen-api
- gen-endpoints
- protocol
- ec2query
- eventstream
- eventstreamapi
- eventstreamtest
- testdata
- decoded
- negative
- positive
- encoded
- negative
- positive
- json/jsonutil
- jsonrpc
- query
- queryutil
- rest
- restjson
- restxml
- xml/xmlutil
- signer/v2
- util
- service
- acm
- acmiface
- acmpca
- acmpcaiface
- alexaforbusiness
- alexaforbusinessiface
- amplify
- amplifyiface
- apigateway
- apigatewayiface
- apigatewaymanagementapi
- apigatewaymanagementapiiface
- apigatewayv2
- apigatewayv2iface
- applicationautoscaling
- applicationautoscalingiface
- applicationdiscoveryservice
- applicationdiscoveryserviceiface
- appmesh
- appmeshiface
- appstream
- appstreamiface
- appsync
- appsynciface
- athena
- athenaiface
- autoscaling
- autoscalingiface
- autoscalingplans
- autoscalingplansiface
- batch
- batchiface
- budgets
- budgetsiface
- chime
- chimeiface
- cloud9
- cloud9iface
- clouddirectory
- clouddirectoryiface
- cloudformation
- cloudformationiface
- cloudfront
- cloudfrontiface
- sign
- cloudhsm
- cloudhsmiface
- cloudhsmv2
- cloudhsmv2iface
- cloudsearch
- cloudsearchiface
- cloudsearchdomain
- cloudsearchdomainiface
- cloudtrail
- cloudtrailiface
- cloudwatch
- cloudwatchiface
- cloudwatchevents
- cloudwatcheventsiface
- cloudwatchlogs
- cloudwatchlogsiface
- codebuild
- codebuildiface
- codecommit
- codecommitiface
- codedeploy
- codedeployiface
- codepipeline
- codepipelineiface
- codestar
- codestariface
- cognitoidentity
- cognitoidentityiface
- cognitoidentityprovider
- cognitoidentityprovideriface
- cognitosync
- cognitosynciface
- comprehend
- comprehendiface
- comprehendmedical
- comprehendmedicaliface
- configservice
- configserviceiface
- connect
- connectiface
- costandusagereportservice
- costandusagereportserviceiface
- costexplorer
- costexploreriface
- databasemigrationservice
- databasemigrationserviceiface
- datapipeline
- datapipelineiface
- datasync
- datasynciface
- dax
- daxiface
- devicefarm
- devicefarmiface
- directconnect
- directconnectiface
- directoryservice
- directoryserviceiface
- dlm
- dlmiface
- dynamodb
- dynamodbattribute
- dynamodbiface
- expression
- dynamodbstreams
- dynamodbstreamsiface
- ec2
- ec2iface
- ecr
- ecriface
- ecs
- ecsiface
- efs
- efsiface
- eks
- eksiface
- elasticache
- elasticacheiface
- elasticbeanstalk
- elasticbeanstalkiface
- elasticsearchservice
- elasticsearchserviceiface
- elastictranscoder
- elastictranscoderiface
- elb
- elbiface
- elbv2
- elbv2iface
- emr
- emriface
- firehose
- firehoseiface
- fms
- fmsiface
- fsx
- fsxiface
- gamelift
- gameliftiface
- glacier
- glacieriface
- globalaccelerator
- globalacceleratoriface
- glue
- glueiface
- greengrass
- greengrassiface
- guardduty
- guarddutyiface
- health
- healthiface
- iam
- iamiface
- inspector
- inspectoriface
- iot
- iotiface
- iot1clickdevicesservice
- iot1clickdevicesserviceiface
- iot1clickprojects
- iot1clickprojectsiface
- iotanalytics
- iotanalyticsiface
- iotdataplane
- iotdataplaneiface
- iotjobsdataplane
- iotjobsdataplaneiface
- kafka
- kafkaiface
- kinesis
- kinesisiface
- kinesisanalytics
- kinesisanalyticsiface
- kinesisanalyticsv2
- kinesisanalyticsv2iface
- kinesisvideo
- kinesisvideoiface
- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia
- kinesisvideoarchivedmediaiface
- kinesisvideomedia
- kinesisvideomediaiface
- kms
- kmsiface
- lambda
- lambdaiface
- lexmodelbuildingservice
- lexmodelbuildingserviceiface
- lexruntimeservice
- lexruntimeserviceiface
- licensemanager
- licensemanageriface
- lightsail
- lightsailiface
- machinelearning
- machinelearningiface
- macie
- macieiface
- marketplacecommerceanalytics
- marketplacecommerceanalyticsiface
- marketplaceentitlementservice
- marketplaceentitlementserviceiface
- marketplacemetering
- marketplacemeteringiface
- mediaconnect
- mediaconnectiface
- mediaconvert
