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Baptiste Lyet Babali42
I enjoy pair programming, discussing architecture, and refining workflows. Feel free to reach out for collaboration !

@sogilis Grenoble

João Vitor Angelo joaovitorangelo
Front-end developer studying Software


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Vivek Pratap Singh vivekprcs
Senior Android Developer with over 10 years of experience in architecting and developing Android applications.

Harman Connected Services Bengaluru

Terrence Andrews juoni

Pixelwalkers Media Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Valerio Fontana FeddyLix17
The difference between theory and practice is greater in practice than in theory.

Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy

Atlantipshere Atlantisphere
Coder and Artist

Atlantisphere Productions Cambridge, UK

Scusk Rimsi yoyolicoris
I'm a Djentle man. When I hear 0000000 I click like.


Kris Ferranco kferranco
iOS Developer | Automation Team
Benjamin bennihtm
I like it to write, I publish my work on Github and on!

@awesomebible Germany

Sergiu Ravliuc YoSoySergio
Senior Frontend Developer

@AirbitUK @Bandlab Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

Wilde Geist and everyone calls me " Bing Bing " BingBingRocks
Aeternum Gaudium, Obdurare, Sua Sponte Life is a Song. Make it a Great Song that everyone will remember for eternity.

Wilde Geist San Diego

Sidhesh Bankar Sidhesh-02
Fullstack | Data Science | ML | Devops


Afzal Ashraf afzalashrafdev

BandLab Karachi, Pakistan


Institute of Sonology The Hague, Netherlands

Sam Kouteili SamKouteili
Interested in dataflow graphs, verification, and computer music

BandLab New Haven

Bruno Santos brnms
Javascript Developer
Hlayan Htet Aung hlayan
Android Developer @sgcodigo


Mitchell Cohen profmitchell
Professor of Sound Design @ Berklee College of Music

Berklee College of Music Boston

Crappy kitty
