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Akron edited this page Jun 23, 2012 · 13 revisions

DESCRIPTION [ is a shared webhosting service in Germany, that gives you a huge flexibility in administration. You can also install Mojolicious running under hypnotoad with just a few steps.


First you should log in to your uberspace via ssh, e.g.

$ ssh {username}@{servername}

In your homefolder just check the version of your Perl installation - remember: Mojolicious needs at least Perl v5.10.1!

$ perl -v

Maybe you are lucky and you are on a machine with at least Perl v5.10.1. Then you can forward to step UPDATE YOUR CPAN of this recipe.

Updating your Perl is easy. You can check for the most recent version of perl available using

> toast find perl

Then get the latest version installed:

> toast arm perl/5.16.0

After it's build (this can take quite a while), you should log out and log in again and check, if it works.

> perl -v

If you still see your old perl coming up, check if there's a perl5.16.0 or somehing in your path. Maybe it will help to set an alias for perl in your .bashrc: alias perl="..."

Now your perl should be hot. If it still can't be found you have to make some shebang fun like "" ... whatever. Shouldn't be complicated.


Now start cpan.

> cpan

It will ask you, if you want to configue everything manually or not ... well, you'll be fine wit the default stuff, so just press "enter". Then you should automatically be forced to install your libraries via "local::lib" - so everything you do will be installed locally. That's cool. Say "yes" to everything until you are in the cpan prompt.

Now upgrade:

cpan[1]> upgrade

and wait or do some Mojo fun meanwhile or look out of the window - there may be a rainbow! Or two!


Now install Mojolicious to your local cpan.

cpan[1]> install Mojolicious

This will be quite quick. The next mojo magic will now be available for everyone on your Uberspace! Leave cpan for the moment

> exit


First you should create an app folder below your homedirectory and generate a Mojolicious::Lite app.

> mkdir app
> cd app
app> mojo generate lite_app
app> cd ..

Test your app using hypnotoad

> hypnotoad -t app/myapp

Everything works fine? Great.


Now that hypnotoad principally works, you have to modify your app to a make hypnotoad listen to a special port. Edit your app with

> emacs app/myapp

(...or any installed editor you like better ...) and add the following line to your mojo app (e.g. after "use Mojolicious::Lite;").

app->config(hypnotoad => {listen => ['http://*:8765']});

Do not use exactly 8765 - any high free port on this server is fine!

Exit the editor (for Emacs with Ctrl-x Ctrl-C) and start hypnotoad:

> hypnotoad app/myapp

Fine. Now you have to make apache know where your hypnotoad is: just add a rewrite rule to your .htaccess.

> emacs html/.htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [p]

(Just add more rules, for example for your public folder etc.)

Okay ... hypnotoad is running, the rwrite rules are set - check if everything works as expected! Open your browser and go to your uberspace:


Does it work? Great! (If it doesn't, maybe you have to change the shebang of your app to find your perl version or something.)

Everything is fine ... or ... wait a minute? What happens, if the process dies or the guys from Uberspace stumble upon a cable??!

First stop your hypnotoad:

> hypnotoad -s app/myapp


Uberspace uses daemon tools to set up your hypnotoad as a service process that will be controlled and restarted automatically. To the best of my knowledge, this will unfortunately mean: No hot deployment anymore, because if the daemon is restarted, the workers won't die gracefully ... whatever.

First create your personal service directory:

> uberspace-setup-svscan

This will create a service directory in your home folder. Now create a service for your app:

> uberspace-setup-service myapp hypnotoad -f ~/app/myapp

Hypnotoad has to run in foreground (-f switch) so the daemon watcher knows it's still alive. That's why hot deployment isn't enabled.

Changing your app

Now whenever you update your app, you can't just restart hypnotoad, you have to restart the service. For this just type in

> svc -h ~/service/myapp

and your app will be restarted!

And ... ?

Now have fun with Mojolicious and discover the possibilities of your Uberspace, using MongoDB, CouchDB ... even websockets are possible, if you ask the administrators to open the port it. More information can be found on the [[|Uberspace Wiki] (in german).

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