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Migration guide from Foundry 1.x to 2.0

Foundry 2 has changed some of its API. The global philosophy is still the same. The main change is that we've introduced a separation between "object" factories, "persistence" factories and "persistence with proxy" factories.

When Foundry 1.x was "persistence first", Foundry 2 is "object first". This would allow more decoupling from the persistence layer.

How to

Every modification needed for a 1.x to 2.0 migration is covered by a deprecation. You'll to upgrade to the latest 1.x version, and to activate the deprecation helper, make the tests run, and fix all the deprecations reported.

Here is an example of how the deprecation helper can be activated. You should set the SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER variable in phpunit.xml or .env.local file:



Some deprecations can also be sent during compilation step. These deprecations can be displayed by using the command: $ bin/console debug:container --deprecations

Rector rules

In the latest 1.x version, you'll find rector rules which will help with the migration path.

First, you'll need rector/rector and phpstan/phpstan-doctrine:

composer require --dev rector/rector phpstan/phpstan-doctrine

Then, create a rector.php file:


use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Utils\Rector\FoundrySetList;

return RectorConfig::configure()
    ->withPaths(['tests']) // add all paths where Foundry is used

And finally, run Rector:

# you can run Rector in "dry run" mode, in order to see which files will be modified
vendor/bin/rector process --dry-run

# actually modify files
vendor/bin/rector process


Rector rules may not totally cover all deprecations (some complex cases may not be handled) You'd still need to run the tests with deprecation helper enabled to ensure everything is fixed and then fix all deprecations left.


You can try to run twice these rules. Sometimes, the second run will find some difference that it could not spot on the first run.


Once you've finished the migration to 2.0, it is not necessary anymore to keep the Foundry's rule set in your Rector config.

Doctrine's mapping

Rector rules need to understand your Doctrine mapping to guess which one of PersistentProxyObjectFactory or ObjectFactory it should use.

If your mapping is defined in the code thanks to attributes or annotations, everything is OK. If the mapping is defined outside the code, with xml, yaml or php configuration, some extra work is needed:

  1. Create a tests/object-manager.php file which will expose your doctrine config. Here is an example:
use App\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

(new Dotenv())->bootEnv(__DIR__ . '/../.env');

$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
return $kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
  1. Provide this file path to Rector's config:

use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Utils\Rector\PersistenceResolver;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Utils\Rector\FoundrySetList;

return static function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
    $rectorConfig->paths(['tests']); // add all paths where Foundry is used
        static fn() => new PersistenceResolver(__DIR__ . '/tests/object-manager.php')

Known BC breaks

The following error cannot be covered by Rector rules nor by the deprecation layer.

RefreshObjectFailed: Cannot auto refresh "[Entity FQCN]" as there are unsaved changes.
Be sure to call ->_save() or disable auto refreshing.

This is an auto-refresh problem, where the "proxified" object is being accessed after modification. You'll find some documentation about it.

To mitigate this problem, you should either stop using a proxy object, or wrap the modifications in the method ->_withoutAutoRefresh().

$proxyPost = PostProxyFactory::createOne();
- $proxyPost->setTitle();
- $proxyPost->setBody(); // 💥
+   function(Post $object) {
+       $proxyPost->setTitle();
+       $proxyPost->setBody();
+   }

Deprecations list

Here is the full list of modifications needed:


  • withAttributes() and addState() are both deprecated in favor of with()
  • sequence() and createSequence() do not accept callable as a parameter anymore

Change factories' base class

Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory is now deprecated. You should choose between:

  • \Zenstruck\Foundry\ObjectFactory: creates not-persistent plain objects,
  • \Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\PersistentObjectFactory: creates and stores persisted objects, and directly return them,
  • \Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\PersistentProxyObjectFactory: same as above, but returns a "proxy" version of the object. This last class basically acts the same way as the old ModelFactory.

As a rule of thumb to help you to choose between these two new factory parent classes:

  • using ObjectFactory is straightforward: if the object cannot be persisted, you must use this one
  • only entities (ORM) or documents (ODM) should use PersistentObjectFactory or PersistentProxyObjectFactory
  • you should only use PersistentProxyObjectFactory if you want to leverage "auto refresh" behavior


nor PersistentObjectFactory or PersistentProxyObjectFactory should be chosen to create not persistent objects. This will throw a deprecation in 1.x and will create an error in 2.0


Since PersistentObjectFactory does not return a Proxy anymore, you'll have to remove all calls to ->object() or any other proxy method on object created by this type of factory.


