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THDev unkn0wndfbx
Web and Mobile Developer

THDev France

Tyler TILR16

United States

Owner Of Approximaster Studios 2004 Outfit8TSB
hi, i am Outfit8TSB, i made GAME-CLI-SRV-DEV/ViaVersionProtocolSupport.


Claire helloworld0606
🌟 Transitioning to be a frontend /QA engineer, particularlly interested in Fintech sector. Always learning and exploring new technologie!


LostOfficial LostOfficial
I'm Official! Just another programmer. 🫶🏻 🐞 It's not a bug - it's a feature. Contributor to many projects 🔧

United States, Earth

Paul Tavitian themuzzleflare

Central Coast, New South Wales

ExoticDG ExoticDG
That's right. I'm a gaming youtuber that also codes.

Exotic Darkness Gaming

Sarwak Sarwak-Dev

Zipph Chile, Viña Del Mar

Rohit Luthra RohitLuthra19
I'm a passionate and experienced Senior Software Engineer with a strong foundation in front-end development. [email protected]

VIKAS PATEL vikasswebdev
Full Stack Engineer | AI | Web3
Marceli SKorupski Macskr
computer science cyber sec student

London , England , UK

Javier Cortés Pérez Ailakks
games client + server modder, web frontend + backend & native android apps developer :octocat:

@beatcorp Spain

ImagineForgee ImagineForgee
I like to play games and Devlope stuff

United States

Alex Ogden AlexOgden
ESA Gaia Software Engineer @ Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge @gaia-dpci

Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge England

ClovenBugle Chiloven945

@Enumeration-Studio, @PCL-Community Chongqing, PRC

Enderwahn Enderwahn
Hey, my name is Noel! I am working on several projects for Boocord.

@Boocord Germany

Nott IsNott
