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Ivan Dirigir
I really believe committing every day to an open-source project is the best practice
Currently working as an Embedded Software Engineer. I constantly throw myself at programming projects and love to dabble with all things tech-related.


SiyaR Siya360
A self-taught computer scientist with a goal to master the art of solving real-world problems

Goodhost Technologies South Africa

Alex Lopes alexlopes

Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil

Petr Grishin petrgrishin
Lead Technical Architect / Senior Node.js Developer

The Earth

Tạ Quang Khôi TaQuangKhoi
I'm a Software Developer/ a Musician make music with Ardour


Abhinay Lunawat abhinay5993


Yurii Chudinov chudinovuv
Level 6 engineer & Solution Architect,

London. UK

Piotr Mazurkiewicz dzolnierz
Systems professional with System Administrator background | Kubernetes, Containers, SaltStack, Debian, Networking

Kraków, Poland

Chen Yuanrun chenyuanrun

Ictrek Chengdu, China


Houston, Texas

Karl Heinz Marbaise khmarbaise
Java Champion, Chairman of the Apache Maven Project, Apache Software Foundation Member @apache, @mojohaus Mojo Haus Member, Java Developer, CI / CD, Freelancer

SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung Würselen, Germany

Ben Romdhane Omar BenRomdhaneOmar
Senior Java and Kotlin back-end developer

Keyrus tunisia

Vladimir Minkin VladimirCores
I'm a professional Software Engineer, Tech Lead, and Associate Professor, capable of creating products from idea to production. Promote the idea of Strings API

SUPER CLUSTER & GIKIT Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Fabricio Cabral fabriciofx
Computer Science lecturer at IFPE (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco -
