From 44fe1657593db53541f9b391e08bd2a5693ea640 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Hopkinson <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2024 15:21:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: remove duplicate code
ocd/packages/desktop/public/index.html | 45 --
ocd/packages/desktop/public/main.js | 624 -------------------------
ocd/packages/desktop/public/preload.js | 38 --
ocd/packages/desktop/src/menu.ts | 133 ------
4 files changed, 840 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 ocd/packages/desktop/public/index.html
delete mode 100644 ocd/packages/desktop/public/main.js
delete mode 100644 ocd/packages/desktop/public/preload.js
delete mode 100644 ocd/packages/desktop/src/menu.ts
diff --git a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/index.html b/ocd/packages/desktop/public/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e86cf912..000000000
--- a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- OKIT - Open Cloud Designer
diff --git a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/main.js b/ocd/packages/desktop/public/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9131ff4a2..000000000
--- a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-** Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
-const { app, dialog, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, screen, Menu, shell } = require("electron")
-app.commandLine.appendSwitch('ignore-certificate-errors') // Temporary work around for not being able to add additional certificates
-process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0' // Temporary work around for not being able to add additional certificates
-const path = require("path")
-const url = require("url")
-const fs = require("fs")
-// const { handleLoadOciConfigProfiles } = require ("./electron/OcdApi")
-// const { ConfigFileReader } = require ('oci-common')
-const common = require ('oci-common')
-const { OciQuery, OciReferenceDataQuery } = require('@ocd/query')
-const { unescape } = require("querystring")
-// Get Environment information
-const isDev = process.env.OCD_DEV === 'true';
-const isPreview = process.env.OCD_PREVIEW === 'true';
-const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin'
-// if (require('electron-squirrel-startup')) app.quit()
-const ocdConfigDirectory = path.join(app.getPath('home'), '.ocd')
-const ocdConsoleConfigFilename = path.join(ocdConfigDirectory, 'console_config.json')
-const ocdCacheFilename = path.join(ocdConfigDirectory, 'cache.json')
-const ocdWindowStateFilename = path.join(ocdConfigDirectory, 'desktop.json')
-if (!fs.existsSync(ocdConfigDirectory)) fs.mkdirSync(ocdConfigDirectory)
-const loadDesktopState = () => {
- const size = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize
- const initialState = {
- x: undefined,
- y: undefined,
- width: Math.round(size.width / 2),
- height: Math.round((size.height / 3) * 2),
- isMaximised: false,
- isFullScreen: false
- }
- if (!fs.existsSync(ocdWindowStateFilename)) fs.writeFileSync(ocdWindowStateFilename, JSON.stringify(initialState, null, 4))
- const config = fs.readFileSync(ocdWindowStateFilename, 'utf-8')
- return {...initialState, ...JSON.parse(config)}
-const saveDesktopState = (config) => {
- fs.writeFileSync(ocdWindowStateFilename, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4))
-let mainWindow
-let filePath
-let ready = false
-// Add Menu
-const template = [
- // { role: 'appMenu' }
- ...(isMac
- ? [{
- label:,
- submenu: [
- { role: 'about' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'services' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'hide' },
- { role: 'hideOthers' },
- { role: 'unhide' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'quit' }
- ]
- }]
- : []),
- // { role: 'fileMenu' }
- {
- label: 'File',
- submenu: [
- isMac ? { role: 'close' } : { role: 'quit' }
- ]
- },
- // { role: 'editMenu' }
- // {
- // label: 'Edit',
- // submenu: [
- // { role: 'undo' },
- // { role: 'redo' },
- // { type: 'separator' },
- // { role: 'cut' },
- // { role: 'copy' },
- // { role: 'paste' },
- // ...(isMac
- // ? [
- // { role: 'pasteAndMatchStyle' },
- // { role: 'delete' },
- // { role: 'selectAll' },
- // { type: 'separator' },
- // {
- // label: 'Speech',
- // submenu: [
- // { role: 'startSpeaking' },
- // { role: 'stopSpeaking' }
- // ]
- // }
- // ]
- // : [
- // { role: 'delete' },
- // { type: 'separator' },
- // { role: 'selectAll' }
- // ])
- // ]
- // },
- // { role: 'viewMenu' }
- {
- label: 'View',
- submenu: [
- { role: 'reload' },
- { role: 'forceReload' },
- { role: 'toggleDevTools' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'resetZoom' },
- { role: 'zoomIn' },
- { role: 'zoomOut' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'togglefullscreen' }
- ]
- },
- // { role: 'windowMenu' }
- {
- label: 'Window',
- submenu: [
- { role: 'minimize' },
- { role: 'zoom' },
- ...(isMac
- ? [
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'front' },
- { type: 'separator' },
- { role: 'window' }
- ]
- : [
- { role: 'close' }
- ])
- ]
- },
- // {
- // role: 'help',
- // submenu: [
- // {
- // label: 'Learn More',
- // click: async () => {
- // const { shell } = require('electron')
- // await shell.openExternal('')
- // }
- // }
- // ]
- // }
-const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
-// Context Menu
-const selectionMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
- {role: 'copy'},
- {type: 'separator'},
- {role: 'selectall'},
-const inputMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
-{role: 'undo'},
-{role: 'redo'},
-{type: 'separator'},
-{role: 'cut'},
-{role: 'copy'},
-{role: 'paste'},
-{type: 'separator'},
-{role: 'selectall'},
-// Create OCD Window
-const createWindow = () => {
- let desktopState = loadDesktopState()
- // Create the browser window.
- mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
- x: desktopState.x,
- y: desktopState.y,
- width: desktopState.width,
- height: desktopState.height,
- webPreferences: {
- nodeIntegration: true,
- contextIsolation: true,
- preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')
- },
- })
- const saveState = () => {
- desktopState.isMaximised = mainWindow.isMaximized()
- desktopState.isFullScreen = mainWindow.isFullScreen()
- const bounds = mainWindow.getBounds()
- if (!mainWindow.isMaximized() && !mainWindow.isFullScreen()) desktopState = {...desktopState, ...bounds}
- saveDesktopState(desktopState)
- }
- // mainWindow.on('move', (e) => console.debug('Move Event'))
- mainWindow.on('moved', (e) => saveState())
- // mainWindow.on('resize', (e) => console.debug('Resize Event'))
- mainWindow.on('enter-full-screen', (e) => saveState())
- mainWindow.on('leave-full-screen', (e) => saveState())
- mainWindow.on('resized', (e) => saveState())
- mainWindow.on('close', (e) => saveState())
- // Remove Menu
- // mainWindow.removeMenu()
- // mainWindow.setMenu(null)
- // and load the index.html of the app.
- const startUrl =
- process.env.WEB_URL ||
- url.format({
- pathname: path.join(__dirname, "../build/index.html"),
- protocol: "file",
- slashes: true,
- })
- mainWindow.loadURL(startUrl)
- if (desktopState.isMaximised) mainWindow.maximize()
- mainWindow.setFullScreen(desktopState.isFullScreen)
- // Open the DevTools.
- // mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools()
-app.whenReady().then(() => {
- // Build Information
- ipcMain.handle('ocdBuild:getVersion', handleGetVersion)
- // OCI API Calls / Query
- ipcMain.handle('ociConfig:loadProfileNames', handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames)
- ipcMain.handle('ociConfig:loadProfile', handleLoadOciConfigProfile)
- ipcMain.handle('ociQuery:listRegions', handleListRegions)
- ipcMain.handle('ociQuery:listTenancyCompartments', handleListTenancyCompartments)
- ipcMain.handle('ociQuery:queryTenancy', handleQueryTenancy)
- ipcMain.handle('ociQuery:queryDropdown', handleQueryDropdown)
- // OCD Design
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:loadDesign', handleLoadDesign)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:saveDesign', handleSaveDesign)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:discardConfirmation', handleDiscardConfirmation)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:exportTerraform', handleExportTerraform)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:loadLibraryIndex', handleLoadLibraryIndex)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:loadLibraryDesign', handleLoadLibraryDesign)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdDesign:loadSvgCssFiles', handleLoadSvgCssFiles)
- // OCD Configuration
- ipcMain.handle('ocdConfig:loadConsoleConfig', handleLoadConsoleConfig)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdConfig:saveConsoleConfig', handleSaveConsoleConfig)
- // OCD Cache
- ipcMain.handle('ocdCache:loadCache', handleLoadCache)
- ipcMain.handle('ocdCache:saveCache', handleSaveCache)
- // External URLs
- ipcMain.handle('ocdExternal:openExternalUrl', handleOpenExternalUrl)
- createWindow()
- app.on('activate', function () {
- if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
- })
- mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function() {
- if (filePath) {
- mainWindow.webContents.send('open-file', filePath)
- filePath = null
- }
- });
- Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu)
- // Context Menu
- mainWindow.webContents.on('context-menu', (e, props) => {
- const { selectionText, isEditable } = props;
- if (isEditable) {
- inputMenu.popup(mainWindow);
- } else if (selectionText && selectionText.trim() !== '') {
- selectionMenu.popup(mainWindow);
- }
- })
- ready = true
-// app.on("ready", createWindow)
-app.on("window-all-closed", () => {
- if (process.platform !== "darwin") {
- app.quit()
- }
-app.on("open-file", function(event, path) {
- event.preventDefault()
- filePath = path
- if (ready) {
- mainWindow.webContents.send('open-file', filePath)
- filePath = null
- }
-// app.on("activate", () => {
-// // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
-// // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
-// if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {
-// createWindow()
-// }
-// })
-// TODO: Remove Temp solution to work around permission issues with FileSystemFileHandle.createWritable() in Menu.ts Save As
-** Electron IPC Handlers required for the OCD Desktop.
-async function handleGetVersion() {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleGetVersion')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const buildInformation = {
- version: app.getVersion()
- }
- resolve(buildInformation)
- })
-async function handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames() {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const parsed = common.ConfigFileReader.parseDefault(null)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames', parsed)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames', parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames', Array.from(parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile.keys()))
- const profiles = Array.from(parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile.keys())
- resolve(profiles)
- })
-async function handleLoadOciConfigProfile(event, profile) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfile')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const parsed = common.ConfigFileReader.parseDefault(null)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames Parsed:', parsed)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames Config By Profile:', parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile)
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadOciConfigProfileNames Keys:', Array.from(parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile.keys()))
- const profileData = Array.from(parsed.accumulator.configurationsByProfile[profile])
- resolve(profileData)
- })
-async function handleListRegions(event, profile) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleListRegions')
- const ociQuery = new OciQuery(profile)
- return ociQuery.listRegions()
-async function handleListTenancyCompartments(event, profile) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleListTenancyCompartments')
- const ociQuery = new OciQuery(profile)
- return ociQuery.listTenancyCompartments()
-async function handleQueryTenancy(event, profile, compartmentIds, region) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleQueryTenancy')
