Main functions of interest are stack_and_merge_at_z()
and get_all_z()
produces for a specified radius, height z and
angle phi one preprocessed lh5 file, containing the core DAQ_energies and
merged data from both czt cameras.
uses those previously produced files to reconstruct the z
position of each 'two-hit' event.
Produce filtered files
datapath = "path/to/data/files/"
destdir = "path/to/directory/of/filtered/files/"
hv = 600. # applied Voltage
r = 47.8 # radial position of radiation source (in mm)
phi = 88.5 # azimuthal position of radiation source (in degrees)
z = 62.8 # height of czt cameras (in mm)
name = "segBEGe" # group name of detector in raw lh5 files
stack_and_merge_at_z(datapath, destdir, r, phi, z, hv, name)
reconstruct z positions
mtime, R, z = get_all_z(destdir)
contains the effective measuretime for all radii R
with corresponding
reconstructed z
from two hit events.