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Marlon Tavares marlontf
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. Há mais de 16 anos trabalhando com tecnologia, estou começando nesse ramo que sempre achei interessante.

Teófilo Otoni - MG/Brazil

Lynneker Souza lynnsouz
I'm an innovation enthusiast and iOS developer with about 8 years of experience with Swift and Objective-C.
Vitor Carvalho JVitorCarv
Data Science Intern @ CESAR and Computer Science student @ CESAR School

CESAR Pernambuco, Brazil

Luiz Almeida Jr LuizAlmeidaJr
I'm a Chemical Engineer and now I'm discovering the technology universe 🌎 I'm a Rocketseat student 👨‍🚀 #NeverStopLearning

São Paulo