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Changelog generator based on GitHub Pull Requests

Table of Contents

Main features

  • Writes in a from merged GitHub pull requests since the last tag. This works by
    • first getting a list of all tags
    • than removing all tags that are not compatible to semver versioning
    • sort the tags
    • getting the git log from the last tag until now
    • If no existed, it will create the file else it will write prepending to it
  • Friendly CLI
    • Get usage by running pr-changelog-gen --help
    • Error messages that help correcting usage mistakes. E.g.
      • Missing first command line argument: Error: version-number not specified
      • Local branch is outdated compared to the remote branch: Error: Local git master branch is 0 commits ahead and 2 commits behind of origin/master
      • The current working directory is not clean (e.g. contains files that are modified): Error: Local copy is not clean


Simply run this to install pr-changelog-gen:

npm install pr-changelog-gen

Setup and configuration

You have to follow these steps to use pr-changelog-gen without problems.


By default only new Features and Bug Fixes will be included in the changelog. Whether a pull request is a feature or a bug fix is determined by the PR title, it is assumed that the PR titles follow the Angular commit message convention and, therefore is the title starts with a feat: or feat( it is considered a feature, and if it starts with fix: or fix( it is considered a bug fix.

If you don't want to follow the Angular commit message convention you can configure custom PR title matchers in the pr-changelog-gen.prTitleMatcher section of your package.json. For example:

  "pr-changelog-gen": {
    "prTitleMatcher": [
        "label": "Breaking Changes",
        "regexp": "^(BREAKING CHANGE:|BREAKING CHANGES:)",
        "flags": "iu"
        "label": "Documentation",
        "regexp": "^docs:",
        "flags": "iu"

Alternatively you can use PR labels to decide if a PR is to be included in the changelog. And how it is categorized.

The following categories are defined by default:

GitHub label Human friendly name Description
breaking Breaking Backwards-incompatible changes
bug Bug Changes that only fix a bug
feature Feature New features
enhancement Enhancement Non-breaking improvements of existing features

However, you can also create a custom mapping by adding a pr-changelog-gen.validLabels section to your package.json. validLabels must be specified as an array of strings. The same order will be used to format the changelog sections. For example:

  "pr-changelog-gen": {
    "prTitleMatcher": [],
    "validLabels": ["core", "addon"]

To use pr-changelog-gen your GitHub project will have to follow the semantic versioning.


As pr-changelog-gen reads repository information from your project you have to add the repository information in your package.json

  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "<your username>/<your repository name>.git"

Changelog formatting

Custom date format

If you want to use a custom date format you can configure pr-changelog-gen.dateFormat in your package.json. For example:

  "pr-changelog-gen": { "dateFormat": "dd.MM.yyyy" }

Please refer to the dates-fn documentation for details about the format expressions.


To create or update your changelog run

pr-changelog-gen -v <version-number> [options] where version-number is the name of this release


Configuration can de defined in the package.json file of your project. The following config options are supported:

  • sloppy (boolean)
  • dateFormat (string)
  • validLabels (array of strings)
  • prTitleMatcher (array of regexps)
  • includePrBody (boolean)
  • outputFile (string)
  • onlySince (string)
  • groupByLabels (boolean)
  • groupByMatchers (boolean)
  • outputToStdout (boolean)
  • noOutput (boolean)
  • excludePrs (array of numbers)
  • excludePatterns (array of regexps)

Each of the above options has a corresponding command line argument. The command line option will always override the value defined in the package.json.

For an explanation of each of these options, see the options section below.


The prTitleMatcher option can de defined in a few different ways:

  • as a single regexp string
      "pr-changelog-gen": {
        "prTitleMatcher": "^(feat|fix):"
  • as an array of regexp strings
      "pr-changelog-gen": {
        "prTitleMatcher": ["^feat:", "^fix:"]
  • an object with optional label and regexp flags
      "pr-changelog-gen": {
        "prTitleMatcher": {
          "label": "Features",
          "regexp": "^feat:",
          "flags": "iu"
  • an array of objects with optional label and regexp flags
      "pr-changelog-gen": {
        "prTitleMatcher": [
            "label": "Features",
            "regexp": "^feat:",
            "flags": "iu"
            "label": "Bugd",
            "regexp": "^fix:",
            "flags": "iu"


-v --target-version


The semver number of the next tag/release. This is used to determine the PRs that have been merged since the last tag. And put into the changelog as the title of the new section.

-n --include-pr-description

Default: true

When enabled this option includes the PR description in the changelog along the PR title.

-p --pr-title-matcher

This option can defined a Regular Expression that will be used to determine which PRs are to be included in the changelog. This argument can only define a single Regular Expression. If you need to define multiple Regular Expressions or add flags or labels to it you should use the pr-changelog-gen.prTitleMatcher section of your package.json instead.

-e --exclude-prs

A list of PR numbers to exclude from the changelog.

-x --exclude-pattern

A regex pattern that will be used to determine if a Pull Request should be excluded from the changelog.

-d --date-format

Default: MMMM d, yyyy

This option can be used to define a custom date format. Please refer to the dates-fn documentation for details about the format expressions.

-l --valid-labels

Default: breaking,bug,feature,enhancement

A comma separated list of valid PR labels. PRs with labels that match one of the labels in this list will be included in the changelog.

-o --output-file

Default: ./

The path to the changelog file to which the output should be written. If the file does not exist it will be created.

-c --only-since

Default: false

When enabled this option will include PRs that have been merged since the given date. The date can be specified as a Unix Timestamp or an ISO 8601 date/datetime string.

-gl --group-by-labels

Default: false

When enabled this option will group PRs in the changelog by their labels. If a PR has multiple labels the label specified first in the valid-labels option will be used.

-gm --group-by-matchers

Default: true

When enabled this option will group PRs in the changelog by their title matchers. If a PR has multiple title matchers the matcher specified first in the pr-changelog-gen.prTitleMatcher section of your package.json will be used. If a matcher has no label, it will be grouped under the Other section.

-q --no-output

When enabled generated changelog will not be written to any file or printed to stdout, this option is specifically intended for when the pr-changelog-gen is used from a node script.

-u --output-to-stdout

When enabled, instead of writing the changelog to a file, it will be printed into the console standard output.

-s --sloppy

Default: false

The --sloppy option defaults to false. When set, it allows pr-changelog-gen to generate a changelog even when you are not on the master branch. This should not be used in production!

-t --trace

Default: false

When enabled this option outputs the stacktrace of an error additionally to the error message to stderr.

Correct usage makes a clean and complete changelog

If you want your changelog to be complete and clean you have to follow these rules:

  1. Don't commit directly to master - if you do, your changes will not be covered in the changelog (this might be ok but you should know this implication)
  2. Use pull requests for your features that you want to be in your changelog
  3. Use the Angular commit convention for naming your Pull Requests, or use the correct categories for your pull request: If you introduce a new feature that will be a breaking change, give it the according label breaking

Github Authentication

If you need to authenticate pr-changelog-gen, e.g. to access a private repo, you can set the GH_TOKEN environment variable. Generate a token value in your Github settings.

GH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxx pr-changelog-gen -v <version-number> [options]