You will have to change some methods prototypes in your classes:

// before
protected function getDefaults(): array
    // ...

// after
protected function defaults(): array|callable
    // ...
// before
protected static function getClass(): string
    // ...

// after
public static function class(): string
    // ...
// before
protected function initialize()
    // ...

// after
protected function initialize(); static
    // ...


Foundry 2.0 will completely change how Proxy system works, by leveraging Symfony's lazy proxy mechanism. Proxy won't be anymore a wrapper class, but a "real" proxy, meaning your objects will be of the desired class AND Proxy object. This implies that calling ->object() (or, now, _real()) everywhere to satisfy the type system won't be needed anymore!

Proxy class comes with deprecations as well:

  • replace everywhere you're type-hinting Zenstruck\Foundry\Proxy to the interface Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\Proxy
  • most of Proxy methods are deprecated:
    • object() -> _real()
    • save() -> _save()
    • remove() -> _delete()
    • refresh() -> _refresh()
    • forceSet() -> _set()
    • forceGet() -> _get()
    • repository() -> _repository()
    • enableAutoRefresh() -> _enableAutoRefresh()
    • disableAutoRefresh() -> _disableAutoRefresh()
    • withoutAutoRefresh() -> _withoutAutoRefresh()
    • isPersisted() is removed without any replacement
    • forceSetAll() is removed without any replacement
    • assertPersisted() is removed without any replacement
    • assertNotPersisted() is removed without any replacement
  • Everywhere you've type-hinted Zenstruck\Foundry\FactoryCollection<T> which was coming from a PersistentProxyObjectFactory, replace to Zenstruck\Foundry\FactoryCollection<Proxy<T>>


  • Zenstruck\Foundry\Instantiator class is deprecated in favor of \Zenstruck\Foundry\Object\Instantiator. You should change them everywhere.
  • new Instantiator() is deprecated: use Instantiator::withConstructor() or Instantiator::withoutConstructor() depending on your needs.
  • Instantiator::alwaysForceProperties() is deprecated in favor of Instantiator::alwaysForce(). Be careful of the modification of the parameter which is now a variadic.
  • Instantiator::allowExtraAttributes() is deprecated in favor of Instantiator::allowExtra(). Be careful of the modification of the parameter which is now a variadic.
  • Configuration zenstruck_foundry.without_constructor is deprecated in favor of zenstruck_foundry.use_constructor

Standalone functions

  • Zenstruck\Foundry\create() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\persist()
  • Zenstruck\Foundry\instantiate() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\object()
  • Zenstruck\Foundry\repository() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\repository()
  • Zenstruck\Foundry\Factory::delayFlush() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\flush_after()
  • Usage of any method in Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\TestState should be replaced by Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\UnitTestConfig::configure()
  • Zenstruck\Foundry\instantiate_many() is removed without any replacement
  • Zenstruck\Foundry\create_many() is removed without any replacement

Trait Factories

  • Factories::disablePersist() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\disable_persisting()
  • Factories::enablePersist() -> Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\enable_persisting()
  • both disablePersist() and enable_persisting() should not be called when Foundry is booted without Doctrine (ie: in a unit test)

Bundle configuration

Here is a diff of the bundle's configuration, all configs in red should be migrated to the green ones:

-    auto_refresh_proxies: null
-        without_constructor:  false
+        use_constructor:  true
+    orm:
+        auto_persist:         true
+        reset:
+            connections: [default]
+            entity_managers: [default]
+            mode: schema
+    mongo:
+        auto_persist:         true
+        reset:
+            document_managers: [default]
-    database_resetter:
-        enabled:              true
-        orm:
-            connections:          []
-            object_managers:      []
-            reset_mode:           schema
-        odm:
-            object_managers:      []


  • type-hinting to Zenstruck\Foundry\RepositoryProxy should be replaced by Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\RepositoryDecorator
  • type-hinting to Zenstruck\Foundry\RepositoryAssertions should be replaced by Zenstruck\Foundry\Persistence\RepositoryAssertions
  • Methods in Zenstruck\Foundry\RepositoryProxy do not return Proxy anymore, but they return the actual object