- mediaconvertiface
- medialive
- medialiveiface
- mediapackage
- mediapackageiface
- mediastore
- mediastoreiface
- mediastoredata
- mediastoredataiface
- mediatailor
- mediatailoriface
- migrationhub
- migrationhubiface
- mobile
- mobileiface
- mobileanalytics
- mobileanalyticsiface
- mq
- mqiface
- mturk
- mturkiface
- neptune
- neptuneiface
- opsworks
- opsworksiface
- opsworkscm
- opsworkscmiface
- organizations
- organizationsiface
- pi
- piiface
- pinpoint
- pinpointiface
- pinpointemail
- pinpointemailiface
- pinpointsmsvoice
- pinpointsmsvoiceiface
- polly
- pollyiface
- pricing
- pricingiface
- quicksight
- quicksightiface
- ram
- ramiface
- rds
- rdsiface
- rdsutils
- rdsdataservice
- rdsdataserviceiface
- redshift
- redshiftiface
- rekognition
- rekognitioniface
- resourcegroups
- resourcegroupsiface
- resourcegroupstaggingapi
- resourcegroupstaggingapiiface
- robomaker
- robomakeriface
- route53
- route53iface
- route53domains
- route53domainsiface
- route53resolver
- route53resolveriface
- s3
- s3crypto
- s3iface
- s3manager
- s3manageriface
- testdata
- s3control
- s3controliface
- sagemaker
- sagemakeriface
- sagemakerruntime
- sagemakerruntimeiface
- secretsmanager
- secretsmanageriface
- securityhub
- securityhubiface
- serverlessapplicationrepository
- serverlessapplicationrepositoryiface
- servicecatalog
- servicecatalogiface
- servicediscovery
- servicediscoveryiface
- ses
- sesiface
- sfn
- sfniface
- shield
- shieldiface
- signer
- signeriface
- simpledb
- simpledbiface
- sms
- smsiface
- snowball
- snowballiface
- sns
- snsiface
- sqs
- sqsiface
- ssm
- ssmiface
- storagegateway
- storagegatewayiface
- sts
- stsiface
- support
- supportiface
- swf
- swfiface
- transcribeservice
- transcribeserviceiface
- transfer
- transferiface
- translate
- translateiface
- waf
- wafiface
- wafregional
- wafregionaliface
- workdocs
- workdocsiface
- workmail
- workmailiface
- workspaces
- workspacesiface
- xray
- xrayiface
- beorn7/perks
- histogram
- quantile
- topk
- bgentry/go-netrc
- netrc
- examples
- coreos/etcd
- .github
- Documentation
- benchmarks
- dev-guide
- apispec/swagger
- dev-internal
- learning
- op-guide
- platforms
- rfc
- upgrades
- v2
- benchmarks
- dev
- platforms
- rfc
- alarm
- auth
- authpb
- client
- integration
- clientv3
- clientv3util
- concurrency
- integration
- leasing
- mirror
- namespace
- naming
- ordering
- yaml
- cmd
- compactor
- contrib
- raftexample
- recipes
- systemd
- etcd2-backup-coreos
- etcd3-multinode
- discovery
- e2e
- embed
- error
- etcdctl
- ctlv2
- command
- ctlv3
- command
- doc
- etcdmain
- etcdserver
- api
- etcdhttp
- v2http
- httptypes
- testdata
- v2v3
- v3client
- v3election
- v3electionpb
- gw
- v3lock
- v3lockpb
- gw
- v3rpc
- rpctypes
- auth
- etcdserverpb
- gw
- membership
- stats
- hack
- benchmark
- insta-discovery
- kubernetes-deploy
- patch
- scripts-dev
- docker-dns
- certs
- certs-common-name-auth
- certs-common-name-multi
- certs-gateway
- certs-wildcard
- docker-dns-srv
- certs
- certs-gateway
- certs-wildcard
- docker-static-ip
- certs
- certs-metrics-proxy
- tls-setup
- config
- integration
- fixtures
- fixtures-expired
- lease
- leasehttp
- leasepb
- logos
- mvcc
- backend
- mvccpb
- pkg
- adt
- contention
- cors
- cpuutil
- crc
- debugutil
- expect
- fileutil
- flags
- httputil
- idutil
- ioutil
- logutil
- mock
- mockstorage
- mockstore
- mockwait
- netutil
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
9,531 files changed
lines changed+1-1
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 | 3 |
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4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| - | |
| 3 | + | |
4 | 4 |
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5 |
| - | |
| 5 | + | |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
0 commit comments