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Target Allocator

Target Allocator is an optional component of the OpenTelemetry Collector Custom Resource (CR). The release version matches the operator's most recent release as well.

🚨 Note: the TargetAllocator currently supports the statefulset and daemonset deployment modes of the OpenTelemetryCollector CR.

In a nutshell, the TA is a mechanism for decoupling the service discovery and metric collection functions of Prometheus such that they can be scaled independently. The Collector manages Prometheus metrics without needing to install Prometheus. The TA manages the configuration of the Collector's Prometheus Receiver.

The TA serves two functions:

  • Even distribution of Prometheus targets among a pool of Collectors
  • Discovery of Prometheus Custom Resources

Even Distribution of Prometheus Targets

The Target Allocator’s first job is to discover targets to scrape and OTel Collectors to allocate targets to. Then it can distribute the targets it discovers among the Collectors. The Collectors in turn query the Target Allocator for Metrics endpoints to scrape, and then the Collectors’ Prometheus Receivers scrape the Metrics targets.

This means that the OTel Collectors collect the metrics instead of a Prometheus scraper.

  participant Target Allocator
  participant Metrics Targets
  participant OTel Collectors
  Target Allocator ->>Metrics Targets: 1. Discover Metrics targets
  Target Allocator ->>OTel Collectors: 2. Discover available Collectors
  Target Allocator ->>Target Allocator: 3. Assign Metrics targets
  OTel Collectors ->>Target Allocator: 4. Query TA for Metrics endpoints scrape
  OTel Collectors ->>Metrics Targets: 5. Scrape Metrics target

Allocation strategies

Several target allocation strategies are available. Some strategies may only make sense for a given Collector deployment mode. For example, the per-node strategy only works correctly with a Collector deployed as a DaemonSet.


A consistent hashing strategy implementing the following algorithm. Only the target url is hashed to prevent label changes from causing targets to be moved between collectors. This strategy consistently assigns targets to the same collectors, but will experience rebalancing when the collector count changes.

This is the default.


A strategy that simply assigns the target to the collector with the least number of targets. It achieves more stability in target assignment when collector count changes, but at the cost of less even distribution of targets.


This strategy assigns each target to the collector running on the same Node the target is. As such, it only makes sense to use it with a collector running as a DaemonSet.


The per-node strategy ignores targets not assigned to a Node, like for example control plane components.

Discovery of Prometheus Custom Resources

The Target Allocator also provides for the discovery of Prometheus Operator CRs, namely the ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor. The ServiceMonitors and the PodMonitors purpose is to inform the Target Allocator (or PrometheusOperator) to add a new job to their scrape configuration. The Target Allocator then provides the jobs to the OTel Collector Prometheus Receiver.

flowchart RL
  ta(Target Allocator)
  oc1(OTel Collector)
  oc2(OTel Collector)
  oc3(OTel Collector)
  ta --> pm
  ta --> sm
  oc1 --> ta
  oc2 --> ta
  oc3 --> ta
  sm ~~~|"1. Discover Prometheus Operator CRs"| sm
  ta ~~~|"2. Add job to TA scrape configuration"| ta
  oc3 ~~~|"3. Add job to OTel Collector scrape configuration"| oc3

Even though Prometheus is not required to be installed in your Kubernetes cluster to use the Target Allocator for Prometheus CR discovery, the TA does require that the ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor be installed. These CRs are bundled with Prometheus Operator; however, they can be installed standalone as well.

The easiest way to do this is to grab a copy of the individual PodMonitor YAML and ServiceMonitor YAML custom resource definitions (CRDs) from the Kube Prometheus Operator’s Helm chart.

✨ For more information on configuring the PodMonitor and ServiceMonitor, check out the PodMonitor API and the ServiceMonitor API.


The spec.targetAllocator: controls the TargetAllocator general properties. Full API spec can be found here:

A basic example that deploys.

kind: OpenTelemetryCollector
  name: collector-with-ta
  mode: statefulset
    enabled: true
          - job_name: 'otel-collector'
            scrape_interval: 10s
            - targets: [ '' ]

      debug: {}

          receivers: [prometheus]
          exporters: [debug]

In essence, Prometheus Receiver configs are overridden with a http_sd_config directive that points to the Allocator, these are then loadbalanced/sharded to the Collectors. The Prometheus Receiver configs that are overridden are what will be distributed with the same name.

PrometheusCR specifics

TargetAllocator discovery of PrometheusCRs can be turned on by setting .spec.targetAllocator.prometheusCR.enabled to true, which it presents as scrape configs and jobs on the /scrape_configs and /jobs endpoints respectively.

