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174 lines (147 loc) · 4.61 KB

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174 lines (147 loc) · 4.61 KB


A project to assist in creating development environments with VirtualBox and Debian-based distros. To create the project, VirtualBox with Ubuntu was used. Do not use in production environments.


Preparing the VM to receive the project

Install prerequisite packages

    sudo apt install bzip2 gcc make perl curl tree ca-certificates gnupg jq python3-pip htop python3-virtualenv inotify-tools

Git Config

🛠️ Step-by-step guide to prepare git
  1. Installing
    sudo apt install git
  1. Config git user
    git config --global "[email protected]"
    git config --global "username"
  1. Generate GPG key for signed commits
    gpg --default-new-key-algo rsa4096 --gen-key
    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
    gpg --armor --export $GPP_ID_FROM_ABOVE_COMMAND
  1. Bind your public key to your github account
  1. Automatically adding signatures to commits
    git config --global user.signingkey $GPP_ID_FROM_ABOVE_COMMAND
    git config --global commit.gpgSign true

Pull me to help you from now on

    mkdir -p ~/dev/
    cd ~/dev/
    git clone

Execute my basic configuration

    sudo chmod +x ~/dev/linux-start/bin/configure-linux-start
    sudo ~/dev/linux-start/bin/configure-linux-start $USER

Virtual box extra features

Enable transfer area

🛠️ Step-by-step guide to enable transfer area
  1. start the VM.
  2. devices > Insert Guest Additions CD Image
  3. reboot guest
  4. navigate to VBox folder:
    cd /media/$USER/VBox_GAs_*
  1. execute VBox script:
    sudo sh
  1. devices > Shared Clipboard > Bidirectional
  2. reboot guest

Increase video memory

🛠️ Step-by-step guide to increase video memory
  1. with the the VM stoped.
  2. configuration > Monitor
  3. increase video memory (the higher the value, the higher the possible resolution)
  4. start the VM
  5. press, "host key" + "f"

Useful software catalog

Sublime Text

    sh ./softwares/sublime-text/

    sh ./softwares/sublime-text/

    #Config theme in sublime
    cd /home/marvin/.config/sublime-text/Packages/User/

Install enviroments


    #Install Rust Enviroment
    sh ./enviroments/rust/

    #Uninstall Rust Enviroment
    sh ./enviroments/rust/


    #Install Node Enviroment
    sh ./enviroments/node/

    #Uninstall Node Enviroment
    sh ./enviroments/node/

Create code places

Github action to project


To maintain projects, they must follow an organization rule, where projects are grouped by types (any name can be invented, but by convention we use the project type) and within the types folder we have the projects themselves sayings. Then enter "type" and "project_name" when using the scripts below.

    bin/github-create node my-node-project-name
    bin/github-remove rust my-rust-project-name
    bin/github-status-all rust my-rust-project-name

Low level languages

    # Create low level project
    sh ./playgrounds/lowlevel/
    # Destroy low level project(if you want, at any time)
    sh ./playgrounds/lowlevel/

High level languages

    # Create high level project
    sh ./playgrounds/highlevel/
    # Destroy high level project(if you want, at any time)
    sh ./playgrounds/highlevel/