- PhotoPicker 图片选择 & 图片预览
- AndroidAnnotations Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance. https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations
- roboguice Google Guice on Android, version 2.0
https://github.com/roboguice/roboguice - butterknife View "injection" library for Android.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/butterknife - dagger A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
https://github.com/square/dagger - PreferenceInjector A SharedPreference injection library for Android
https://github.com/denley/PreferenceInjector - transfuse Transfuse - A Dependency Injection and Integration framework for Google Android
https://github.com/johncarl81/transfuse - SwissKnife A multi-purpose library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations
https://github.com/Arasthel/SwissKnife - LiteAuto lite your android ! the code is on the way~ http://lihttp//litesuits.com?from=auto
https://github.com/litesuits/android-lite-auto - fragmentargs Annotation Processor for setting arguments in android fragments http://hannesdorfmann.com/android/fragmentargs/
- android-material-drawer-template An Android template with navigation drawer for material design
https://github.com/kanytu/android-material-drawer-template - material-design-icons-adt-template Android Studio / Eclipse ADT template for material-design-icons resources
- SuperAdapter Adapter(BaseAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter) wrapper for android. 一个Adapter同时适用RecyclerView、ListView、GridView等。 http://www.jianshu.com/p/d6a76fd3ea5b
https://github.com/byteam/SuperAdapter - LastAdapter Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
https://github.com/nitrico/LastAdapter - BGAAdapter-Android 在AdapterView和RecyclerView中通用的Adapter和ViewHolder
https://github.com/bingoogolapple/BGAAdapter-Android - MultiChoiceAdapter Android - A ListView adapter with support for multiple choice modal selection
https://github.com/ManuelPeinado/MultiChoiceAdapter - easy-adapter Easy Adapters library for Android
https://github.com/ribot/easy-adapter - Renderers Renderers is an Android library that avoids all the boilerplate needed to create a new ListView adapter.
https://github.com/pedrovgs/Renderers - FunDapter Simplify Adapter creation for your Android ListViews.
https://github.com/amigold/FunDapter - instant-adapter Just like instant coffee, saves 78% of your time on Android's Custom Adapters.
https://github.com/ragunathjawahar/instant-adapter - adapter-kit Adapter Kit is a set of useful adapters for Android.
https://github.com/mobsandgeeks/adapter-kit - EfficientAdapter An efficient adapter to make the use of RecyclerView much easier for Android.
https://github.com/StanKocken/EfficientAdapter - EasyListViewAdapters This library provides Easy Android ListView Adapters(EasyListAdapter & EasyCursorAdapter) which makes designing Multi-Row-Type ListView very simple & cleaner, It also provides many useful features for ListView.
https://github.com/birajpatel/EasyListViewAdapters - GridListViewAdapters This library provides GridAdapters(ListGridAdapter & CursorGridAdapter) which enable you to bind your data in grid card fashion within android.widget.ListView, Also provides many other features related to GridListView.
https://github.com/birajpatel/GridListViewAdapters - RxRecyclerAdapter Rx based generic RecyclerView Adapter Library with support for sections.
https://github.com/ahmedrizwan/RxRecyclerAdapter - SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers. Each Section can have its state(Loading/Loaded/Failed) controlled individually.
- android-saripaar UI Validation Library for Android
- android-gesture-detectors Gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android's ScaleGestureDetector
https://github.com/Almeros/android-gesture-detectors - sensey Android library which makes detecting gestures a breeze
- Space in Charge Yet another 2D space-war game made with Unity3D for Android
- cocos2d-x cocos2d-x for C++
https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/ - libgdx Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx - AndEngine Free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine
https://github.com/nicolasgramlich/AndEngine - playn A Java game development framework that deploys to JVM, HTML5, Android and iOS.
https://github.com/threerings/playn - LGame This is free 2d game development framework(Java Game Engine), support JavaSE/Android/IOS/WP7/HTML5/PSM/Linux/MAC/Windows.
https://github.com/cping/LGame - LiquidFun LiquidFun is a 2D physics engine for games Developed by GOOGLE
https://github.com/google/liquidfun - jbox2d a 2d Java physics engine, native port of the C++ physics engines Box2D and LiquidFun
- android-beacon-library Allows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons
https://github.com/AltBeacon/android-beacon-library - Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary Bluetooth Serial Port Profile which comfortable to developer application to communication with microcontroller via bluetooth
https://github.com/akexorcist/Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary - AndroidSmoothBluetooth Smooth communication via bluetooth with other android devices or microcontrollers such as Arduino.
https://github.com/palaima/AndroidSmoothBluetooth - LiteBle BLE Framework. Based on Bluetooth 4.0. Based on callback. Extremely simple! Communication with BluetoothLE(BLE) device as easy as HTTP communication. Android低功耗蓝牙便捷操作框架,基于回调,完成蓝牙设备交互就像发送网络请求一样简单。 http://litesuits.com?form=gble
https://github.com/litesuits/android-lite-bluetoothLE - BluetoothHelper Bluetooth Helper Library.—-蓝牙操作库
- AndroidSocialNetworks Library for easy work with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google on Android
- Smack An Open Source XMPP Client Library written in Java for JVMs and Android
https://github.com/igniterealtime/Smack - Xabber Open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support, clean and simple interface. Being both free (as in freedom!) and ad-free, Xabber is designed to be the best Jabber client for Android.
https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android - Conversations Conversations is an open source XMPP (formally known as Jabber) client for Android 4.0+ smart phones.
https://github.com/siacs/Conversations - yaxim YAXIM - Yet Another XMPP Instant Messenger, a jabber client for android
https://github.com/pfleidi/yaxim - androidpn An open source project to provide push notification support for Android -- a xmpp based notification server and a client tool kit.
https://github.com/dannytiehui/androidpn - Android-Paho-Mqtt-Service A simple MQTT Service that will keep running for the duration of your Android application using the Paho Java MQTT Client.
