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Dan Book edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 79 revisions

NOTE: This community-maintained page may be out-of-date and should not be solely relied upon for completeness. If you find missing information or discrepancies you are welcome to edit this document or discuss it with us.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 9.0

Reserved stash values disallowed as route parameters

Reserved stash values previously could be set from route parameters directly. This either was used to set controller and action as a discouraged form of semi-dynamic routing (/foo/:controller/:action), or was done accidentally and led to strange behavior and errors (/foo/:text). Attempting to use reserved stash value names as parameters now results in an error.

This also means that methods no longer need to be hidden from the router to prevent it from using them as actions, so the hidden attribute of Mojolicious::Routes has been removed.

Instead of routing to controllers and actions dynamically through route parameters, consider iterating through your controllers and actions explicitly to add such routes, or using a routing schema such as with Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI.

'plugins' key now recognized by configuration plugins

The 'plugins' key in a configuration file read by Mojolicious::Plugin::Config, or the other core config plugins, will now be used to load deployment specific plugins. This means this top-level key is now reserved in configuration and should not be used for other purposes.

Configuration plugins no longer set 'config' stash value

Mojolicious::Plugin::Config and the other core config plugins used to set the reserved stash value 'config' to the application config, for use in templates as $config. This is no longer done and the application config can be accessed via the config default helper regardless of the use of config plugins. This also means 'config' is no longer a reserved stash value.

# in templates, instead of $config->{foo}
%= config->{foo}

Mojo::IOLoop::Delay spun off to CPAN

The deprecated Mojo::IOLoop::Delay module has been spun off to its own CPAN distribution. This control flow mechanism was a predecessor to promises support in Mojolicious and is no longer necessary.

Mojo::Transaction->success removed

The deprecated success method of Mojo::Transaction has been removed. The error and result methods should be used to determine whether a request was successful and retrieve its result respectively.

# throw exception on connection and HTTP errors
my $tx = $ua->get('');
if (my $err = $tx->error) {
  die $err->{code} ? "HTTP error: $err->{code} $err->{message}"
    : "Connection error: $err->{message}";
} else {
  my $len = $tx->res->headers->content_length;
  say "Content-Length: $len";

# throw exception on connection errors, custom handling for HTTP errors
my $res = $ua->get('')->result;
if ($res->is_error) { # 4xx or 5xx
  my $code = $res->code;
  my $message = $res->message;
  say "HTTP error: $code $message";
} elsif ($res->code == 304) {
  say "Not modified";
} else {
  my $len = $res->headers->content_length;
  say "Content-Length: $len";

Routing methods cleanup

Various cleanups have been made to the routing methods provided by Mojolicious::Routes::Route.

  • The detour method has been removed. Use ->partial(1)->to(...) instead, passing the same arguments to to.
  • The route method has been removed. Use any instead.
  • The over method has been renamed to requires.
  • The via method has been renamed to methods.

Consolidated socket and TLS options

Rather than individually handling different socket and TLS options, these have been consolidated into single options which are passed directly to the underlying IO::Socket::IP or IO::Socket::SSL object.

  • The local_address attribute for Mojo::UserAgent and option for Mojo::IOLoop->client has been replaced by a socket_options hashref attribute and option which takes arbitrary IO::Socket::IP arguments, including LocalAddr as previously set by local_address.
# instead of $ua->local_address('');
$ua->socket_options({LocalAddr => ''});

# instead of Mojo::IOLoop->client(local_address => '', ...);
Mojo::IOLoop->client(socket_options => {LocalAddr => ''}, ...);
  • The tls_ciphers, tls_protocols, tls_verify, and tls_version options have been replaced by a tls_options hashref of arbitrary IO::Socket::SSL options in Mojo::IOLoop->client and Mojo::IOLoop->server, as well as in the underlying Mojo::IOLoop::TLS->negotiate method.
# instead of Mojo::IOLoop->client(tls_protocols => $protocols, tls_verify => 0, ...);
Mojo::IOLoop->client(tls_options => {SSL_alpn_protocols => $protocols, SSL_verify_mode => 0x00}, ...);

# instead of Mojo::IOLoop->server(tls_ciphers => $ciphers, tls_verify => 0, tls_version => $version, ...);
Mojo::IOLoop->server(tls_options => {SSL_cipher_list => $ciphers, SSL_verify_mode => 0x00, SSL_version => $version}, ...);

Application log no longer defaults to a log directory if present

Rather than invisibly logging to files in the application home if a log directory happens to exist there, the application log now defaults only to logging to STDERR. A log path can be set explicitly during startup if desired. Mojo::Log::Role::Clearable may be applied first to ensure the new path is used even if a filehandle has already been cached for logging.

# log to application home as before
my $mode = $app->mode;
$app->log->path($app->home->child('log', "$mode.log"));

# log to /var/log

# with Mojo::Log::Role::Clearable installed

Mojo::Log joins messages with a space instead of a newline

Mojo::Log will now join multiple messages passed to a single logging method with a space character instead of a newline, so that contextual logging can pass context as a separate argument.

Mojo::DOM->all_text now excludes contents of <script> and <style> tags in HTML mode

The HTML tags <script> and <style> contain data which is not intended as text to display. The contents of these tags will no longer be included in all_text in HTML mode (the default).

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.66

Controller classes are now preloaded by default

The application's controller classes, found within the default controller namespace of ${AppName}::Controller, are now loaded just after startup of the application by default. This allows their memory to be shared among forked child processes, particularly prefork server workers. The namespaces to preload can be adjusted or cleared during startup via the preload_namespaces attribute.

sub startup ($self) {

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.50

Mojolicious now requires Perl 5.16+

Mojolicious now requires Perl 5.16 or newer, in order to make use of important features like unicode_strings and current_sub. The 5.16 feature bundle -- which includes both of these features as well as fc, unicode_eval, and evalbytes -- is now enabled for any code using Mojo::Base, Mojolicious::Lite, or ojo. It is expected that this requirement will be increased to Perl 5.20 in the future to facilitate usage of subroutine signatures across Mojolicious.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.43

Mojo::Promise constructor no longer accepts attribute values

Mojo::Promise->new now only takes an optional coderef similarly to the JavaScript Promise object constructor. The previous behavior of accepting attribute values has been removed, and attributes can instead be set after construction with chained setters.

my $p = Mojo::Promise->new(sub ($resolve, $reject) { ... })->ioloop($loop);

Mojo::Promise now warns on destruction if rejected without a handler

Rejected promises disappearing usually indicates a failure to capture or handle error states. Mojo::Promise now warns if this occurs; you can resolve the warning by attaching a ->catch rejection handler to your promise chain.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.42

_method form query parameters are no longer recognized in GET requests

Since browsers can only submit HTML forms as GET or POST, the _method query parameter was previously recognized for GET requests to allow the request to match other route methods. This can be abused and is now only allowed for POST requests.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.34

Mojolicious::Validator now validates empty string values

Mojolicious::Validator previously treated empty string form values as if they were not submitted. Now it validates it like any other value. The not_empty filter (available from Mojolicious 8.35) can be applied to a validation check for the previous behavior.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.27

The default content type is now application/octet-stream

If a content type is not specified or implied for a response, such as when using $c->render(data => $data), the default is now application/octet-stream instead of text. This avoids issues where a browser would attempt to render an unspecified binary file response as text. By manually setting the content type in such cases you can avoid relying on the default:

$c->render(data => $bytes);

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.26

slice method removed from Mojo::Collection

The slice method was removed from Mojo::Collection, for most cases the new head and tail methods are more useful, and in other cases you can use standard array slicing on the collection object.

use Mojo::Collection 'c';
my $c = c(1..10);
my $first_five = $c->head(5);
my $odds = c(@$c[1,3,5,7,9]);

Mojo::Reactor::EV should no longer be controlled externally

Previously, examples showed that you could control the Mojo::IOLoop using the EV functions such as EV::run when the Mojo::Reactor::EV backend is in use. This is no longer supported, as the Mojo::Reactor must control the running state of the loop in order to properly reset after forking, such as in Mojo::IOLoop->subprocess. The loop should always be started and stopped through Mojo::IOLoop, Mojo::Promise, Future::Mojo, or similar.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.14

Mojo::Promise finally callback no longer receives values

The finally method appends a callback to be called when the promise is fulfilled or rejected, and used to receive the fulfillment result or rejection reason. It no longer receives these results as the corresponding function in the JavaScript Promises API does not, and the then or catch methods should be used to chain result-aware callbacks.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.12

Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer removed

This plugin was removed so that it could be maintained separately from Mojolicious for the Mojolicious website. A stripped down fork is available from CPAN as Mojolicious::Plugin::PODViewer.

mojo_lib_dir method removed from Mojo::Home

The mojo_lib_dir method finds the directory which Mojolicious has been installed to, which all Mojolicious modules can find directly using Mojo::File, so it was unnecessary. If you need to find the directory where Mojolicious was installed for some reason, you can check %INC as follows:

use Mojo::File 'path';
my $lib_dir = path($INC{'Mojo/'})->dirname->dirname;

Upgrading to Mojolicious 8.0

Mojo::URL query method hash and array references swapped

The query method of Mojo::URL can take a hash or array reference to modify how it will update the URL's query component. Now, a hash reference will merge into the existing query, and an array reference will append to the end of the query, preserving order. The behavior was previously the reverse, so appending did not preserve order.

test command removed

The built-in test command has been removed. Use the standard prove tool directly to test your application, the -l option will allow modules from the lib directory to be loaded and the -r option will run all .t files recursively: prove -lr t/

expect_close attribute removed from Mojo::Content

The expect_close attribute was removed from Mojo::Content in order to support requesting from certain exotic websites. See this GitHub issue stemming from this mailing list thread.

error and finish events removed from Mojo::IOLoop::Delay

In order to better integrate Delay objects as a Mojo::Promise subclass, these events were removed. It's recommended to convert Delay-using code to use Mojo::Promise directly, which can attach success and error handlers using then and catch.

Author commands moved to Author:: namespace

The built-in commands cpanify, generate, inflate, and the generate sub-commands were moved to the new Mojolicious::Command::Author:: namespace from Mojolicious::Command::. This reflects their nature as commands useful for authors using Mojolicious, and not generally for applications developed in Mojolicious.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.90

Delay helper removed

The delay helper has been removed from Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers. This was a wrapper for Mojo::IOLoop::Delay to automatically set it up for use within a Mojolicious action. It is recommended to migrate to using Mojo::Promise for asynchronous sequencing logic, though you still may need to set render_later, hold a reference to the transaction, and add exception handling code, as the delay helper did.

As an example, this code using the delay helper:

$c->delay(sub {
  my $delay = shift;
}, sub {
  my ($delay, $err1, $result1, $err2, $result2) = @_;
  return $c->reply->exception($err1) if $err1;
  return $c->reply->exception($err2) if $err2;
  $c->render(json => [$result1, $result2]);

might be translated to this code using promises:

use Mojo::Promise;
my $tx = $c->render_later->tx;
my $p1 = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $p2 = Mojo::Promise->new;

do {
  my $p = $_;
  nonblocking_call(sub {
    my ($invocant, $err, $result) = @_;
    return $p->reject($err) if $err;
} for $p1, $p2;

Mojo::Promise->all($p1, $p2)->then(sub {
  my ($result1, $result2) = @_;
  $c->render(json => [$result1->[0], $result2->[0]]);
})->catch(sub { $c->reply->exception(shift); undef $tx });

It's even simpler when using APIs that already return promises:

use Mojo::Promise;
my $tx = $c->render_later->tx;
my $p1 = returns_promise;
my $p2 = returns_promise;

Mojo::Promise->all($p1, $p2)->then(sub {
  my ($result1, $result2) = @_;
  $c->render(json => [$result1->[0], $result2->[0]]);
})->catch(sub { $c->reply->exception(shift); undef $tx });

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.88

Placeholder quoting changed from () to <>

Route placeholders can be quoted to disambiguate them from surrounding text, make the colon prefix optional, and support placeholder types. The quote characters used to be parentheses and have been changed to chevrons.

get '/foo(bar)baz';
# should now be
get '/foo<bar>baz';

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.87

Cpanel::JSON::XS now used automatically by Mojo::JSON

Mojo::JSON will now automatically use Cpanel::JSON::XS for better performance when available. It also changed some of its behavior to avoid differences in behavior when Cpanel::JSON::XS is used. The unicode characters U+2028 and U+2029 are no longer escaped, and unblessed references other than scalar/array/hash references will be encoded to null rather than stringified.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.86

