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Mikael K. Aboagye JailbreakPapa
Some dude who works loves C++, and has an unhealthy obsession with Game Engines.

@WatchDogStudios United States

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Alexander Petree Apetree100122

@Apetree100122 United States

Science而后行 allen7u
Independent Researcher


Purbo Panambang panambang

@Lingble Karanganyar, Indonesia

Dwij Mistry dwijmistry11
<script>The best way to learn something is to build something</script>


Mustafa Genç mustafagenc

@enkasystems İstanbul

Newton Musyimi Newton-Musyimi
Computer Science and Information Systems student

Rhodes University Grahamstown, South Africa

Blirky EthanAnro
Be changing world by coding.


Mahmoud Shaheen mahmoudShaheen
Passionate Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience in Software Development, Design and Architecture.

@Robomagica Cairo, Egypt