- parceler Android Parcelables made easy through code generation.
https://github.com/johncarl81/parceler - auto-parcel Android Parcelable models made easy
https://github.com/frankiesardo/auto-parcel - RoboCoP Pure Java code generation tool for generating a fully functional ContentProvider for Android.
https://github.com/mediarain/RoboCoP - android-contentprovider-generator A small tool to generate an Android ContentProvider.
https://github.com/BoD/android-contentprovider-generator - ParcelablePlease Annotation Processor for generating Parcelable code
https://github.com/sockeqwe/ParcelablePlease - pojobuilder A Java Code Generator for Pojo Builders
https://github.com/mkarneim/pojobuilder - javawriter A utility class which aids in generating Java source files.
https://github.com/square/javawriter - Barber A custom view styling library for Android that generates the obtainStyledAttributes() and TypedArray boilerplate code for you.
https://github.com/hzsweers/barber - ContentProviderCodeGenerator A code generator to create Android ContentProvider
https://github.com/foxykeep/ContentProviderCodeGenerator - Android-AnnotatedSQL Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content Provider by annotations. You will get a full-featured content provider in 5 minutes :)
https://github.com/hamsterksu/Android-AnnotatedSQL - Favor A easy way to use android sharepreference http://cocosw.com/Favor/
- AndroidVideoCache Cache support for any video player with help of single line https://github.com/danikula/AndroidVideoCache
- FFmpeg mirror of git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg - FFMpeg this is port of ffmpeg for android (this is app, but in future i will do android lib from it and then system will be able to convert videos automatically)
https://github.com/havlenapetr/FFMpeg - libstreaming A solution for streaming H.264, H.263, AMR, AAC using RTP on Android
https://github.com/fyhertz/libstreaming - AndroidFFmpeg FFmpeg build for android random architectures with example jni
https://github.com/appunite/AndroidFFmpeg - android-ffmpeg-java Android Java wrapper around ffmpeg command line binary
https://github.com/guardianproject/android-ffmpeg-java - FFmpeg-Android Script and Instructions for building FFmpeg for Android
https://github.com/OnlyInAmerica/FFmpeg-Android - android-ffmpeg a system for building custom ffmpeg binaries for Android
https://github.com/guardianproject/android-ffmpeg - android-ffmpeg-with-rtmp This repository contains script(s) to build ffmpeg for android with RTMP (and OpenSSL) support.
https://github.com/cine-io/android-ffmpeg-with-rtmp - mp4parser A Java API to read, write and create MP4 files
https://github.com/sannies/mp4parser - jcodec jcodec - a pure java implementation of video/audio codecs.
https://github.com/jcodec/jcodec - ipcam-view MJPEG video streaming on Android
https://github.com/niqdev/ipcam-view - AndroidAudioConverter Convert audio files inside your Android app easily. This is a wrapper of FFmpeg-Android-Java lib.
- usb-serial-for-android Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
- LowPoly LowPoly is implemented by JNI, so it's much faster than other in java.
https://github.com/CoXier/LowPoly - easydeviceinfo Android library to get device information in a super easy way. http://nisrulz.github.io/easydeviceinfo
https://github.com/nisrulz/easydeviceinfo - StatusBarUtil A util for setting status bar style on Android App. It can work above API 19(KitKat 4.4).
https://github.com/laobie/StatusBarUtil - apk-parser Apk parser lib with java
https://github.com/caoqianli/apk-parser - APKParser APK parser for Android
https://github.com/jaredrummler/APKParser - JustWeTools JustWeTools - Some useful tools
https://github.com/lfkdsk/JustWeTools - AndroidProcesses Get running processes on Android http://jaredrummler.github.io/AndroidProcesses
https://github.com/jaredrummler/AndroidProcesses - AndroidProcess 判断指定App是否位于前台的方法
https://github.com/wenmingvs/AndroidProcess - smoothie Easy async loading for Android's ListView/GridView
https://github.com/lucasr/smoothie - tape A lightning fast, transactional, file-based FIFO for Android and Java.
https://github.com/square/tape - ColorArt iTunes 11-style color matching code for Android
https://github.com/MichaelEvans/ColorArt - AndroidBillingLibrary Android Market In-app Billing Library
https://github.com/robotmedia/AndroidBillingLibrary - android-saripaar UI Validation Library for Android
https://github.com/ragunathjawahar/android-saripaar - timber A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/timber - wire Clean, lightweight protocol buffers for Android.
https://github.com/square/wire - motion An Android library allowing images to exhibit a parallax effect that reacts to the device's tilt
https://github.com/nvanbenschoten/motion - Colours A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your Android development life easier.
https://github.com/MatthewYork/Colours - Android-Validator Form Validator Library for Android
https://github.com/throrin19/Android-Validator - svg-android Support for scalable vector graphics in Android
https://github.com/pents90/svg-android - vector-compat A support library for VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable classes introduced in Lollipop
https://github.com/wnafee/vector-compat - MrVector AKA VectorDrawableCompat: A 7+ backport of VectorDrawable.
https://github.com/telly/MrVector - sharp Scalable vector graphics for Android
https://github.com/Pixplicity/sharp - SVG Kit for Android SVG Kit for Android is a flexible and quite fast library supporting SVG Tiny specs.
http://scand.com/products/svgkit-android/index.html - davdroid DAVdroid – CalDAV/CardDAV synchronization for Android 4+ devices
https://github.com/rfc2822/davdroid - phrase
https://github.com/square/phrase - seismic Android device shake detection.
https://github.com/square/seismic - android-validation-komensky A simple library for validating user input in forms using annotations.
https://github.com/inmite/android-validation-komensky - AndroidFaceCropper Android bitmap Face Cropper
https://github.com/lafosca/AndroidFaceCropper - AutobahnAndroid WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android
https://github.com/tavendo/AutobahnAndroid - android_dbinspector Android library for viewing in app databases.
https://github.com/infinum/android_dbinspector - wishlist Utilities I wish Android had but doesn't
https://github.com/kevinsawicki/wishlist - joda-time-android Joda-Time library with Android specialization
https://github.com/dlew/joda-time-android - OpenKeychain OpenKeychain is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.
https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain - Silk A library containing a large set of utilities and views for Android apps.
https://github.com/afollestad/Silk - Reservoir Android library to easily serialize and cache your objects to disk using key/value pairs.
https://github.com/anupcowkur/Reservoir - Android-Templates-And-Utilities Collection of source codes, utilities, templates and snippets for Android development.
https://github.com/petrnohejl/Android-Templates-And-Utilities - groundy Sexy way to execute async/background tasks on Android
https://github.com/telly/groundy - EasyCamera Wrapper around the android Camera class that simplifies its usage
https://github.com/Glamdring/EasyCamera - CastCompanionLibrary-android CastCompanionLibrary-android is a library project to enable developers integrate Cast capabilities into their applications faster and easier.
https://github.com/googlecast/CastCompanionLibrary-android - cling UPnP/DLNA library for Java and Android
https://github.com/4thline/cling - dspec A simple way to define and render UI specs on top of your Android UI.
https://github.com/lucasr/dspec - GhostLog Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window
https://github.com/jgilfelt/GhostLog - secure-preferences Android Shared preference wrapper than encrypts the keys and values of Shared Preferences. It's not bullet proof security but rather a quick win for incrementally making your android app more secure.
https://github.com/scottyab/secure-preferences - DebugLog Create a simple and more understandable Android logs.
https://github.com/MustafaFerhan/DebugLog - AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater Caldav synch adapter for Android
https://github.com/gggard/AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater - routable-android Routable, an in-app native URL router, for Android
https://github.com/clayallsopp/routable-android - fb-android-dagger A set of helper classes for using dagger with Android components such as Applications, Activities, Fragments, BroadcastReceivers, and Services.
https://github.com/adennie/fb-android-dagger - android-gesture-detectors Gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android's ScaleGestureDetector
https://github.com/Almeros/android-gesture-detectors - TypedPreferences Preference wrappers for primitive types for Android
https://github.com/johnjohndoe/TypedPreferences - android-intents A collection of well-known Android intents for most common actions
[https://github.com/d-tarasov/android-intents])(https://github.com/d-tarasov/android-intents) - android-intents A small library which will save you from writing the same intent creation code again and again for the most simple tasks
https://github.com/marvinlabs/android-intents - AndroidUtils AndroidUtils
https://github.com/pardom/AndroidUtils - ASimpleCache a simple cache for android and java
https://github.com/yangfuhai/ASimpleCache - svg-android Fork of svg-android +SVN history +Maven +more
https://github.com/japgolly/svg-android - esperandro Easy SharedPreference Engine foR ANDROid
https://github.com/dkunzler/esperandro - AndroidCommons Various useful utilities for Android apps development
https://github.com/alexvasilkov/AndroidCommons - greenrobot-common General purpose utilities and hash functions for Android and Java (aka java-common)
https://github.com/greenrobot/greenrobot-common - puree-android Puree is a log collector for Android.
https://github.com/cookpad/puree-android - hawk Secure Simple Key-Value Storage for Android
https://github.com/orhanobut/hawk - ExpirableDiskLruCache Expirable Disk Lru Cache is a wrapper for DiskLruCache that allows expiring of key/value pairs by specifying evictionTimeSpan. It has very simple API.
https://github.com/vijayrawatsan/ExpirableDiskLruCache - Trail A simple logging library that works in any version of Java and Android and detects the platform automatically.
https://github.com/mauriciotogneri/trail - Caffeine A collection of utility classes that help make Android development faster (and safer!).
https://github.com/percolate/caffeine - tray A SharedPreferences replacement for Android with multiprocess support.
https://github.com/grandcentrix/tray - colorize Android quick access to 1000+ preloaded colors!
https://github.com/cesarferreira/colorize - IntentBuilder Type safe intent building for services and activities
https://github.com/emilsjolander/IntentBuilder - RoboGif A small utility to record Android device screen to a GIF
https://github.com/izacus/RoboGif - Foredroid Utility for detecting and notifying when your Android app goes background / becomes foreground
https://github.com/steveliles/Foredroid - Slinger Deep linking library for Android
https://github.com/allegro/slinger - CacheUtilsLibrary A simple Android utils library to write any type of data into cache files and read them later. http://lifeofcoding.com/CacheUtilsLibrary/
https://github.com/westlinkin/CacheUtilsLibrary - Foam A library to quickly and easily enable multiple monitoring & support platforms for your mobile apps.
https://github.com/percolate/foam - Treasure Very easy to use wrapper library for Android SharePreferences
https://github.com/baoyongzhang/Treasure - TinyPinyin Very fast lib to convert Chinese character to Pinyin. 适用于Java和Android的快速、低内存占用的汉字转拼音库。
https://github.com/promeG/TinyPinyin - Ok2Curl Convert OkHttp requests into curl logs.
https://github.com/mrmike/Ok2Curl - Thrifty Thrift for Android that saves you methods
https://github.com/microsoft/thrifty - Android-ConfigIO A library for creating, accessing, and modifying configuration file with Xml / Json format.
- RealStoragePathLibrary RealStoragePathLibrary is an open source library with very minimal footprint which helps to find the real paths of the storage devices attached to the Android device.
- mapbox-android-sdk Open Source Maps SDK for Android
https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-android-sdk - android-checkout Library for Android In-App Billing (Version 3)
https://github.com/serso/android-checkout - WeatherLib Android Weather Library: android weather lib to develop weather based app fast and easily
https://github.com/survivingwithandroid/WeatherLib - Clusterkraf A clustering library for the Google Maps Android API v2.
https://github.com/twotoasters/clusterkraf - aws-sdk-android Official mirror of the AWS SDK for Android.
https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-android - evernote-sdk-android Evernote SDK for Android
https://github.com/evernote/evernote-sdk-android - countly-sdk-android Countly Mobile Analytics - Android SDK
https://github.com/Countly/countly-sdk-android - ANE-Facebook Air Native Extension (iOS and Android) for the Facebook mobile SDK
https://github.com/freshplanet/ANE-Facebook - Office-365-SDK-for-Android Office 365 SDK for Android Preview by Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-365-SDK-for-Android - weibo_android_sdk 新浪微博 Android SDK
https://github.com/sinaweibosdk/weibo_android_sdk - socialauth-android SocialAuth repository which contains socialauth android version and samples
https://github.com/3pillarlabs/socialauth-android - PayPal-Android-SDK Accept PayPal and credit cards in your Android app
https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-Android-SDK - Applozic-Android-Chat-Messaging-SDK Android Chat and Messaging SDK for adding real time chat and in-app messaging into your android application
https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Android-SDK - barcodescanner Barcode Scanner Libraries for Android
https://github.com/dm77/barcodescanner - android-donations-lib Donations Library for Android. Supports Google Play Store, Flattr, PayPal, and Bitcoin
https://github.com/dschuermann/android-donations-lib - card.io-Android-SDK card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
https://github.com/card-io/card.io-Android-SDK - Android-ShareEverywhere This project is the tribute to my favorite Android Widget: the Share button. Share ALL THE THINGS!
https://github.com/dgmltn/Android-ShareEverywhere - android-simpl3r Amazon S3 multipart file upload for Android, made simple
https://github.com/jgilfelt/android-simpl3r - poly-picker Android library project for providing multiple image selection from the device.
https://github.com/jaydeepw/poly-picker - Android-ReactiveLocation Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
https://github.com/mcharmas/Android-ReactiveLocation - LandscapeVideoCamera Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.
https://github.com/jmolsmobile/LandscapeVideoCamera - Twiiter Helper A twitter helper library that makes Twitter integration very easy and painless.
https://github.com/krazykira/Twitter-Helper - Liquid-Android-SDK Liquid - Identify behaviours through Analytics and react with real-time Personalization.
https://github.com/lqd-io/liquid-sdk-android - MultipleImageSelect An android library that allows selection of multiple images from gallery.
https://github.com/darsh2/MultipleImageSelect - KSYMediaPlayer-Android-SDK MediaPlayer for android
https://github.com/ks3sdk/KSYMediaPlayer-Android-SDK - GalleryFinal Android自定义相册,实现了拍照、图片选择(单选/多选)、 裁剪(单/多裁剪)、旋转、ImageLoader无绑定任由开发者选 择、功能可配置、主题样式可配置。GalleryFinal为你定制相册。【GalleryFinal新版正在开发中,大家有什么好的建议和想法请尽快在issues上提】
https://github.com/pengjianbo/GalleryFinal - cloudrail-si-android-sdk Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Profiles, Payment, Email, SMS & POIs. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, PayPal, Stripe, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp. https://cloudrail.com
https://github.com/CloudRail/cloudrail-si-android-sdk/ - Qiscus SDK A lightweight and powerful android chat library. Qiscus SDK will allow you to easily integrating Qiscus engine with your apps to make cool chatting application.
- macaca-android macaca-android
https://github.com/macacajs/macaca-android - Junit A programmer-oriented testing framework for Java.
https://github.com/junit-team/junit - robotium Like Selenium, but for Android
https://github.com/RobotiumTech/robotium - stf Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
https://github.com/openstf/stf - assertj-android A set of AssertJ helpers geared toward testing Android
https://github.com/square/assertj-android - selendroid "Selenium for Android" (Test automate native or hybrid Android apps and the mobile web with Selendroid.)
https://github.com/selendroid/selendroid - Cafe A powerful test framework for Android named Case Automated Framework for Everyone.
https://github.com/BaiduQA/Cafe - android-junit-report A custom instrumentation test runner for Android that generates XML reports for integration with other tools.
https://github.com/jsankey/android-junit-report - robolectric Android Unit Testing Framework
https://github.com/xtremelabs/robolectric - powermock PowerMock is a Java framework that allows you to unit test code normally regarded as untestable.
https://github.com/jayway/powermock - Green Coffee Run your Cucumber tests in your Android instrumentation tests.
- Jgraph 图表控件
https://github.com/mychoices/Jgraph - GraphView Android Graph Library for creating zoomable and scrollable line and bar graphs.
https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView - achartengine This is a charting software library for Android applications. Mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets running Android will probably benefit of this charting library.
http://www.achartengine.org/ - MPAndroidChart A simple Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart - EazeGraph An Android chart and graph library
https://github.com/blackfizz/EazeGraph - AndroidCharts An easy-to-use Android charts library with animation.
https://github.com/HackPlan/AndroidCharts - WilliamChart Android library to create charts.
https://github.com/diogobernardino/WilliamChart - Android-Charts Open-source native Android graph/chart framework includes line chart,stick chart,candlestick chart,pie chart,spider-web chart etc.
https://github.com/limccn/Android-Charts - XCL-Charts Android开源图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.)
https://github.com/xcltapestry/XCL-Charts - desCharts Android Charting Library
https://github.com/bradipao/desCharts - HelloCharts Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+
https://github.com/lecho/hellocharts-android - HoloGraphLibrary Fork of the HoloGraphLibrary by Daniel Nadeau with additionnal features
https://github.com/Androguide/HoloGraphLibrary - NumAndroidCharts A powerful opensource android charting library
- Skycons Forecast / DarkSky's Skycons, Animated Weather icons recreated for Android
https://github.com/torryharris/Skycons - droidicon Over 1600 customizable icons for Android including 750+ Google Material Design icons, 25 ready-made social badges, and more!
https://github.com/theDazzler/droidicon - Android-Iconics Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.
https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics - android-material-icons Easy to use material icons for Android
https://github.com/Malinskiy/android-material-icons - androidicons Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.
https://github.com/opoloo/androidicons - Android-Iconics Android-Iconics - Use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your application. http://mikepenz.github.io/Android-Iconics
- Android-Material-Design-Colors Android Material Design Colors
- Calligraphy Custom fonts in Android the easy way...
https://github.com/chrisjenx/Calligraphy - android-typeface-helper Typeface helper for Android
https://github.com/norbsoft/android-typeface-helper - Android-Icon-Fonts Material and Holo iconic fonts.
https://github.com/johnkil/Android-Icon-Fonts - Print A lightweight Android library for use iconic fonts.
https://github.com/johnkil/Print/ - TypefaceHelper Helper object for injecting typeface into various text views of android.
https://github.com/Drivemode/TypefaceHelper - AndroidFontsManager 字体管理器,方便快速的为应用内所有组件更换字体。
https://github.com/GcsSloop/AndroidFontsManager - fontbinding Easy custom fonts in XML using data binding.
- Rajawali Rajawali is a 3D engine for Android based on OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0. It can be used for normal apps as well as live wallpapers.
- android-grid-wichterle This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design.
https://github.com/inmite/android-grid-wichterle - Goreinu Goreinu allows to copy application files on sdcard.
https://github.com/kgmyshin/Goreinu - Android Debug Database It's is a powerful library for debugging databases and shared preferences in Android applications. https://github.com/amitshekhariitbhu/Android-Debug-Database
- Android-AOPExample This is a simple example of Aspect Oriented Programming in Android
https://github.com/android10/Android-AOPExample - AndroidStudyDemo AndroidStudyDemo 为Android学习项目,将学习Android的过程中的收获都汇集于此。要求执行严格的编码规范。
https://github.com/DIY-green/AndroidStudyDemo - MovieGuide An Android app that showcases the MVP pattern, Clean Architecture and RxJava
https://github.com/esoxjem/MovieGuide - Android-ItemTouchHelper-Demo Basic example of using ItemTouchHelper to add drag & drop and swipe-to-dismiss to RecyclerView.
https://github.com/iPaulPro/Android-ItemTouchHelper-Demo - Android-Material-Examples Little bites of Material Design
https://github.com/saulmm/Android-Material-Examples - android-support-23.2-sample Sample Project for Android Support Library 23.2 http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2016/02/android-support-library-232.html
https://github.com/liaohuqiu/android-support-23.2-sample - PhotoEditDemo 图片处理sdk(just for eclipse)
https://github.com/jarlen/PhotoEditDemo - CardSlidePanel Based on https://github.com/xmuSistone/android-card-slide-panel.git
https://github.com/taoliuh/CardSlidePanel - android-demos Examples of Android applications
https://github.com/novoda/android-demos - u2020 A sample Android app which showcases advanced usage of Dagger among other open source libraries.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/u2020 - BlurEffectForAndroidDesign Sample to show how to implement blur graphical tricks
https://github.com/PomepuyN/BlurEffectForAndroidDesign - maven-android-plugin-samples Usage examples for Android Maven Plugin
https://github.com/jayway/maven-android-plugin-samples - Android-WizardPager Android pager-style wizard flow sample code
https://github.com/romannurik/Android-WizardPager - AndroidPushNotificationsDemo A example of an android app that receives push notifications using MQTT.