Subprocesses are not forked until the event loop runs

Subprocesses via Mojo::IOLoop->subprocess will now wait until the next tick of the event loop to fork, rather than forking the subprocess immediately when called. Among other things, this means that using it in a Mojolicious action may expose a scoping bug when you don't hold on to a reference to the transaction. See and Mojolicious::Plugin::Subprocess, which can handle this automatically if your needs are simple.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.85

Mojo is no longer a Mojolicious application base class

The build_tx, config, handler, and log methods have been removed from Mojo, leaving it as an empty class. This functionality is now wholly provided by using Mojolicious as a base class for your application.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.83

Client and server debug environment variables changed

The MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG and MOJO_DAEMON_DEBUG environment variables, used for temporary debugging of the user-agent and daemon communication, have been replaced by MOJO_CLIENT_DEBUG and MOJO_SERVER_DEBUG.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.80

Mojo::IOLoop based SSL client connections now verify server certificates by default

Previously, Mojo::IOLoop::TLS (used by TCP clients such as Mojo::IOLoop->client and Mojo::UserAgent to initiate a SSL connection) would disable server certificate verification in IO::Socket::SSL. This has been changed to defer to IO::Socket::SSL's defaults, which results in enforcing verification by default. If you are connecting to servers with invalid certificates, and are aware of the risk of MITM attacks, you must now pass tls_verify => 0x00 to Mojo::IOLoop->client, or set the insecure attribute to true on the Mojo::UserAgent object, to allow insecure connections to such servers.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.73

all and race methods of Mojo::Promise are no longer instance methods

The all and race convergent promise constructors can now only be called as class methods. Instead of my $all = $p1->all($p2, $p3), do my $all = Mojo::Promise->all($p1, $p2, $p3).

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.66

data and remaining methods removed from Mojo::IOLoop::Delay

The data and remaining methods have been removed. Data can be passed between delay steps by closing over variables in the callback subroutines. Delay objects are now promises, so flow can be controlled using standard promise chaining with Mojo::Promise.

origin attribute of Mojo::Cookie::Response replaced with host_only attribute

Response cookies without a valid domain set, when received by Mojo::UserAgent, used to set the origin attribute to indicate the original request host. To better comply with the spec, it now sets the host_only attribute of the cookie to true, and sets the domain attribute to the original request host. This prevents multiple identical cookies from being stored and submitted per domain.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.49

Mojo::IOLoop::Delay::catch API changes

  • The $delay->catch method is now the Mojo::Promise method that returns a fresh promise object rather than the Mojo::EventEmitter method that returns the original $delay object, so chained calls like $delay->catch($handler)->on(some_event => ...) will most likely no longer do what you want.
  • The catch handler now receives the error message as its first argument and the $delay itself is no longer available unless you closed over it, i.e., $delay->catch(sub { my ($delay, $error) = @_; ... }) changes to $delay->catch(sub { my ($error) = @_; ... }).
  • Since Delay's error and finish events are being deprecated, you'll want to change to using catch and finally to establish those handlers instead. (Even if this doesn't actually break until 8.0, you'll want to do this now while you're thinking about it.)

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.35

Morbo watch attribute moved to backend class

The watch attribute of Mojo::Server::Morbo was moved to the new Morbo backend classes. Instead of $morbo->watch, use $morbo->backend->watch.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.31

File utility functions moved to Mojo::File

Several functions have had their functionality moved to the new Mojo::File class, a generic file/directory helper object.

  • Mojo::Util files function removed. Use Mojo::File list_tree method instead.
  • Mojo::Util and Mojo::ByteStream slurp and spurt functions/methods removed in favor of Mojo::File. Instead of use Mojo::Util 'slurp'; my $contents = slurp $filename;, do use Mojo::File 'path'; my $contents = path($filename)->slurp;
  • Mojolicious::Command rel_dir method removed. Use rel_file method instead.

Mojo::Home is now a Mojo::File subclass

Mojo::Home now inherits all methods from Mojo::File, so some of its specific functionality is no longer needed.

  • lib_dir method removed. Use ->child('lib') to get a Mojo::File object representing the lib dir.
  • list_files method removed. Use inherited list_tree method instead.
  • parse method removed. As a Mojo::File subclass, a new Mojo::Home object can be constructed for any path.
  • parts method removed. As a Mojo::File subclass, Mojo::Home objects can be dereferenced as an array (or with to_array) to read the path components, or a new Mojo::Home object can be created to change the path components.
  • rel_dir method removed. Use rel_file method instead.

