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Git gud


  1. Introduction
  2. Terminal emulator
  3. Text editor
  4. Git version tracker
  5. Working with Git
  6. Ruby runtime
  7. Assignment


The goal of this introduction chapter is to get you up and running with the tools that we'll need to finish this course.

Please note that this project focuses on *nix operating systems, meaning that Linux and Mac users will have a much easier time following it than Windows users. This doesn't mean that examples for Windows users won't be given just that some examples may not work out-of-the-box and the guide could have discrepancies regarding software installation. Some of this issues can be resolved by installing Linux subsystem for Windows and your favorite Linux distribution from the Microsoft store.

Now, with the disclaimers out of the way, we can finally begin!

For this course we'll need four basic tools:

  1. A terminal emulator
  2. A text editor
  3. The Git version tracker
  4. The Ruby runtime

Let's take each tool and explain why we need it.

Terminal emulator

Most programmers still to this day honor standards that were set in the 80's and 70's, because of that we to this day still use terminals to interact with all programs we write.

Back in the 70's and 80's computers didn't have enough processing power to render a full desktop with icons and run programs at the same time. Therefore people used terminals to interact with the computer.

A terminal is basically a digital typewriter. You type in commands that the computer executes and then it prints the result on screen.

DEC VT52 Video Terminal

As computers were extremely expensive back-in-the-day, terminals were built down to a cost meaning that they had just enough processing power to render the text on screen, the heavy lifting / computing was done by a mainframe computer the terminal was attached to.

Ken Thompson operaiting a terminal infront of a mainframe

Therefore, most computer scientists and programmers used terminals to program the mainframes and run programs. As terminals have been standardised and as they are an operating system agnostic way to run and write programs, and as they can connect to any computer to run software they are in wide use to this day.

Every operating system ships with a terminal emulator. A program that emulates the behaviour of the old-school terminals. So that you can run and interact with software on your or another computer through it.

On most Linux systems the terminal emulator is called Terminal, as well as on Mac, while on Windows the terminal emulator is called cmd.exe.

Any built-in terminal will be more than sufficient for this course.

So let's fire it up and do a couple of examples!

A blank terminal window

We can ask our computer to print out a message for us using the echo command. For example echo "Hello World" will print out the words "Hello World" on the screen.

terminal - Hello World

We can see where we are in the file system using the pwd (Print Working Directory) command and list all files in the working directory using the ls command (LiSt). In some cases you might want to add some flags to the list command. For example -a will also show the hidden files, -h will display file sizes in humanly readable format (1,0K instead of 1024B) and -l will output a list with some additional infos. So most of us will use ls -lah for displaying the contents of a folder. You can check the manual for most of the commands by running man <command> or <command> --help.

terminal - using pwd and ls

And we can navigate around using the cd (Change Directory) command. The cd command takes a relative or absolute path as an argument, meaning that if we are in the /users/User directory we can just type cd Documents to move to the Documents directory, or we can give the full path to the Documents directory like so cd /users/User/Documents, both commands have the same effect. cd has two shortcuts: . and ... cd . will put you in the same place you were, it's not really useful for navigating around, but for constructing relative paths. While cd .. moves you one directory up (to the parent directory).

terminal - navigation using dots

These are the basics you will need to know to get started. Later we will introduce a few more concepts, but we'll use the above mentioned commands all the time.

Text editor

Programming is the activity of instructing the computer how to solve problems. While we could certainly write ones and zeroes and give them to the processor, this would get laborious, therefore people have invented programming languages over the years.

The idea of a programming language is to provide a more natural way for a human to give instructions to the computer. In my opinion Ruby masters this, but you can be the judge of that at the end of this course.

To write programs in any programming language we need a text editor. Its useful to move, copy, paste and organise the code you are going to write. Please note that there is a difference between word processors like LibreOffice and MS Word, and text editors. The output of a text editor is a text file, while the output of a word processor is a custom file format alike to .docx. Text editors have no notion of alignment or fonts or size, just content.

A good set of text editors for beginners are Atom, Sublime Text and VisualStudio Code. All of which have additional plugins/packages for working with Ruby that are recommended for this course. If you are more of an IDE person, InteliJ makes an excelent IDE for Ruby called Ruby Mine.

A text editor is like a religion to a programmer, so depending on why you ask you will get a different answer which one is best. My suggestion it to pick one that you are most comfortable with. If you end up not liking it, just switch to another one.

GIT version tracker

Git is a version-control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people.

It is primarily used for source-code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files. As a distributed revision-control system, it is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for development of the Linux kernel, with other kernel developers contributing to its initial development.

Basically git is a tool which helps developers, designers and any other people avoid having to name their files poster_final_final_4_final or having to share their data over USB stick, network disk, cloud or punch card stack.

It's not the only tool for versioning, you might be familiar with others such as svn, mercurial or tfs. The reason why we opted to use git is because it's the most popular and there is a myriad of websites which will be more than glad to host your code for free. You are reading this on a GitHub but might know of GitLab, Bitbucket or Beanstalk.

How does it work?

Let's say that you have a file which is 10.000 lines of code and you are modifying it multiple times every day. Storing a complete copy on every save would be very inefficient regarding space. Instead, idea is to keep track of changes.

Every change you make has to be committed to the repository. Hence change increments are called 'commits' in git.

On every commit, git will look which files you have been changed and compare which lines were added, removed or modified.

A git commit consists of consists of:

  • an ID (SHA-1 hash)
  • commit date
  • authors name and email
  • description of chnages (commit message)
  • ID of previous commit
  • changes to files

List of recent changes

Git system will store all of your files in 3 different locations:

  • filesystem,
  • local repository
  • remote repository

The first one is the file that you can view, edit or delete on your file system. Once you've made some changes and have committed the to git they are stored in your local repository.

When you are ready to share your work with others you ask git to push it to the remote servers. From there other people can pull your code and modify it or they can just admire your handy-work.

But working with others by pushing and pulling code from remote repositories introduces the possibility to create conflicts.

A conflict is any change in which two people edited the same code in roughly the same time. You can think of it this way - if you and a colleague are working on the same book report, you are fixing typos while your college is actually writing the report. If you fix a typo simultaneously as your colleague moves that word, you will create a conflict. Why? Because the computer can't decide which is the final version of the report - the one where you fixed the typo or the one where your colleague moved the word around. Therefore it will prompt you to settle this manually - hence the name conflict.

To avoid solving conflicts 33 times a day, it's a good practice to use branches. Branches are different just versions of your code. In one version your website might be ping, in the other it might be blue. As git allows you to create a version from another version this starts to resemble a tree-like structure, hence the name branches.

To explain this through our book report example. To avoid conflicts both you and your colleague have to create a branch. On your branch you would only fix typos, while your colleague would only write text on his. Then when the both of you are done you can merge your branches together and resolve the conflicts only once.

A generally good practice in programming is to create so called feature branches. The idea is to separate work logically in smaller tasks. E.g. changing the color of the website from blue to pink, or fixing typos. When you want to create a new feature, you create a new branch and switch to it Switching branches and versions is called a 'checkout' in git. This name is a bit confusing but the checkout command can not only switch you from branch to branch but also from commit to commit. Therefore you use checkout to take the version you want to see.

After you checkout a branch, new commits that you now make will be pushed to the new branch and won't conflict with any work that others are committing to their branches.

The name of the default branch you have when you create a repository is master. In many cases code in this branch is actually the code in that is currently being used so you don't really want to push the changes directly to it as any conflicts could break already working code. To avoid conflicts on master be branch from it to a branch named develop where feature get merged first and checks can be done to ensure that everything works as expected.

When you are sure everything works, you will merge the latest code to the master branch.

If you always merge new stuff to the develop branch and then merge the develop branch into the master branch no conflicts can appear as the master branch will always be behind the develop branch, in terms of changes made. This is similar to copying homework. One person writes the homework first and checks that all answers are correct and then you copy their homework. You can't create a conflict as there aren't any changes being made to your homework until the other person is done with theirs. In this example you are the master branch and the other person is the develop branch.