- const ociQuery = new OciQuery(profile, region)
- return ociQuery.queryTenancy(compartmentIds)
-async function handleQueryDropdown(event, profile, region) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleQueryDropdown')
- const ociQuery = new OciReferenceDataQuery(profile, region)
- return ociQuery.query()
-async function handleLoadDesign(event, filename) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadDesign')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- if (!filename || !fs.existsSync(filename) || !fs.statSync(filename).isFile()) {
- dialog.showOpenDialog(mainWindow, {
- properties: ['openFile'],
- filters: [{name: 'Filetype', extensions: ['okit']}]
- }).then(result => {
- const design = result.canceled ? {} : fs.readFileSync(result.filePaths[0], 'utf-8')
- resolve({canceled: result.canceled, filename: result.filePaths[0], design: JSON.parse(design)})
- }).catch(err => {
- console.error(err)
- reject(err)
- })
- } else {
- const design = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8')
- resolve({canceled: false, filename: filename, design: JSON.parse(design)})
- }
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleSaveDesign(event, design, filename, suggestedFilename='') {
- design = typeof design === 'string' ? JSON.parse(design) : design
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleSaveDesign', filename, JSON.stringify(design, null, 2))
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- if (!filename || !fs.existsSync(filename) || !fs.statSync(filename).isFile()) {
- dialog.showSaveDialog(mainWindow, {
- defaultPath: suggestedFilename,
- properties: ['openFile', 'createDirectory'],
- filters: [{name: 'Filetype', extensions: ['okit']}]
- }).then(result => {
- if (!result.canceled) fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, JSON.stringify(design, null, 4))
- resolve({canceled: false, filename: result.canceled ? '' : result.filePath, design: design})
- }).catch(err => {
- console.error(err)
- reject(err)
- })
- } else {
- fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(design, null, 4))
- resolve({canceled: false, filename: filename, design: design})
- }
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleDiscardConfirmation(event) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const options = {
- type: 'question',
- message: 'All Changes Will Be Lost',
- details: 'OCD Design has been modified.',
- buttons: ['Discard Changes', 'Cancel'],
- defaultId: 1
- }
- dialog.showMessageBox(mainWindow, options).then((result) => {
- console.debug('Discard Confirmation', result)
- const discardResponse = [true, false]
- resolve(discardResponse[result.response])
- })
- })
-async function handleExportTerraform(event, design, directory) {
- // design = typeof design === 'string' ? JSON.parse(design) : design
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleExportTerraform')
- // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {reject('Currently Not Implemented')})
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Currently Not Implemented'))
-async function handleLoadConsoleConfig(event) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadConfig')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // const defaultConfig = {
- // showPalette: true,
- // showModelPalette: true,
- // showProvidersPalette: ['oci'],
- // verboseProviderPalette: false,
- // displayPage: 'designer',
- // detailedResource: true,
- // showProperties: true,
- // highlightCompartmentResources: false,
- // recentDesigns: [],
- // maxRecent: 10,
- // }
- try {
- // if (!fs.existsSync(ocdConsoleConfigFilename)) fs.writeFileSync(ocdConsoleConfigFilename, JSON.stringify(defaultConfig, null, 4))
- if (!fs.existsSync(ocdConsoleConfigFilename)) reject(new Error('Console Config does not exist'))
- const config = fs.readFileSync(ocdConsoleConfigFilename, 'utf-8')
- resolve(JSON.parse(config))
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleSaveConsoleConfig(event, config) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleSaveConfig')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- if (!config.showPreviousViewOnStart) config.displayPage = 'designer' // If we do not want to display previous page then default to designer.
- fs.writeFileSync(ocdConsoleConfigFilename, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4))
- resolve(config)
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleLoadCache(event) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadCache')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- // if (!fs.existsSync(ocdCacheFilename)) fs.writeFileSync(ocdCacheFilename, JSON.stringify(defaultCache, null, 4))
- if (!fs.existsSync(ocdCacheFilename)) reject('Cache does not exist')
- const config = fs.readFileSync(ocdCacheFilename, 'utf-8')
- resolve(JSON.parse(config))
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleSaveCache(event, cache) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleSaveCache')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- fs.writeFileSync(ocdCacheFilename, JSON.stringify(cache, null, 4))
- resolve(cache)