Mojo::Message::Response is_status_class replaced by more specific methods

Mojo::Message::Response is_status_class method has been removed. Use is_error, is_client_error, is_server_error, is_info, is_redirect, or is_success as appropriate.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 7.0

Mojo::URL authority and userinfo

The authority method has been removed from Mojo::URL. When stringifying a URL, the userinfo is no longer included, so instead use host_port to retrieve the remaining portion of the authority, or the userinfo attribute directly if needed.

Whitespace trimming in Mojo::DOM and squish functions

The all_text and text methods of Mojo::DOM no longer perform whitespace trimming, as the behavior was inconsistent and it is difficult to determine what a correct implementation would be. As such, the squish method of Mojo::ByteStream and the squish function from Mojo::Util have also been removed.

Mojolicious::Plugin::Charset removed

The Charset plugin has been removed as its functionality is simple to implement. See the charset lite app test for an example.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.63

multi_accept removal

The multi_accept attribute was removed from Mojo::IOLoop, Mojo::IOLoop::Server, and Mojo::Server::Daemon, along with the multi_accept setting for Hypnotoad and the -M option for the daemon and prefork commands. Instead there is a new single_accept option for the listen methods in Mojo::IOLoop::Server and Mojo::Server::Daemon. If single_accept is not enabled, servers will accept as many connections as are available.

Template compilation

The build and compile methods were removed from Mojo::Template, and the interpret method was removed in favor of the new process method which compiles the template if needed.

Morbo file checking

The check method was removed from Mojo::Server::Morbo in favor of a new modified_files method which returns all files that have been modified instead of just one at a time.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.62

Log level methods

The methods is_debug, is_error, is_info, and is_warn methods of Mojo::Log were removed, use is_level instead.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.59

Removed xss_escape from Mojo::Util

The xss_escape function was removed from Mojo::Util, since it is now equivalent to xml_escape.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.58

WebSocket frame methods moved to Mojo::WebSocket

The methods build_frame and parse_frame were removed from Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket in favor of the equivalent methods in Mojo::WebSocket.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.44

Removed format_regex from Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.43

Mojo::Transaction close methods

The methods client_close and server_close were removed from Mojo::Transaction and replaced by the method closed.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.40

Refactor of WebSocket transactions

The following methods were removed in a refactor of WebSocket transactions, replaced by the new module Mojo::WebSocket to handle the WebSocket protocol.

  • Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket: client_challenge, client_handshake, server_handshake, server_open
  • Mojo::Transaction: is_writing

Also, the upgrade event of Mojo::Transaction::HTTP was removed.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.35

Removed collecting from Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar

The method collecting has been removed from Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar. Use the ignore attribute instead.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.15

Removed build_body/build_headers from Mojo::Content

The methods build_body and build_headers have been removed from Mojo::Content. Instead, use get_header_chunk, get_body_chunk, headers_contain, or body_contains.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.10

Removed User/Group switching

Support for switching user and group in Mojo::Server has been removed as it was untested and not correctly implemented. This also means the related user and group options have been removed:

  • Mojo::Server: user and group attributes, and setuidgid method
  • Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad: user and group configuration settings
  • daemon and prefork commands: user and group switches

There are several possible alternatives to this functionality such as the SetUserGroup plugin, see here for more information.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 6.0

Parameter name listing

Name listing support was removed from the Mojolicious::Controller and Mojo::Parameters param methods, in favor of the more appropriate Mojolicious::Parameters names method. For example, my @names = $c->param should now be written as my @names = @{$c->req->params->names}, if you wish to retrieve all GET/POST parameter names. The previous behavior of including names of placeholders and uploads has been removed. Similarly, the names of validated parameters in Mojolicious::Validator::Validation have been moved from param to passed and failed, which also now return arrayrefs instead of lists.

Multi-name parameter retrieval

Multi-name support was removed from various methods that retrieved parameters by name; these methods can only be used to retrieve one parameter at a time now. The affected methods include: Mojolicious::Controller cookie, param, and signed_cookie; Mojolicious::Validator::Validation param; Mojo::Parameters param; Mojo::Message cookie and upload.

Removed Mojo::Log methods

The log method was removed from Mojo::Log; use the individual logging methods instead (e.g. debug, info). The is_level method was also removed, use is_debug and similar methods to test the log level. The is_fatal method was removed because fatal logging is always enabled.

Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar return values

The all and find methods now return arrayrefs instead of lists.

Removed Mojo::UserAgent custom socket support

Mojo::Transaction no longer supports receiving a prepared socket in $tx->connection, which means the UserAgent cannot be coerced into using a special socket. This is only relevant to you if you rely on UA over Unix domain sockets or similar. Sri has indicated that a patch to factor out some UA internals into Mojo::UserAgent::ConnectionPool might be a reasonable way to restore this, if you're interested.

Removed Mojo::Loader object-oriented API

The Mojo::Loader OO API has been removed, use the exported-on-demand functions data_section, find_modules, and load_class directly instead.

Exception and Not-Found rendering

The deprecated Mojolicious::Controller methods render_exception and render_not_found have been removed, use the helpers $c->reply->exception and $c->reply->not_found instead.

Removed accept mutex

The accept mutex behavior was removed from Mojo::IOLoop and Mojo::Server::Prefork for better performance, along with the related attributes and options:

  • Mojo::IOLoop: accept_interval, lock, and unlock
  • Mojo::Server::Prefork: accept_interval, lock_file, and lock_timeout
  • prefork command -a/--accept-interval, --lock-file and -L/--lock-timeout options
  • Hypnotoad settings accept_interval, lock_file, and lock_timeout

Other removals

  • Mojo::Reactor is_readable method
  • Mojolicious::Routes::Route bridge method - use under instead
  • Mojolicious::Routes auto_render method

Mojo::DOM renaming

Mojo::DOM methods have been reorganized to better match the DOM spec.

  • all_contents => descendant_nodes
  • contents => child_nodes
  • match => matches (also renamed in Mojo::DOM::CSS)
  • following_siblings => following_nodes
  • preceding_siblings => preceding_nodes
  • next_sibling => next_node
  • previous_sibling => previous_node
  • siblings => Replaced by following and preceding methods
  • node => type
  • type => tag

Other renames

  • Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar:
  • extracting => collecting
  • extract => collect
  • inject => prepare
  • Mojo::Template: template => unparsed
  • Mojolicious::Types: types => mapping
  • Mojolicious::Routes::Match:
  • current => position
  • match => find
  • Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern: pattern => unparsed
  • Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy: inject => prepare
  • Mojo::Parameters: params => pairs
  • prefork command switch: -A => -a
  • Hypnotoad option: keep_alive_requests => requests

Upgrading to Mojolicious 5.73

Removed Mojo::JSON object-oriented API

The Mojo::JSON object-oriented API has been removed, encode_json and decode_json functions should be used instead.

Mojo::Collection changes

Mojo::Collection stringification support has been removed, use the join method instead. Mojo::Collection also no longer uses AUTOLOAD; the map method should be used for this functionality (as well as to replace the removed pluck method).

Mojo::DOM changes

Mojo::DOM no longer uses AUTOLOAD, the children method should be used instead. The val method has also been removed.

Mojo::JSON::Pointer data arguments

Mojo::JSON::Pointer methods no longer take a $data argument to specify the data structure to traverse, and only uses its data attribute.

Upgrading to Mojolicious 5.69

Static rendering

The render_static method of Mojolicious::Controller has been removed, use the $c->reply->static helper instead.

Removed methods

  • Mojo::EventEmitter: emit_safe
  • Mojolicious::Routes::Route: has_conditions

Upgrading to Mojolicious 5.48

Context sensitivity

Methods that previously worked differently in scalar than in list context now always assume scalar context, and new methods (every_*) have been added to cover the list context functionality, returning an arrayref. For example, my @things = $c->param('thing') should now be written my @things = @{$c->every_param('thing')}.

  • Mojo::Message:
  • cookie / every_cookie
  • upload / every_upload
  • Mojo::Message::Request: param / every_param
  • Mojo::Parameters: param / every_param
  • Mojolicious::Controller:
  • cookie / every_cookie
  • param / every_param
  • signed_cookie / every_signed_cookie
  • Mojolicious::Validator::Validation: param / every_param

This change addresses a security vulnerability when working with context-sensitive functions in perl; see here for more information.

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