The CRs can be filtered by labels as documented here:

Upstream documentation here: PrometheusReceiver


Before the TargetAllocator can start scraping, you need to set up Kubernetes RBAC (role-based access controls) resources. This means that you need to have a ServiceAccount and corresponding cluster roles so that the TargetAllocator has access to all of the necessary resources to pull metrics from.

You can create your own ServiceAccount, and reference it in spec.targetAllocator.serviceAccount in your OpenTelemetryCollector CR. You’ll then need to configure the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for this ServiceAccount, as per below.

    enabled: true
    serviceAccount: opentelemetry-targetallocator-sa
      enabled: true

🚨 Note: The Collector part of this same CR also has a serviceAccount key which only affects the collector and not the TargetAllocator.

If you omit the ServiceAccount name, the TargetAllocator creates a ServiceAccount for you. The ServiceAccount’s default name is a concatenation of the Collector name and the -targetallocator suffix. By default, this ServiceAccount has no defined policy, so you’ll need to create your own ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for it, as per below.

The role below will provide the minimum access required for the Target Allocator to query all the targets it needs based on any Prometheus configurations:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: opentelemetry-targetallocator-role
- apiGroups: [""]
  - nodes
  - nodes/metrics
  - services
  - endpoints
  - pods
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  - configmaps
  verbs: ["get"]
- apiGroups:
  - endpointslices
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups:
  - ingresses
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"]
  verbs: ["get"]

If you enable the the prometheusCR (set spec.targetAllocator.prometheusCR.enabled to true) in the OpenTelemetryCollector CR, you will also need to define the following roles. These give the TargetAllocator access to the PodMonitor and ServiceMonitor CRs. It also gives namespace access to the PodMonitor and ServiceMonitor.

kind: ClusterRole
  name: opentelemetry-targetallocator-cr-role
- apiGroups:
  - servicemonitors
  - podmonitors
  - '*'
- apiGroups: [""]
  - namespaces
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

✨ The above roles can be combined into a single role.

Service / Pod monitor endpoint credentials

If your service or pod monitor endpoints require authentication (such as bearer tokens, basic auth, OAuth2, etc.), you must ensure that the collector has access to these credentials.

To secure the connection between the target allocator and the collector so that the secrets can be retrieved, mTLS is used. This involves the use of cert-manager to manage the CA, server, and client certificates.


  • Ensure cert-manager is installed in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Grant RBAC Permissions:

    • The target allocator needs the appropriate RBAC permissions to get the secrets referenced in the Service / Pod monitor.

    • The operator needs the appropriate RBAC permissions to manage cert-manager resources. The following clusterRole can be used to grant the necessary permissions:

      kind: ClusterRole
        name:  opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-cert-manager-role
      - apiGroups:
        - issuers
        - certificaterequests
        - certificates
        - create
        - get
        - list
        - watch
        - update
        - patch
        - delete
  • Enable the operator.targetallocator.mtls feature gate in the operator's deployment.


If the Allocator is activated, all Prometheus configurations will be transferred in a separate ConfigMap which get in turn mounted to the Allocator.
This configuration will be resolved to target configurations and then split across all OpenTelemetryCollector instances.

TargetAllocators expose the results as HTTP_SD endpoints split by collector.

Currently, the Target Allocator handles the sharding of targets. The operator sets the $SHARD variable to 0 to allow collectors to keep targets generated by a Prometheus CRD. Using Prometheus sharding and target allocator sharding is not recommended currently and may lead to unknown results. See this thread for more information



  "job1": {
    "follow_redirects": true,
    "honor_timestamps": true,
    "job_name": "job1",
    "metric_relabel_configs": [],
    "metrics_path": "/metrics",
    "scheme": "http",
    "scrape_interval": "1m",
    "scrape_timeout": "10s",
    "static_configs": []
  "job2": {
    "follow_redirects": true,
    "honor_timestamps": true,
    "job_name": "job2",
    "metric_relabel_configs": [],
    "metrics_path": "/metrics",
    "relabel_configs": [],
    "scheme": "http",
    "scrape_interval": "1m",
    "scrape_timeout": "10s",
    "kubernetes_sd_configs": []


  "job1": {
    "_link": "/jobs/job1/targets"
  "job2": {
    "_link": "/jobs/job1/targets"


  "collector-1": {
    "_link": "/jobs/job1/targets?collector_id=collector-1",
    "targets": [
        "Targets": [
        "Labels": {
          "namespace": "a_namespace",
          "pod": "a_pod"


    "targets": [
    "labels": {
      "namespace": "a_namespace",
      "pod": "a_pod"



Watchers are responsible for the translation of external sources into Prometheus readable scrape configurations and triggers updates to the DiscoveryManager


Watches the Prometheus service discovery for new targets and sets targets to the Allocator


Shards the received targets based on the discovered Collector instances


Client to watch for deployed Collector instances which will then provided to the Allocator.