| 1 | +## [2.0.1](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1) (2018-11-25) |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +* **module:page-header:** should be clean old breadcrumb data when changes ([#296](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/296)) ([862aa9d](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/862aa9d)), closes [#293](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/293) |
| 7 | +* **module:sf:autocomplete:** fix missing value ([#291](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/291)) ([ac17fb3](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/ac17fb3)), closes [#290](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/290) |
| 8 | +* **module:sf:button:** fix invalid button size ([#294](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/294)) ([96f8adc](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/96f8adc)) |
| 9 | +* **module:theme:style:** fix dropdown + button spacing when closed preserve ([#292](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/292)) ([d330e5e](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/d330e5e)) |
| 10 | +* **module:theme:title:** fix default property should be not read-only ([#295](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/295)) ([a882507](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/a882507)) |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +### Features |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | +* **module:theme:** add tr-TR locale ([#289](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/289)) ([9df6f0e](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/9df6f0e)), closes [#288](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/288) |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +# [2.0.0](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/1.5.2...2.0.0) (2018-11-20) |
| 20 | + |
| 21 | + |
| 22 | +### Scaffold |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +* **all:** `OnPush` mode priority ([#772](https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/pull/772)) |
| 25 | +* **router:** add SimpleGuard of root router ([#774](https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/pull/774)) |
| 26 | +* **i18n:** add passport pages ([#777](https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/pull/777)) |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | +* **module:mock:** fix loading status of _HttClient ([#270](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/270)) |
| 31 | +* **module:sf:upload:** fix missing size property of upload widget ([#274](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/274)) |
| 32 | +* **module:sf:checkbox:** fix delayed rendering when onpush strategy ([#278](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/278)) |
| 33 | +* **module:st:** fix render null when is value is null in edge or ie ([#275](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/275)) |
| 34 | +* **module:page-header:** should be refresh breadcrumb when router changed ([#276](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/276)) |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +### Features |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +* **schematics:** Support for dynamic build ng-alain of specified language versions ([#286](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/286)) ([f0bff6d](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/f0bff6d)) |
| 39 | +* **module:st:** add clear & clearStatus methods ([#282](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/282)) |
| 40 | +* **module:st:** add single sort config [#775](https://github.com/ng-alain/ng-alain/issues/775) ([#283](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/283)) |
| 41 | +* **module:http:** support decorator `@GET`, `@POST` etc, [Document](https://ng-alain.com/theme/http/en#Decorators) ([#284](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/284)) |
| 42 | +* **schematics:** Support for dynamic build ng-alain of specified language versions ([#286](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/286)) |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | +### BREAKING CHANGES |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | +* **module:st:** remove deprecated events: `checkboxChange`, `radioChange`, `sortChange` etc ([#281](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/281)) |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +# [2.0.0-rc.3](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/2.0.0-rc.2...2.0.0-rc.3) (2018-11-09) |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +* **module:sf:** fix missing title ([#259](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/259)) ([b78f38a](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/b78f38a)), closes [#258](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/258) |
| 55 | +* **module:sf:tree-select:** fix children repeat data when expand changes ([#260](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/260)) ([2bfd75f](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/2bfd75f)) |
| 56 | +* **module:st:** fix invalid trigger when used icon & pop ([#256](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/256)) ([598f9ab](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/598f9ab)) |
| 57 | +* GLOBAL_THIRD_MDOULES changed to GLOBAL_THIRD_MODULES ([#262](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/262)) ([d001642](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/d001642)) |
| 58 | +* **module:theme:menu:** fix shortcut children polluted ([#265](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/265)) ([a255fe0](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/a255fe0)) |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | + |
| 61 | +### Features |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +* **module:sidebar-nav:** add icon more properties ([#263](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/263)) ([5b696f5](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/5b696f5)) |
| 64 | +* **module:st:** add no type ([#261](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/261)) ([8fc29ce](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/8fc29ce)) |
| 65 | +* **module:st:** add remove method ([#255](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/255)) ([13a3a21](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/13a3a21)) |
| 66 | +* **module:st:** add rowClassName property ([#268](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/268)) ([0af1484](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/0af1484)) |
| 67 | +* **module:theme:** add scrollbar style service of div ([#267](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/267)) ([161d328](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/161d328)) |
| 68 | +* **module:theme:** add url pipe ([#254](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/254)) ([62724a0](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/62724a0)) |
| 69 | +* **schematics:** add color less when running ng commend ([#253](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/253)) ([145e4a9](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/145e4a9)) |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | + |
| 73 | +<a name="2.0.0-rc.2"></a> |
| 74 | +# [2.0.0-rc.2](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/2.0.0-rc.1...2.0.0-rc.2) (2018-11-01) |
| 75 | + |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 78 | + |
| 79 | +* **module:*:** safe html ([#239](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/239)) ([0298665](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/0298665)) |
| 80 | +* **module:form:** fix attempt to use a destroyed error ([#248](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/248)) ([3e470e7](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/3e470e7)) |
| 81 | +* **module:sf:** fix button spanLabelFixed is zero value ([#242](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/242)) ([1f601e2](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/1f601e2)) |
| 82 | +* **module:theme:** fix grey color values ([#249](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/249)) ([6234538](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/6234538)) |
| 83 | +* **module:theme:** fix ng-invalid style ([#243](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/243)) ([fe6d104](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/fe6d104)) |
| 84 | +* **schematics:** fix repeat alias name ([#247](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/247)) ([4f744fa](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/4f744fa)) |
| 85 | + |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | +### Features |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | +* **module:mock:** support array params of queryString ([#246](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/246)) ([f0135ce](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/f0135ce)) |
| 90 | +* **module:st:** add icon of button ([#240](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/240)) ([1145d47](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/1145d47)) |
| 91 | +* **module:theme:** add recursive upward find in menu service ([#244](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/244)) ([c391d3a](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/c391d3a)) |
| 92 | +* **module:theme:i18n:** add i18n pipe ([#238](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/238)) ([423c9c3](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/423c9c3)) |
| 93 | + |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | +<a name="2.0.0-rc.1"></a> |
| 97 | +# [2.0.0-rc.1](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/2.0.0-beta.5...2.0.0-rc.1) (2018-10-25) |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | + |
| 100 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +* **form:** fix repeated trigger change detection ([#224](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/224)) ([a9f2db6](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/a9f2db6)) |
| 103 | +* **form:checkbox:** fix misplaced layout of checkbox widget ([#226](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/226)) ([d75600e](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/d75600e)) |
| 104 | +* **form:date:** fix missing nzShowTime in date widgets ([#223](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/223)) ([a40bc13](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/a40bc13)) |
| 105 | +* **st:** fix filter table header in ant design 3.10 ([#229](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/229)) ([0d70d26](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/0d70d26)) |
| 106 | +* **schematics:** fix duplcated alias `t` in tpl command ([#231](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/231)) ([829f11e](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/829f11e)) |
| 107 | +* **schematics:** fix invalid msgSrv property in edit page ([#225](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/225)) ([e3270e4](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/e3270e4)) |
| 108 | +* **schematics:** fix used translate when not i18n ([#230](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/230)) ([93163a9](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/93163a9)) |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | +### Features |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +* **schematics:** support 1.x to 2.0 via `ng update` [Document](https://ng-alain.com/docs/upgrade-v2#ng-update) |
| 113 | +* **schematics:plugin:** add `icon` plugin [Document](https://ng-alain.com/cli/plugin#icon) |
| 114 | +* sync ng-zorro-antd 1.7.1 ([#228](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/228)) ([9a62ea3](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/9a62ea3)) |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | +### BREAKING CHANGES |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +* **module:theme:** used `NzDropdownService` instead of `ContextMenuService` ([#234](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/pull/234)) |
| 119 | + |
| 120 | + |
| 121 | +<a name="2.0.0-beta.5"></a> |
| 122 | +# [2.0.0-beta.5](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/2.0.0-beta.4...2.0.0-beta.5) (2018-10-15) |
| 123 | + |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +* **module:code-style:** upgrade husky ([#208](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/208)) ([61c6214](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/61c6214)) |
| 128 | +* **module:form:** fix invalid disabled status when is readOnly ([#212](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/212)) ([6a68def](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/6a68def)) |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | + |
| 131 | +### Features |
| 132 | + |
| 133 | +* **module:abc.st:** add total i18n ([#203](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/203)) ([ec0b0df](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/ec0b0df)) |
| 134 | +* **module:theme:** add page loading styles ([#207](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/207)) ([ad43622](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/ad43622)) |
| 135 | +* **module:theme:alain-default:** refactor layout component ([#201](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/201)) ([8231e65](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/8231e65)) |
| 136 | + |
| 137 | + |
| 138 | +### BREAKING CHANGES |
| 139 | + |
| 140 | +* **module:theme:alain-default:** + `layout-fixed` was changed to `alain-default__fixed` |
| 141 | ++ `layout-boxed` was changed to `alain-default__boxed` |
| 142 | ++ `aside-collapsed` was changed to `alain-default__collapsed` |
| 143 | + |
| 144 | + |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | +<a name="2.0.0-beta.4"></a> |
| 147 | +# [2.0.0-beta.4](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/compare/1.4.5...2.0.0-beta.4) (2018-10-07) |
| 148 | + |
| 149 | + |
| 150 | +### Bug Fixes |
| 151 | + |
| 152 | +* **form:date:** fix invalid default value in flat mode ([#187](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/187)) ([d2c89ca](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/d2c89ca)) |
| 153 | +* **theme:styles** fix duplicate white spaces ([#193](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/193)) ([1545178](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/1545178)) |
| 154 | +* **theme:drawer** should be import in forChild ([1545178](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/09516ea)) |
| 155 | + |
| 156 | + |
| 157 | +### Features |
| 158 | + |
| 159 | +* **abc:page-header:** add loading & wide properies ([#194](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/194)) ([299e877](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/299e877)) |
| 160 | +* **form:number:** add prefix & unit properties ([#189](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/189)) ([4121b90](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/4121b90)) |
| 161 | +* **schematice:** add generate color less ([#196](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/196)) ([d7f7da6](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/d7f7da6)) |
| 162 | +* **theme:context-menu:** add context menu service ([#191](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/issues/191)) ([f0e96f6](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/f0e96f6)) |
| 163 | + |
| 164 | +### BREAKING CHANGES |
| 165 | + |
| 166 | +* **abc:** use input instead of ContentChild ([cfd0497](https://github.com/ng-util/lazy/commit/cfd0497)) |
| 167 | + |
| 168 | + |
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