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File metadata and controls

155 lines (124 loc) · 4.61 KB

Backend system

This backend system is running on PORT 5000 unless you defined on environment variable.


  • Make sure you have node js installed.
  • Make sure you have postgreSQL installed.
  • Create .env file on root project. See .env-example file for variable that you must be set on your .env file.

How to run

  • Clone this repo by typing git clone on your terminal.
  • Pointing it to branch named back-end by typing git checkout origin/back-end on your terminal.
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Run npm run migrate to run database migrations.
  • Run npm run build to build this app.
  • Run npm run start to run this app.
  • You're ready to access all endpoints.

List endpoints

Notes: Fill the $PORT that you've been set on .env file or just fill it with 5000 (default PORT).

  • GET http://localhost:$PORT/sellers: Get all sellers (waste bank).


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil mendapatkan data waste bank!",
      "data": [
              "id": string,
              "companyName": string,
              "province": string,
              "city": string,
              "latitude": number,
              "longitude": number
  • GET http://localhost:$PORT/sellers/$SELLER_ID: Get detail seller. Replace $SELLER_ID with the id of seller that you want to see.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil mendapatkan data detail seller!",
      "data": {
          "id": string,
          "companyName": string,
          "province": string,
          "city": string,
          "latitude": number,
          "longitude": number,
          "wasteInventories": [
                  "id": number,
                  "name": string
  • GET http://localhost:$PORT/buyers: Get all buyers.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil mendapatkan data buyer!",
      "data": [
              "id": string,
              "companyName": string,
              "province": string,
              "city": string,
              "latitude": number,
              "longitude": number
  • http://localhost:$PORT/recommender-sellers?latbuyer=$LATITUDE_BUYER&longbuyer=$LONGITUDE_BUYER&wasteId=$WASTE_ID: Get all recommended sellers (waste bank) that sorted from closest to the most far distance from buyer. Fill $LATITUDE_BUYER with the value of buyer's latitude and fill $LONGITUDE_BUYER with the value of buyer's longitude. You can also get the only sellers which has specific waste by fill $WASTE_ID with id of selected waste. This $WASTE_ID is optional. If you omit $WASTE_ID, api will returning all sellers by default.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil mendapatkan data rekomendasi seller!",
      "data": [
            "sellerId": string,
            "companyName": string,
            "city": string,
            "latitude": number,
            "longitude": number,
            "distance": number
  • GET http://localhost:$PORT/wastes: Get all wastes.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil mendapatkan data limbah!",
      "data": [
              "id": number,
              "name": string
  • POST http://localhost:$PORT/wastes: Create a waste.

    Request Body:

      "name": string


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil membuat data limbah!"
  • DELETE http://localhost:$PORT/wastes/$WASTE_ID. Delete a waste. Replace $WASTE_ID with the id of waste that you want to delete.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil menghapus data limbah!"
  • POST http://localhost:$PORT/sellers/$SELLER_ID/waste-inventories: Create a waste inside waste inventory seller. Replace $SELLER_ID with id of seller that you want to add its waste inventory.

    Request Body:

      "wasteId": number
  • DELETE http://localhost:$PORT/sellers/$SELLER_ID/waste-inventories/$WASTE_ID: Remove a waste from seller inventory. Replace $SELLER_ID with id of seller and $WASTE_ID with id of waste that you want to removed from its seller.


      "status": "success",
      "message": "Berhasil menghapus data inventory limbah!"