https://github.com/tokudu/AndroidPushNotificationsDemo - android-basic-samples Google Play game services - Android samples
https://github.com/playgameservices/android-basic-samples - RobolectricSample Sample project demonstrating use of the Robolectric Android testing project
https://github.com/robolectric/RobolectricSample - android-demo Android common lib demo, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, install apk silent and so on, you can find description
https://github.com/Trinea/android-demo - android-movies-demo Sample application demonstrating Android design and animation
https://github.com/dlew/android-movies-demo - maven-android-plugin-samples Usage examples for Android Maven Plugin
https://github.com/jayway/maven-android-plugin-samples - android-http-examples Sample code for HTTP on Android.
https://github.com/swankjesse/android-http-examples - ProgrammingAndroidExamples This repo contains example code for O'Reilly's "Programming Android" by Zigured Mednieks, Laird Dornin, Blake Meike and Masumi Nakamura
https://github.com/bmeike/ProgrammingAndroidExamples - android-layout-samples Explorations around Android custom layouts
https://github.com/lucasr/android-layout-samples - LearningAndroidYamba This is the code that goes along with Learning Android book.
https://github.com/twitter-university/LearningAndroidYamba - RoboDemo RoboDemo is a ShowCase library for Android to demonstrate to users how a given Activity works.
https://github.com/stephanenicolas/RoboDemo - ProgrammingAndroid2Examples This repo contains example code for O'Reilly's "Programming Android" by Zigured Mednieks, Laird Dornin, Blake Meike and Masumi Nakamura
https://github.com/bmeike/ProgrammingAndroid2Examples - hellomap-android Quick start with the Google Maps Android API
https://github.com/googlemaps/hellomap-android - GraphView-Demos Examples for my Android GraphView library
https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView-Demos - Android-Volley-Example Android volley library examples
https://github.com/PareshMayani/Android-Volley-Example - android-demos Google Drive Android API Demos
https://github.com/googledrive/android-demos - AndroidDemoProjects Collection of Small Android Projects
https://github.com/PaulTR/AndroidDemoProjects - android-ActivitySceneTransition Demonstrates how to the use Activity scene transitions when transitions from one Activity to another. Uses a combination of moveImage and changeBounds to nicely transition a grid of images to an Activity with a large image and detail text.
https://github.com/googlesamples/android-ActivitySceneTransition - android_L_preview_example This project is focused on the sample using the API's new preview version of Android-L, use of transitions, shadows etc...
https://github.com/saulmm/android_L_preview_example - googletv-android-samples Source for many GoogleTV Example applications.
https://github.com/google/googletv-android-samples - Android-RxJava Learning RxJava for Android by example
https://github.com/kaushikgopal/Android-RxJava - Android-LollipopShowcase A simple app to showcase some of the cool new cool stuff in Android L. RecyclerView, CardView, ActionBarDrawerToggle, DrawerLayout, Animations, Android Compat Design, Toolbar
https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-LollipopShowcase - QuickNews This is a news client, similar to netease, news headlines
https://github.com/tigerguixh/QuickNews - android-best-practices Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers
https://github.com/futurice/android-best-practices - ToolbarMenudrawer Quick example for the new Toolbar (and Menudrawer) API. Thanks for starring / forking me. :')
https://github.com/I-am-Reinvented/ToolbarMenudrawer - Android-PullLayout 仿UC天气下拉和微信下拉眼睛
https://github.com/BlueMor/Android-PullLayout - DragLayout An Android Project.ViewDragHelper.QQ.QQ5.0.侧滑
https://github.com/BlueMor/DragLayout - rx-android-architecture An example project of an Android architecture built on RxJava
https://github.com/tehmou/rx-android-architecture - AndroidCoolDragAndDropGridView An example of a gridview with various column span items and drag and drop support like Google keep has
https://github.com/theredsunrise/AndroidCoolDragAndDropGridView - Demo-GoogleBook-Android An android demo about searching and displaying books details using Google book api.
https://github.com/Jungerr/Demo-GoogleBook-Android - Demo-YouTuBe-Android An android demo about searching and playing youtube videos with youtube player or videoview.
https://github.com/Jungerr/Demo-YouTuBe-Android - android-proguard-snippets Proguard configurations for common Android libraries
https://github.com/krschultz/android-proguard-snippets - ViewPagerHeaderScrollDemo ViewPagerHeaderScrollDemo
https://github.com/ongakuer/ViewPagerHeaderScrollDemo - Quality-Tools-for-Android This is an Android sample app + tests that will be used to work on various project to increase the quality of the Android platform.
https://github.com/stephanenicolas/Quality-Tools-for-Android - socket.io-android-chat A simple chat demo for socket.io and Android
https://github.com/nkzawa/socket.io-android-chat - AndroidTVExplorer A sample project which can be used as a base in order to develop Media Library applications for Android TV. Follow the series of blogs starting at http://www.malmstein.com/blog/2014/10/21/building-applications-for-android-tv/ in order to keep up to date with the process
https://github.com/malmstein/AndroidTVExplorer - Android-Notification-Example A simple sample showing the different types of notifications on Andoid
https://github.com/saulmm/Android-Notification-Example - androidmvp MVP Android Example used to explain how to use this pattern in our Android apps. This code was created to support an article explanation.
https://github.com/antoniolg/androidmvp - PlayPauseDrawable This is a sample Play & Pause Drawable with morphing animation for Android
https://github.com/tarek360/PlayPauseDrawable - u2020-mvp Port of Jake Wharton's U2020 sample app with use of MVP and Dagger 2
https://github.com/LiveTyping/u2020-mvp - Material-Animation-Samples In this repository i will add more of samples in material animation
https://github.com/tarek360/Material-Animation-Samples - MaterialTransitions Sample material transition animations for Android
https://github.com/toddway/MaterialTransitions - Watch A project which demonstrate how to develop a custom client on android for drbbble.com
https://github.com/tuesda/Watch - MaterialDesignExample 本APP用来演示Material Design控件的使用。 http://www.aswifter.com/2015/07/02/Material-Design-Example-5/
https://github.com/chenyangcun/MaterialDesignExample - MaterialPowerMenu A demo of the power menu with Reveal and other animations
https://github.com/naman14/MaterialPowerMenu - UI-Motion How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app.
