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Philip Lassen edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the onnx-mlir wiki!

If you want to become more involved and chat with some of the people working on this project, we have online meetings and a Slack channel for discussions.

Our weekly informal meetings are held on zoom each Tuesday at the times below. Note that each meeting time has a different zoom link.

The agenda, notes, and recording for these meetings are available here. You can also contact [email protected] to request a 15+ minute time slot on the agenda to discuss a topic of interest.

We are now updating the llvm in onnx-mlir once every two weeks. To volunteer or see who is in charge for the current period, check our schedule here.

Continued discussions can take place in the #onnx-mlir-discussion Slack channel or on GitHub issues. You may also find answers to specific questions in our online documentation, which can be accessed from our main GitHub page or the ONNX.AI pages.

We welcome your input and contributions.

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