A typical workflow

Let's say that Bobo, Cindy and Dieter are developing in their spare time a mobile application for checking the daily menu in a local canteen which allows their team to vote where would they like to go for lunch. Bobo will implement a system to fetch the menu from the local canteen's website, Cindy will implement the voting system and Dieter decides to do the design. As this are independent features, each of them will create a new branch. Bobo will name his feature/add-cantine-cassandra, Cindy will branch to feature/implement-polls while Dieter will create feature/design.

Dieter does his task first and merges his work into develop branch. When done with her work, Cindy will first fetch data from remote server to see if some of here colleagues modified the develop branch in the meantime. If Dieters modification didn't affect her work git will be able to fast-forward meaning her changes are automatically merged.

Bobo finishes his feature last and tries to merge but both him and Cindy modified the same function in one file. He will now have the task to solve the merge conflict. He modifies the file so that both features work but wants Cindy to inspect and approve the change. This is why he decides to create a pull request and add her as an approver. She will be notified of this and will able to review Bobos changes, ask for changes and comment his work. When she is satisfied with that she will aproove and now Bobo will be able to merge his work into develop. As this are all features for this week, Bobo now creates a new pull request from develop to master and adds Dieter as an approver so that he checks everything before the release.

Typical GIT workflow

Working with git

Although there are some popular graphical tools and integrations for git, command line is still most preferred by large number of people. You can learn more about these commands if you add --help - eg. git branch --help.

git clone makes a clone of the remote repository on your machine. It's usually the first step you will do when continuing the work on already existing repository.

git init if remote repository is empty (repo with readme is not empty) it will initialize it.

git branch allows you to list, create or delete branches

git add tells git to add the particular file, files or directory to the next commit.

git commit will analyse the added (staged) files and create a commit in the local repository.

git status shows the current branch, modified, added and removed files as well as new files which are not tracked by git.

git status

In this example, we first created a new branch called example. Then we have created files file1 and file2. We have added file1 to git and commited our changes. After that we modified file1 and added file2. Status now shows that file1 was modified and file2 added, just as we expected. Commit will now save these changes to the local repository.

git log lists the latest commits in the current branch. It will also indicate where other branches are. To exit the view you need to press q.

In this example, you'll see that we are currently 2 modifications ahead of our local master branch (green). Our current state is referred to HEAD. You'll also notice 2 additional references colored in red. Those are references to the remote repository called by default origin.

git log

git checkout allows you to switch branches or to go to individual commits and updates your file system to reflect the state of the repository you checked out.

git push will push changes recorded in the local repository to the remote one.

git push

In this case you can notice that running default push failed as branch called example does not exist on our remote repository. By running git push --set-upstream origin example we tell that we want git to create one for us.

GitHub after push

By following the link GitHub has provided in response to your push you will be able to create a pull request from branch example to master branch or to any other branch on the remote.

Ruby runtime

Finally we get to install Ruby!

So what is a runtime and why do we need it to run Ruby programs? There are many different kinds of programming languages, Ruby falls into the category of a dynamically typed - interpreted language.

This means that your processor doesn't understand Ruby code directly, and Ruby code never gets compiled to ones and zeroes. Instead we install a piece of software called the virtual machine or runtime which reads our program line-by-line and interprets the instructions we wrote in Ruby for the processor to execute.

The opposite of this approach is a compiled language (e.g. C or C++) where we write our code first, then we give it to a compiler which translates it into zeroes and ones which the processor understands. The upside of this approach is speed. A compiled program will always be faster then an interpreted one. But the downside is portability, meaning a compiled program will only work on computers with the same processor and has to be recompiled for all other computers. Interpreted languages circumvent this issue by compiling only the runtime for each computer, so that your program doesn't have to.

At the time of writing the newest version of Ruby is 2.5. Ruby has many versions, to install and manage them we are going to install a program called rbenv which, as the name suggests, is a Ruby environment manager.

