- add zed config & keymap (symlink)
- use chezmoi
- replace magefile.go with chezmoi + ts instead
- remove install script too. ts instead
- use nix
folder andbin/private
folder is messy, should be done with nix
- upload images that are in [images] to cloudflare and use links
to not fill git history with images
- Create a ./install command that can be run from anywhere the dotfiles dir is on macOS
- So you can even install dotfiles to ~/Desktop and then run ./install and it will magically work too and set the system up as I specified. Perhaps it would move the dotfiles to ~/.dotfiles on its own. Not sure what the correct Nix way to do this is.
- Use Nix (home-manager/nix-darwin) instead Dotbot
- home manager: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager
- nix-darwin: https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
- nix dots:
- https://github.com/LnL7/dotfiles
- Add installing of Xcode tools. Check if they are installed already.
xcode-select --install
- Write a script to auto update Typinator sets / Import BTT settings
- Specify in the script which sets from ~/Dropbox/Config/Typinator to move into this dir. BTT may also have ability to automatically export a profile
- Create proper ./install or nix apply script
- It should automatically install Nix on the system if it isn’t installed and then run the other necessary commands to get my system to the state I want it to be in.
- Nix specify all the commands I use on my system. Nix/Rust/Go/NPM/..
- Should all be specified neatly in nix.
- Go: ~/go/bin
- Rust: ~/.cargo/bin
- NPM: ~/.npm-global/bin . NOTE: have to run npm set prefix ~/.npm-global first to set this location.
- Symlink all the necessary configs
- in dotbot it currently looks like this:
# Zsh
~/.zshrc: zsh/zshrc.zsh
# Git
~/.gitconfig: git/gitconfig
~/.gitignore_global: git/gitignore_global
# Hammerspoon
~/.hammerspoon: hammerspoon
# Sublime Text
"~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User": sublime
# Neovim
~/.config/nvim: nvim
# VS Code
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json: vscode/settings.json
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json: vscode/keybindings.json
Setup and install secret configuration (Keybase)
- Things like:
- ~/.ssh -> SSH config + certs
- ~/.wakatime.cfg -> WakaTime settings (API Key)
- Perhaps I missed something else. Not sure what the best way to do that would be.
- Keybase can be used for it I believe.
Grab preferences for some apps too on install
~/Library/Application Support
-> holds app auxiliary files~/Library/Preferences
-> holds app preferences~/Library/Fonts
-> Custom fonts~/Pictures/Photos Library
-> Apple Photos (which should be iCloud synced so it shouldn’t matter)- The other parts too should be iCloud synced ideally.
- Other things like Popclip and few other apps can be stored on Dropbox.
- Migration assistant helps transfer files from one mac to another mac easily too. But ideally it should be avoided.
Clean vimrc. use lua for nvim
- Remove everything i don’t use. Perhaps I only need to have init.vim in the repo. No ftplugin and autoload. Check!
Move functions & maybe aliases under go binary to speed up shell startup