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92 lines (77 loc) · 3.34 KB

oh-my-zsh agnoster theme to support Terraform workspace display in prompt

This repository contain the themes to support the terraform-workspace plugin.

Plugin for Terraform from Hashicorp, an infrastructure as code tool that allows for multi-cloud support, modularity, and the ability to plan and apply changes, making it easier to manage and provision infrastructure resources.


  • Completion for terraform
  • aliases
  • prompt function
  • Support for agnoster template


├── plugins
    ├── _terraform
    └── terraform-workspace.plugin.zsh




  1. Clone the repository to your localspace
    • git clone
  2. Copy the plugins folder to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/terraform-workspace
    • cp -r plugins/terraform-workspace ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/terraform-workspace
  3. Copy the themes folder to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/agnoster
    • cp -r themes/agnoster ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/agnoster
  4. Add the plugin terraform-workspace to your plugins array section of your ~/.zshrc file
    • plugins=(... terraform-workspace)
  5. Add the theme terraform-agnoster to your theme section of your ~/.zshrc file

With Antigen

  1. Install Antigen:
    • curl -L > ~/antigen.zsh
  2. Add antigen requirements to your ~/.zshrc file
  source ~/antigen.zsh 
  # Load Antigen configurations 
  antigen init ~/.antigenrc
  1. Create the file ~/.antigenrc and add the following content (I included my favorite bundle, feel free to add/remove):
  # Load oh-my-zsh library
  antigen use oh-my-zsh

  # Load bundles from the default repo (oh-my-zsh)
  antigen bundle git
  antigen bundle command-not-found
  antigen bundle docker

  # Load bundles from external repos
  antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-completions
  antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
  antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
  antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
  # Load the terraform plugins and theme
  antigen bundle ocontant/terraform-workspace
  antigen theme ocontant/terraform-agnoster

  # Tell Antigen that you're done.
  antigen apply
  1. Add the theme terraform-agnoster to your theme section of your ~/.zshrc file
  2. Add the plugin terraform-workspace to your plugins array section of your ~/.zshrc file
    • plugins=(... terraform-workspace)

Prompt function

If you don't want to use oh-my-zsh agnoster theme, you can use this prompt to display the current Terraform workspace in your prompt.

  1. Create a bloc in your ~/.zshrc file:
# Terraform prompt
## Create 2 variables (feel free to customize the colors)

## Add the current Terraform workspace in your prompt by adding `"TF: ${__TERRAFORM_WORKSPACE_CACHE:gs/%/%%}"` to your `PROMPT` or `RPROMPT` variable.
## Example: