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Jae Jin Kadantte
Is This the Door to Heaven or Hell?

@Oppa-TECH Republic of Korea.

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Chris Friemann Chrinsieboy
Software Developer, Working on multiple things at a time

Zwolle, The Netherlands

mizook dev-mzk
hi im mizook :DD you average lifeless dev!! i love hugss!!

@xyrdron your heart <3

Neon NeonGamerBot-QK
My robot is @zeon-neon

@FNBD-Development USA

advaith advaith1
hi i'm advaith, a student & developer | former Software Engineer Intern @discord | CS @ UCSC

SF Bay Area / UC Santa Cruz

Strids Stridsvagn69420
AuDHD is my passion


Vabolos Vabolos
I just like IT things and stuff

NierICT Netherlands

I <3 @post04


founder FoUnDeRR
i'm a developer, all about discord/js.

Soon™ Planet Earth

cute_coffee666 evlyou666
Just read my readme so yap

WorldBalancer fallen angel

Luxxured LuxuredUwU

667 Lyon, France

Benjamin (Tazhys) Tazhys
I'm 21 years old, breaking my bots daily in the out back Australia. I'm also a sucker for being derpy weirdo.

Am Brokey Dev Australia, Queensland

Eric Samuel Barrionuevo ericbarrionuevo
NET Developer | React | Motion Graphics_Digital Animation


Caden Jamason lutrine
computer science major @ csusm

San Marcos, California

Talal Ta1al
Solving NP Complete problems


Chiqui chiquidev
@google insider & twitch developer 🪴
Wolfie Wolfkid200444

@FutureDeveloperZ Puerto Rico

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

Adnan-Aidan T. adntaha
passionately refactoring a codebase near you

Montreal, Quebec

‮(gorg) GeorgeRNG
Realizing my bad choices the previous me made. Use a framework, pleaase.

Satire, Inc. somebody give me my ip i forgot it




BC, Canada

Anthony "LeWarpy" BILLON LeWarpy
weird dude who type like an dumb kid

@Almyria, formerly @DreamseeTelevision Bourges, France

Bananonz Bananonz
i like cows


Superchupu SuperchupuDev
sometimes obsessed too much about dependency count and size

@h-projects @biomejs

Jake Ward GamingGeek
22 year old TypeScript developer, Creator of @FireDiscordBot

@FireDiscordBot Ireland

Stijn van der Kolk stijnvdkolk
All things music data & stats. Computer Science student & teacher @ Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Prev. Data @ Sony Music.


Shadow thewilloftheshadow
I'm Shadow, a self-taught developer, musician, live event techie, and learner. Owner of @buape


Glenn promise

@biaw @countr @project-blurple Norway

megumin MeguminSama
Software Engineer. Just doing what I do.

The Internet