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleLoadCacheProfile(event, profile) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadCacheProfile')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- // if (!fs.existsSync(ocdCacheFilename)) fs.writeFileSync(ocdCacheFilename, JSON.stringify(defaultCache, null, 4))
- if (!fs.existsSync(ocdCacheFilename)) reject('Cache does not exist')
- const config = fs.readFileSync(ocdCacheFilename, 'utf-8')
- resolve(JSON.parse(config))
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-async function handleOpenExternalUrl(event, href) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleOpenExternalUrl')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- try {
- shell.openExternal(href)
- resolve()
- } catch (err) {
- reject(err)
- }
- })
-// Library / Reference Architecture Functions
-const prodLibraryUrl = ''
-const devLibraryUrl = ''
-const libraryUrl = isDev || isPreview ? devLibraryUrl : prodLibraryUrl
-const libraryFile = 'referenceArchitectures.json'
-async function handleLoadLibraryIndex(event) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // Build Library JSON File URL
- const libraryJsonUrl = `${libraryUrl}/${libraryFile}`
- const request = new Request(libraryJsonUrl)
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: URL', libraryJsonUrl, request)
- // Get Library File
- const libraryFetchPromise = fetch(request)
- libraryFetchPromise.then((response) => {
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Fetch Response', response)
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Fetch Response', response.headers.get("content-type"))
- return response.text()
- }).then((data) => {
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Fetch Data', data)
- const libraryIndex = JSON.parse(data)
- // const sectionQueries = [getLibrarySectionSvg(libraryIndex, 'oci')]
- const sectionQueries = Object.keys(libraryIndex).map((k) => getLibrarySectionSvg(libraryIndex, k))
- Promise.allSettled(sectionQueries).then((results) => {
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Section Query Results', results)
- resolve(libraryIndex)
- })
- // resolve(libraryIndex)
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Fetch Error Response', err)
- reject(err)
- })
- })
-function getLibrarySectionSvg(libraryIndex, section) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const librarySection = libraryIndex[section]
- const svgRequests = => new Request(`${libraryUrl}/${section}/${design.svgFile}`))
- const svgUrls = => fetch(request))
- Promise.allSettled(svgUrls).then((results) => Promise.allSettled( => r.value.text()))).then((svg) => {
- svg.forEach((r, i) => {
- console.debug('Electron Main: getLibrarySectionSvg: Svg Query Results', section, r.status)
- // console.debug('Electron Main: getLibrarySectionSvg: Svg Query Results', r.value)
- librarySection[i].dataUri = `data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(r.value)}`
- // librarySection[i].dataUri = `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(r.value)))}`
- })
- resolve(librarySection)
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.debug('Electron Main: getLibrarySectionSvg: Fetch Error Response', err)
- reject(err)
- })
- })
-async function handleLoadLibraryDesign(event, section, filename) {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryDesign')
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // Build Design JSON File URL
- const libraryJsonUrl = `${libraryUrl}/${section}/${filename}`
- const request = new Request(libraryJsonUrl)
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryDesign: URL', libraryJsonUrl, request)
- // Get Library File
- const libraryFetchPromise = fetch(request)
- libraryFetchPromise.then((response) => {
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryDesign: Fetch Response', response)
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryDesign: Fetch Response', response.headers.get("content-type"))
- return response.text()
- }).then((design) => {
- // console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryDesign: Fetch Data', design)
- resolve({canceled: false, filename: filename, design: JSON.parse(design)})
- }).catch((err) => {
- console.debug('Electron Main: handleLoadLibraryIndex: Fetch Error Response', err)
- reject(err)
- })
- })
-async function handleLoadSvgCssFiles() {
- return Promise.reject(new Error('Not Implemented'))
diff --git a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/preload.js b/ocd/packages/desktop/public/preload.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02cd31a07..000000000
--- a/ocd/packages/desktop/public/preload.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-** Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
-const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
-contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('ocdAPI', {
- // Build Information
- getVersion: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdBuild:getVersion'),
- // OCI API Calls / Query
- loadOCIConfigProfileNames: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociConfig:loadProfileNames'),
- loadOCIConfigProfile: (profile) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociConfig:loadProfile'),
- listRegions: (profile) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociQuery:listRegions', profile),
- listTenancyCompartments: (profile) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociQuery:listTenancyCompartments', profile),
- queryTenancy: (profile, compartmentIds, region) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociQuery:queryTenancy', profile, compartmentIds, region),
- queryDropdown: (profile, region) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ociQuery:queryDropdown', profile, region),
- // OCD Design
- loadDesign: (filename) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:loadDesign', filename),
- saveDesign: (design, filename, suggestedFilename = '') => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:saveDesign', design, filename, suggestedFilename),
- discardConfirmation: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:discardConfirmation'),
- exportTerraform: (design, directory) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:exportTerraform', design, directory),
- loadLibraryIndex: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:loadLibraryIndex'),
- loadLibraryDesign: (section, filename) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:loadLibraryDesign', section, filename),
- loadSvgCssFiles: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdDesign:loadSvgCssFiles'),
- // OCD Configuration
- loadConsoleConfig: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdConfig:loadConsoleConfig'),
- saveConsoleConfig: (config) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdConfig:saveConsoleConfig', config),
- // OCD Cache
- loadCache: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdCache:loadCache'),
- saveCache: (config) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdCache:saveCache', config),
- // External URLs
- openExternalUrl: (href) => ipcRenderer.invoke('ocdExternal:openExternalUrl', href),
- // Main -> Renderer One Way
- onOpenFile: (callback) => ipcRenderer.on('open-file', callback)
-console.debug('Preload script')
diff --git a/ocd/packages/desktop/src/menu.ts b/ocd/packages/desktop/src/menu.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 17918acc9..000000000
--- a/ocd/packages/desktop/src/menu.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-** Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
-import { Menu, MenuItemConstructorOptions } from "electron"
-const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin'
-// // Add Menu
-// const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
-// // { role: 'appMenu' }
-// ...(isMac
-// ? [{
-// label:,
-// submenu: [
-// { role: 'about' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'services' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'hide' },
-// { role: 'hideOthers' },
-// { role: 'unhide' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'quit' }
-// ]
-// }]
-// : []) as MenuItemConstructorOptions[],
-// // { role: 'fileMenu' }
-// {
-// label: 'File',
-// submenu: [
-// isMac ? { role: 'close' } : { role: 'quit' }
-// ] as MenuItemConstructorOptions[]
-// },
-// // { role: 'editMenu' }
-// // {
-// // label: 'Edit',
-// // submenu: [
-// // { role: 'undo' },
-// // { role: 'redo' },
-// // { type: 'separator' },
-// // { role: 'cut' },
-// // { role: 'copy' },
-// // { role: 'paste' },
-// // ...(isMac
-// // ? [
-// // { role: 'pasteAndMatchStyle' },
-// // { role: 'delete' },
-// // { role: 'selectAll' },
-// // { type: 'separator' },
-// // {
-// // label: 'Speech',
-// // submenu: [
-// // { role: 'startSpeaking' },
-// // { role: 'stopSpeaking' }
-// // ]
-// // }
-// // ]
-// // : [
-// // { role: 'delete' },
-// // { type: 'separator' },
-// // { role: 'selectAll' }
-// // ])
-// // ]
-// // },
-// // { role: 'viewMenu' }
-// {
-// label: 'View',
-// submenu: [
-// { role: 'reload' },
-// { role: 'forceReload' },
-// { role: 'toggleDevTools' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'resetZoom' },
-// { role: 'zoomIn' },
-// { role: 'zoomOut' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'togglefullscreen' }
-// ]
-// },
-// // { role: 'windowMenu' }
-// {
-// label: 'Window',
-// submenu: [
-// { role: 'minimize' },
-// { role: 'zoom' },
-// ...(isMac
-// ? [
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'front' },
-// { type: 'separator' },
-// { role: 'window' }
-// ]
-// : [
-// { role: 'close' }
-// ]) as MenuItemConstructorOptions[]
-// ]
-// },
-// // {
-// // role: 'help',
-// // submenu: [
-// // {
-// // label: 'Learn More',
-// // click: async () => {
-// // const { shell } = require('electron')
-// // await shell.openExternal('')
-// // }
-// // }
-// // ]
-// // }
-// ]
-// export const mainMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
-// // Context Menu
-// export const selectionMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
-// {role: 'copy'},
-// {type: 'separator'},
-// {role: 'selectAll'},
-// ])
-// export const inputMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
-// {role: 'undo'},
-// {role: 'redo'},
-// {type: 'separator'},
-// {role: 'cut'},
-// {role: 'copy'},
-// {role: 'paste'},
-// {type: 'separator'},
-// {role: 'selectAll'},
-// ])