Before we continue, some Linux distributions and all MacOS distributions come with Ruby pre-installed. You can open up a terminal and type in ruby -v to check if you have it already installed (if it errors, you don't, else you do). If you do, follow these instructions anyway as working with your system installation of Ruby may cause subtle issues.

Result of running ruby -v

Before installing Ruby Linux users will have to install the build-essential packet, while Mac userh have to install XCode from the AppStore, open it and accept the terms of use.

# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt install build-essential

# On Fedora/CentOS
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"

If you are on Windows, go to the RubyInstaller website, download and run the installer, and just follow the on-screen instructions.

If you are on Linux or Mac, run the following commands in succession, following any and all on-screen instructions:

git clone ~/.rbenv
cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src

To determine which step to take next run the following command

echo "$SHELL"

Depending on the last word after the last \ in the previous command run the appropriate command:

# /.../bash
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

# /.../zsh
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

# /.../fish
set -Ux fish_user_paths $HOME/.rbenv/bin $fish_user_paths

The run:

~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv init

Close you terminal program, reopen it and run:

mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build

Close you terminal program, reopen it and run:

rbenv install 2.5.0

rbenv global 2.5.0

echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc

Once more, close and reopen your terminal and run:

ruby --version

You should see an output similar to the following:

ruby 2.5.0p0 (YYYY-MM-DD revision XX) [x86_64-linux]

Huh, that was a lot. But now we have Ruby installed! Let's test our installation!

Open up your text editor, create a new empty file and name it test.rb and save it on your Desktop. In it copy the following:

puts '+==================+'
puts '| Ruby is amazing! |'
puts '+==================+'

And save the file.

Then find the file in your terminal (using cd). When you are in the same directory as the test.rb file run the following command ruby test.rb.

Expected output after the test


This chapter's homework includes creating your own repository on GitHub, modifying the readme and creating a pull request. This workflow will be used in the future for homework review as you will be adding members of teaching staff as approvers/reviewers to your pull requests.

If you are already familiar with some of this steps, you can skip them.

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Create your first repository
  3. GitHub interface overview
  4. Clone the repository
  5. Modify the readme
  6. Print in Ruby
  7. Create your first pull request

Create a GitHub account

So let's start your journey to Ruby by creating a repository where you will store your project and solve homeworks. Open GitHub homepage and sign in.

If you don't have an account already, sign-up process is easy - just enter your username, email and password. Our suggestion would be to choose a non-embarassing username as this will be public info. You don't have to put a name behind your code or vice versa (in a CV or on Linkedin) but in future you might wan't to do that and princesspeach98 might not be the best choice.

Creating GitHub account for princesspeach

Create your first repository

Navigate to 'New' in the menu or just open new repository page.

Enter ruby-homework as a repository name and for the description you can put something like this A repository I will use to solve my Ruby homework.

Set the project to be public, you have nothing to hide. Initialize it with readme and without license and gitignore.

Creating a repository

GitHub interface overview

Congratulations, now you have a repository for your homework. It might your first or fiftieth, we know you are excited. Take a look around the interface. From the top to bottom and left to right, you can see the following info.

Navigation bar

  • Owner / Project name - notice it is the same as URL
  • Watchers - who is watching the project
  • Stars - who marked project with a star
  • Fork - who copied the project to contribute


  • Code - where the code is when not chugging beers in a local bar
  • Issues - your code has none at the moment, that's great but if it will have some when it grows up people can report that issues here so you can have a talk
  • Pull requests - incoming changes to your project that need a review
  • Projects - if you want to plan features, rollouts etc
  • Wiki - you can document your project here if you wish to do so
  • Insights - graphs and insights to your project
  • Settings - self explanatory, we'll have to modify something soon

Basic project info

  • Repository description
  • Topics - you can add tags so that your project will be easier to find
  • Commits - how many changes were made to the project. Clicking on this will show you timeline what changes were made to the project, who made them and when
  • Branches - will show you branches remote repository knows of
  • Releases - if you have some release versions, they will be shown here
  • Contributors - people colaborating on this project

Your fresh GitHub repository

Now we come to repository controls. Depending on the permissions you have on the project different some of these options might not be shown here.

