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Kyungmoon Lee leekyungmoon

POSTECH Pohang, South Korea

Dong Won Kim ddwkim

Krafton Inc. Republic of Korea

I do not like bill java-xuechengzhi
MineCraft Forever!

guess 深圳

yangfengzzz yangfengzzz
GPGPU, Graphics and Simulation


RoZel-RoSel allahisgirl
Google Pixel 9 Pro XL

allah-is-girl MKE

Maxim Ivanov imginimg
From the deepest depths.
Miouzora Miou-zora

A little CS student looking for some Monsters®.

Keimyung Uni (계명) Daegu (대구)

Gil V. B. P. gilvbp
Software Developer/Architect, MBA IA/Big Data - Computer Scientist - Skilled on Scala, Java, R, Python, Spark, C++, C. ❤️ Linux/GNU, FOSS, IA.

Showtech IT Brazil

cedar cedarz

none wuhan,china

Gyanateet Dutta Ryukijano
CUDA C++ , Pytorch RT, JAX(JIT,Haiku enjoyer, FLAX Flexer) and Qiskit UwU Converts ideas and excitement into code. Fall Grad Student @universityofleeds

@GeForceStudent @Pytorch @NVIDIA @NVIDIAGameWorks @universityofleeds Leeds, UK

SpacedViking MineStorm999
15 Years Old Skript Kiddo :)
Daniel Hall DraegonLostria
I am an individual who's interest is in the experimentation of adding raytracing to games that don't have native support for the tech
Bora Wi arobiw

Seoul, South Korea

Robert RJMetcalfe

Sydney, Australia

I make pixels and pixel accessories, I tell you what!

Bangladesh Science Academy Dhaka, Bangladesh

Runze Wang Rainzor
Computer Graphics & AI

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, China

Wei Huang yiyidhuang
Software Engineer


Jiayao Zhang 张嘉瑶 jiayaozhang
Physics Engineer at Cloud Imperium (previously Bytedance, Saudi Aramco)

Cloud Imperium Games Frankfurt, Germany

Thibault Coppex tcoppex
⦁ procedural interactive graphics poetry ッ


Ethan MacDonald emd22
3D rendering and bare metal programmer from Nova Scotia🇨🇦

Halifax, NS