- Ghost 微影,一款纯粹的在线视频App,基于Material Design + MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + Realm + Glide
https://github.com/GeekGhost/Ghost - banya An open resource for Douban API with NETEASY Music's UI.
https://github.com/forezp/banya - BookReader 任阅小说阅读器。实现追书推荐、标签检索、3D仿真翻页效果、文章阅读、缓存章节、日夜间模式、文本朗读等功能。
https://github.com/JustWayward/BookReader - bookdash-android-app Book Dash is an Android App for the NPO where you can download books in different languages for free.
https://github.com/bookdash/bookdash-android-app - Bourbon An MVP Dribbble client for Android Mobile, Tablet, Wear and TV.
https://github.com/hitherejoe/Bourbon - BlackLight A light Sina Weibo client for Android https://black.lighting
https://github.com/PaperAirplane-Dev-Team/BlackLight - gitbook-android An android app to read gitbook in the offline mode.
https://github.com/snowdream/gitbook-android - DMPlayer DMPLayer is an Android music player prototype
https://github.com/dibakarece/DMPlayer - ForkHub Fork of the GitHub Android App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.forkhub
https://github.com/jonan/ForkHub - MaterialAudiobookPlayer Audiobook Player for Android
https://github.com/PaulWoitaschek/MaterialAudiobookPlayer - Bandhook-Kotlin A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language
https://github.com/antoniolg/Bandhook-Kotlin - LeeCo LeeCo is an awesome app for (including unlock) problems, solutions, discuss(from leetcode) and comments.
https://github.com/Nightonke/LeeCo - MaterialDesignColorPalette This is a dev tool to visualize the colours of Material design defined on http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-ui-color-palette
https://github.com/HozakaN/MaterialDesignColorPalette - PoiShuhui-Kotlin 一个用Kotlin写的简单漫画APP
https://github.com/wuapnjie/PoiShuhui-Kotlin - AndroidReview AndroidReview (Android面试复习)
https://github.com/envyfan/AndroidReview - 2048-android The android port of the 2048 game (for offline playing)
https://github.com/uberspot/2048-android - FeedEx FeedEx News Reader is a light and modern Android feed reader, based on Sparse rss.
https://github.com/HoloAddict/FeedEx - rubychina4android Ruby-China的Android客户端
https://github.com/gonjay/rubychina4android - HackerNews An open source Hacker News client for Android.
https://github.com/bishopmatthew/HackerNews - News-Android-App ownCloud News Reader - Android App
https://github.com/owncloud/News-Android-App - android-delicious Delicious Android is an Android app which helps you access and save bookmarks via Delicious. It's available over at Google Play.
https://github.com/lexs/android-delicious - droidplanner Ground Control Station for Android Devices
https://github.com/DroidPlanner/droidplanner - FoldingNavigationDrawer-Android This is a sample project present how to use Folding-Android to add Folding Efect to Navigation Drawer.
https://github.com/tibi1712/FoldingNavigationDrawer-Android - play-android Stream music and control the queue of a play server from your Android device.
https://github.com/play/play-android - vanilla Vanilla Music Player for Android (abandoned)
https://github.com/kreed/vanilla - OpenFlappyBird An open source clone of a famous flappy bird game for Android using AndEngine
https://github.com/deano2390/OpenFlappyBird - TurtlePlayer A Free, Fully Fledged, Open-Source Music Player for Android
https://github.com/eddturtle/TurtlePlayer - seadroid Android client for Seafile
https://github.com/haiwen/seadroid - freegemas-gdx Freegemas libGDX is an Android and Java desktop port of Freegemas, which in turn is an open source version of the well known Bejeweled.
https://github.com/siondream/freegemas-gdx - kanxue-android-app 看雪安全论坛 Android 客户端
https://github.com/kanxue-team/kanxue-android-app - FlappyCow Android game in "Flappy Bird" Style
https://github.com/cubei/FlappyCow 1.wakao-app 哇靠百科 - 一款聚合了众多笑话段子、妹子图、微信公众号文章的Android App。
https://github.com/yongbo000/wakao-app - Twidere-Android Twidere is a powerful twitter client for Android 1.6+ 1 , which gives you a full Holo experience and nearly full Twitter's feature.
https://github.com/TwidereProject/Twidere-Android - Telecine Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/Telecine - TopNews 高仿“今日头条”客户端,实现它大部分的功能,练习之作,目的了解怎么发开一个新闻类客户端,从涉及的相关知识点中提升自我水平。
https://github.com/Rano1/TopNews - WaniKani-for-Android An Android client application for the awesome kanji learning website wanikani.com https://github.com/xiprox/WaniKani-for-Android
- OpenLibra-Material OpenLibra client on Material Design
https://github.com/saulmm/OpenLibra-Material - superCleanMaster 一键清理 开源版,包括内存加速,缓存清理,自启管理,软件管理等。
https://github.com/joyoyao/superCleanMaster - XhsWelcomeAnim 小红书欢迎引导第二版
https://github.com/w446108264/XhsWelcomeAnim - palettehelper Utility Android app for generating color palettes of images using the Palette library. Written in Kotlin.
https://github.com/hzsweers/palettehelper - OpenImgur Open source Imgur Android App
https://github.com/Kennyc1012/OpenImgur - WordPress-Android WordPress for Android
https://github.com/wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android - sgtpuzzles a port of Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, a collection of 36 single-player logic games.
https://github.com/chrisboyle/sgtpuzzles - keepassdroid a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager app.
https://github.com/bpellin/keepassdroid - Banjen Open source brazilian banjo tunner, example to play local sounds.
https://github.com/MakinGiants/android_banjo_tuner - LiveView Funny LiveView app that play sounds in the phone from the watch.
https://github.com/MakinGiants/LiveView-Funny-Plugin - LiveView Answer-it LiveView app that send sms to call history contacts.
https://github.com/MakinGiants/LiveView-Answer-it - LiveView Tell-it LiveView app that send default sms to favorite contacts.
https://github.com/MakinGiants/LiveView-Tell-it - Piclice A practical tool which helps users to slice and share their pictures.
https://github.com/yaa110/Piclice - FlyRefresh The Android implementation of Replace, designed by Zee Youn. I implement this as a FlyRefresh layout. The content of the layout can be any view, such as a ListView, RecyclerView, ScrollView, etc.