  • Current branch - branch you are currently looking at. Default one is called master.
  • New pull request - if you have rights you'll be able to create one
  • Create new file - don't know if anybody uses this but you can create text or source file directly through web interface. If you like whiteboard interviews this might be the way for you to work. Otherwise, there are better ways.
  • Upload files - same as last one. Maybe more useful for designers.
  • Find file - does exactly what it says
  • Clone or download - allows you to get the code from GitHub repository to your computer

Little bit more info

  • Last contributor and commit message
  • Commit ID and time - you might use ID when referencing a specific commit
  • List of files
  • Preview of file - it's written in a markdown. It's super-simple to write short or even long guides how to run your code, how you can contribute to the project or what it does. Modifying it will be a part of your first task.

OK, that's quite a lot of info. Don't even try to memorize this but play around and visit some of the popular repositories to see how their info looks. For example take a look at Ruby and Rails repositories. You'll see that they are made by the community, not by large enterprises governed by shareholders - for the many, not for the few.

Clone the repository

After you have created your first GitHub repository and familiarized yourself with user interface, it has come time to clone it to your PC.

Open up the terminal emulator. Make sure you have git and it is in the path by running git --version. If it gives you current version of git, it works and if it doesn't know what git is, you'll have to install it. On MacOS you should be prompted to install git if last command fails. On Linux you need to run one of these commands to install git.

# On Ubuntu, Debian and similar distributions run this
sudo apt install git

# On Fedora, CentOS etc run this
sudo dnf install git

Now test it by running git --version to see if this is working. In case it is, open a web browser and navigate to the repository you have just created. Click on green button called Clone or download and copy the URL.

In the terminal, navigate to where you want to have your repository saved. Git will automatically create a directory with the same name as your repository so you don't have to be afraid that new files will appear in your C: drive or home directory.

Now execute clone:

# Command should look something like this
git clone

Create your first branch

To have your code reviewed by teaching staff, you will have to create pull requests when you are done with the homework. To be able to create pull request you will first need a branch. Create one and don't forget to switch to it.

# Create a new branch
git branch feature/first-assignment

# Switch to the newly created branch
git checkout feature/first-assignment

Modify the readme

Using your preferred text editor, open the file called This file will, by default, be shown on your GitHub project's website. Code formating and styling is achieved using markdown. Take look at GitHub post explaining markdown.

Markdown is a markup language, meaning it's used to style text in a way that most program understand, but display the result differently.

Do the following tasks:

  • Modify readme title annotated by 1st level header (#)
  • Mention that you are following this Ruby course and add a link to it using [text](URL)
  • Add a 2nd level header (##) with title My favorite programming languages
  • Add unsorted list of your favorite programming languages or books
  • Italic ones you have used learned/read at university, bold ones you haven't
  • Add image of your favorite dog breed [Breed name](URL.png)

Print in Ruby

Open up your text editor and create an empty file in the directory where you cloned the homework repository. Name the file hello_world.rb.

In it copy the following puts '<message>' and replace <message> with a heartwarming message to the world.

Share your work

Run the following command to publish your work to the remote repository:

git add hello_world.rb
git commit
git push --set-upstream origin feature/first-assignment

Check if any errors were reported. If so, contact your lecturer.

Create your first pull request

First you will have to add collaborators to your project. You can do that in the GitHub project's settings. Navigate to the page and add your lecturers as collaborators. In the future you will add other members of the teaching staff.

Adding a collaborator

Return to your main page and you should see a yellowish bar and button with text Compare & pull request. If this is no longer visible, you can click on button New pull request and specify the branches. base is the branch you are merging your compare branch.

Add members of teaching staff as reviewers, write a title and explanation that make some sense - e.g. what have you modified. Scroll down and see what has changed in the files. Removed files will be marked with red, added with green. Click Create pull request.

Creating a pull request

Now you have to wait for the review. :)

See you at the next lecture when we'll talk more about Ruby. If you noticed some mistakes in the lecture or have some suggestions for us, feel free to contact us.

Happy hacking!