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Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd

Visionaire Labs VisionaireLabs
AI Research Lab

Visionaire Labs

Hao ilovejs
0 headache approach Write code IN [go, python, js] Domain knownledge IN [oauth, crypto, jose]
Vince weisisheng
Founder / Chief Tinkerer, creating hiring support tools for startups and SMBs LLC United States

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Anshika Mittal Anshika-Mittal
Passionate Software Developer | Former Superstar House Captain | Math Whiz


Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Yaroslav Korshak yko

Resurgo.AI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TrillionX TrillionXwin
Data Engineering, Infographics, and Blockchain
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki gwpl
just few of my alter-egos: @gww-fuel, @gww-certik, @gww-parity, @gwchsec

Europe - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Muhammad Abdullah aabdullah27
Started coding young—Python hooked me, AI keeps me exploring. 🚀

EAD - Techno Group Lahore, Pakistan

JP jpcam
Investment Analyst who abuses code and rebels against proper coding style! AI and python enthusiast.

Greater Investment Ltd Global

Dylan Bulseco dabulseco

FCS3 Enterprises Princeton, MA

applying generative AI to investment management


爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Ravindra Pandya ravindraptech
Lead Software Engineer | Generative AI | ML | Cloud | 3x AWS | Solution Architect | Python | Java | ex J.P. Morgan | Technology Trainer
Jitendriya Sendha jitendriyag2
Exploring GenAI | Cloud Architect | Tech Researcher | Building an Open Source Knowledge Hub

Cuttack, Odisha

MaxData maxdata
AI-Enhanced Human Learning
Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
Jimmy Smits jimmysmits

@Deloitte Amsterdam

Oleksii Babych olbychos
Machine Learning Engineer @dynamiq-ai