https://github.com/race604/FlyRefresh - InstaMaterial Implementation of Instagram with Material Design (originally based on Emmanuel Pacamalan's concept)
https://github.com/frogermcs/InstaMaterial - wechat A High Copy WeChat ,SNS APP (高仿微信)
https://github.com/motianhuo/wechat - MaterialUp MaterialUp Android App
https://github.com/jariz/MaterialUp - Android-Jigsaw-Puzzle This is an Android app where a user draws something and use it to generate and solve jigsaw puzzles of various difficulties (easy, medium, hard). I have been slowly adding features and plan to complete it at some point.
https://github.com/julesbond007/Android-Jigsaw-Puzzle - AmazeFileManager Amaze File Manager source code
https://github.com/arpitkh96/AmazeFileManager - SimplifyReader 一款基于Google Material Design设计开发的Android客户端,包括新闻简读,图片浏览,视频爽看 ,音乐轻听以及二维码扫描五个子模块。
https://github.com/SkillCollege/SimplifyReader - clean-status-bar Tidy up your Android status bar before taking screenshots for the Play Store
https://github.com/emmaguy/clean-status-bar - Etar Calendar OpenSource calendar with Material Design
https://github.com/xsoh/Etar-Calendar - HomeMirror Android application powering the mirror in my house
https://github.com/HannahMitt/HomeMirror - JNote 一款支持部分Markdown语法的轻量级便签软件。
https://github.com/Jhuster/JNote - TextSecure TextSecure is a messaging app for simple private communication with friends.
https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure - jianshi A beautiful app 简诗 for recording anything in your life with traditional Chinese style.
https://github.com/wingjay/jianshi - shuba Find the best novel for users.
https://github.com/liuguangqiang/shuba - MousePaint MousePaint client (not official release). 鼠绘漫画客户端(非官方)
https://github.com/android-cjj/MousePaint - Lightning Browser A speedy, lightweight browser with modern navigation.
https://github.com/anthonycr/Lightning-Browser - Leisure Leisure is an Android App containing Zhihu Daily,Guokr Scientific,XinhuaNet News and Douban Books
https://github.com/MummyDing/Leisure - ZhihuDaily 壁上观,A material design android app to show zhihu daily
https://github.com/Tneciv/ZhihuDaily - OuNews 简单的新闻客户端
https://github.com/oubowu/OuNews - TranslateApp 一个实现『划词翻译』功能的 Android 应用 ,可能是目前 Android 市场上翻译效率最高的一款应用。
https://github.com/maoruibin/TranslateApp - uhabits Android app that helps you create and maintain good habits
https://github.com/iSoron/uhabits - AisenWeiBo 新浪微博第三方Android客户端
https://github.com/wangdan/AisenWeiBo - Awesome Campus Awesome Campus is Jiangxi Normal University's Android App
https://github.com/MummyDing/Awesome-Campus - MicroReader 一个小而美的阅读客户端
https://github.com/YiuChoi/MicroReader - material-intro A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a simple API.
https://github.com/HeinrichReimer/material-intro - MarkdownEditors Android Markdown编辑器
https://github.com/qinci/MarkdownEditors - Android-SecretCodes Secret Codes is an Open Source application that allows you to browse through hidden codes of your Android phone. http://simonmarquis.github.io/Android-SecretCodes/
- gnupg-for-android A port of gnupg to Android
https://github.com/guardianproject/gnupg-for-android - openssl-android a version of the official Android openssl setup to build standalone for use in app
https://github.com/guardianproject/openssl-android - apg OpenPGP for Android
https://github.com/thialfihar/apg - android-grid-wichterle This app will show grid overlay over whole system which helps you to verify your excellent app design.
https://github.com/inmite/android-grid-wichterle - tweetnacl-java This is TweetNacl security library written in Java for Android.
https://github.com/InstantWebP2P/tweetnacl-java - AESCrypt-Android Simple API to perform AES encryption on Android. This is the Android counterpart to the AESCrypt library Ruby and Obj-C (with the same less than ideal security defaults) created by Gurpartap Singh. https://github.com/Gurpartap/aescrypt
debug-bottle 🍼Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language. http://dev.exyui.com/debug-bottle/
https://github.com/kiruto/debug-bottle -
WIFIADB Connect adb from devices to androidstudio by wifi without usb anymore
https://github.com/Sausure/WIFIADB -
AndroidHttpCapture AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具
https://github.com/JZ-Darkal/AndroidHttpCapture -
super-adb 用busybox加持的功能更加强大的adb shell;不需要root。
https://github.com/tiann/super-adb -
density-converter This is a simple tool that helps converting single or batches of images to Android, iOS and Windows specific formats and density versions given the source scale factor or width in dp. It has a graphical and command line interface and supports many image types (svg,psd,etc.)
https://github.com/patrickfav/density-converter -
ViewInspector View Inspection Toolbar for Android Development
https://github.com/xfumihiro/ViewInspector -
scalpel A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layers under your app.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/scalpel -
probe Dissect layout traversals on Android
https://github.com/lucasr/probe -
maven-android-sdk-deployer A tool to install components of the Android SDK to use with the Maven Android Plugin.
https://github.com/mosabua/maven-android-sdk-deployer -
scrollscreenshot Make Android screenshots of scrollable screen content
https://github.com/PGSSoft/scrollscreenshot -
dex-method-counts Command-line tool to count per-package methods in Android .dex files
https://github.com/mihaip/dex-method-counts -
osmtracker-android GPS tracking tool for OpenStreetMap
https://github.com/nguillaumin/osmtracker-android -
ProMosaic Make mosaic effect on android
https://github.com/coderkiss/ProMosaic -
enroscar A set of Android tools that facilitate apps development
https://github.com/stanfy/enroscar -
android-device-frame-generator Wrap your app screenshots in real device artwork
http://f2prateek.com/android-device-frame-generator/ -
AndroidGradleStarter Android Gradle Starter
https://github.com/ravidsrk/AndroidGradleStarter -
android-gradle-template Combines Android Studio, Gradle, Espresso, Robolectric, AndroidAnnotations, RoboCoP, JaCoCo
https://github.com/nenick/android-gradle-template -
swiftp FTP server for your android device.
https://github.com/ppareit/swiftp -
NotificationLog Use an expanded notification as a makeshift Android log output console.
https://github.com/jgilfelt/NotificationLog -
Java7-on-Android Java 7 features backported to Android 2.2+
https://github.com/yareally/Java7-on-Android -
Genius-Android 一个在Android中能经常使用的库集合,包括日志,命令行语句执行;Ping,DNS,Telnet,TraceRoute等网络包;同时包含一套UI主题。
https://github.com/qiujuer/Genius-Android -
TaggerString TaggerString is very light library which allows to build dynamic string resource in much more readable way.
https://github.com/polok/TaggerString -
svg2android SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file
https://github.com/inloop/svg2android -
gplay.ws create a badge to promote your own Android application in a single step
http://gplay.ws/ -
android-lifecycle A diagram of the Android Activity / Fragment lifecycle
[https://github.com/xxv/android-lifecycle][https://github.com/xxv/android-lifecycle] -
AndroidDevTools 收集整理Android开发所需的Android SDK、开发中用到的工具、Android开发教程、Android设计规范,免费的设计素材等。
https://github.com/inferjay/AndroidDevTools -
gradle-packer-plugin Android Packer Gradle Plugin
https://github.com/mcxiaoke/gradle-packer-plugin -
AndroidLocalizationer This is a Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA plugin to localize your Android app, translate your string resources automactically.
https://github.com/westlinkin/AndroidLocalizationer -
release-android-library Remote script to create a maven compatible release of an android library (aar)
https://github.com/blundell/release-android-library -
android-resource-remover A simple utility to remove unused resources in your Android app to lower the size of the APK. It's based on the Android lint tool output.
https://github.com/KeepSafe/android-resource-remover -
alfi Android Library Finder.
https://github.com/cesarferreira/alfi -
AnUitor AnUitor is a result of my rebranding experiences of one android app.
https://github.com/jbruchanov/anuitor -
SVG2Drawable Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android.
https://github.com/StanKocken/SVG2Drawable -
Layout-to-Image Android Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout etc) to Image
https://github.com/vipulasri/Layout-to-Image -
shareloginlib android 第三方分享和登录组件(支持微信,QQ,微博)
https://github.com/lingochamp/ShareLoginLib -
vectalign Tool for create complex morphing animations using VectorDrawables (allows morphing between any pair of SVG image)
https://github.com/bonnyfone/vectalign -
AndResGuard proguard resource for Android
https://github.com/shwenzhang/AndResGuard -
Let Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model
https://github.com/canelmas/let -
ApkCustomizationTool apk定制工具,用于渠道打包等自定义apk。此工具使用JavaFX需要JDK1.8的支持。 此工具适合渠道及相关人员!(不懂编程概念的相关人员)
https://github.com/SSOOnline/ApkCustomizationTool -
Android-Material-Icon-Generator Android icons with looooong material shadows! http://bitdroid.de/Android-Material-Icon-Generator/
https://github.com/Maddoc42/Android-Material-Icon-Generator -
Android-Link-Preview It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- jadx Dex to Java decompiler
https://github.com/skylot/jadx - simplify Generic Android Deobfuscator
https://github.com/CalebFenton/simplify - apk2gold CLI tool for decompiling Android apps to Java. It does resources! It does Java! Its real easy!
https://github.com/lxdvs/apk2gold - procyon Java metaprogramming suite, including Java decompiler.
https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon - android-classyshark ClassyShark a handy Android and Java executables viewer
http://www.classyshark.com/ - backdoor-apk backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
https://github.com/dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk - enjarify Enjarify is a tool for translating Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode. This allows Java analysis tools to analyze Android applications.
https://github.com/google/enjarify - dexterity dexterity is a C library intended for manipulation and analysis of DEX files. It has python bindings for all basic DEX structures and most of the manipulation functions.
- BusWear EventBus for Android Wear devices.
https://github.com/tajchert/BusWear - CuXtom Cam An open source camera for google glass. This is a an alternative to the default camera on Glass. CuXtom Cam provides you the default behaviour along with some special features.
https://github.com/krazykira/CuXtomCam - DaVinci DaVinci is an image downloading and caching library for Android Wear
https://github.com/florent37/DaVinci - WearMenu An Android Wear Menu implementation
https://github.com/florent37/WearMenu - Teleport Data Sync & Messaging Library for Android Wear
- FileDownloader Multitask、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single-process https://github.com/lingochamp/FileDownloader
- PasswordLoadingView Provide an animation when finished the password
https://github.com/Rogero0o/PasswordLoadingView - Colorful 基于Theme的Android动态换肤库,无需重启Activity、无需自定义View,方便的实现日间、夜间模式。
https://github.com/bboyfeiyu/Colorful - DiskLruCache Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.
https://github.com/JakeWharton/DiskLruCache - anode Android framework for node.js applications
https://github.com/paddybyers/anode - Fragment-Switcher An instance-state saving fragment switcher, intended for use with navigation drawers or tabs.
https://github.com/jacobtabak/Fragment-Switcher - AwesomeValidation Implement validation for Android within only 3 steps. Developers should focus on their awesome code, and let the library do the boilerplate. And what's more, this could help keep your layout file clean.
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https://github.com/yoojia/FireEye - WeakHandler helps to have a clean handler without memmory issues.
https://github.com/badoo/android-weak-handler - JsonToJava I was fed up with writing Java classes to mirror json models. So I wrote this Java app to automate the process.
https://github.com/jonfhancock/JsonToJava - sixpack-java A/B testing client for Android and Java applications
https://github.com/seatgeek/sixpack-java - Android-Skin-Loader 一个通过动态加载本地皮肤包进行换肤的皮肤框架
https://github.com/fengjundev/Android-Skin-Loader - AndroidChangeSkin 一种完全无侵入的换肤方式,支持插件式和应用内,无需重启Activity.
https://github.com/hongyangAndroid/AndroidChangeSkin - logback-android The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java on Android. http://tony19.github.io/logback-android/index.html
https://github.com/tony19/logback-android - AndroidPermissions Android M was added to check Permission. but Permission check processing is so dirty.
https://github.com/ZeroBrain/AndroidPermissions - DanmakuFlameMaster 大弹幕时代来临了,这里是Android上最好的开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~ 被弹幕吞噬吧! http://app.bilibili.com/
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https://github.com/lantouzi/WheelView-Android - PermissionHelper Android Library to help you with your runtime Permissions
https://github.com/k0shk0sh/PermissionHelper - material-camera One of the most difficult APIs on Android, made easy. http://aidanfollestad.com
https://github.com/afollestad/material-camera - Tiny Dancer An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
https://github.com/brianPlummer/TinyDancer - android-ocr An experimental app for Android that performs optical character recognition (OCR) on images captured using the device camera.
https://github.com/rmtheis/android-ocr - MasteringAndroidDataBinding A comprehensive tutorial for Android Data Binding
https://github.com/LyndonChin/MasteringAndroidDataBinding - FingerprintAuthHelper A small library that allows You to easily manage fingererprint authentication inside your Activity or Fragment on devices with fingerprint scanner and Android M and higher. Min sdk 14
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