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Tarik Assou Tarik-Assou
Data Science | Analysis | "Data is the new oil. It's valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used", Clive Humby
Anna-Luise Waeldchen anna-luise
Winfo Student @ Universität Paderborn currently learning Java and Python. Born 2003 Co-Founder @bytes-Coding-official

Universität Paderborn Paderborn

Annalena Holz AnnalenaHolz
Studying Computer Engineering


Ceye4n Ceye4n

Germany, NRW

Carina Sophie Schoppe CarinaSchoppe
Hi I´m Carina Sophie🏳️‍🌈 Computer Science and Business Student founder of @bytes-Coding-official and some other companies

@bytes-Coding-Official Paderborn, Germany