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magazinkrisso 13inccc

[email protected] sofia

No gods, no masters.
A code dancer
Gerome About geromeabout
Code Game


KingHarkinian regime965
My boi, this peace is what all true warriors strive for


Stephen Renshaw itboffin71

ITB Consulting Limited

Amelia Miramonti amelia-m

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Nebraska

Jacob Nicked jacobnicked
I love tinkering around with operating systems and hardware. IT specialist, videography, photography; a cat dad; 20, 🇵🇱/🇩🇪/🇨🇦

@hexsieur Canada

Natalie Chmura natalieCloud
'25 BS Computer Science

The Ohio State University

makinosp makinosp

Tokyo, Japan

$H!NDGEKYUME shindgewongxj
Workaround, not walkaround.

@apple Calabasas, CA, USA

Ромашка RVashGH

Ромашковск, Ромашковое Королевство

Fidelis Akilan fidelisakilan
Androids and Linux

Texas, US

Athul athuljayaram
Cybersecurity Engineer @ SecurityInfinity
Andrew Benbow OulipianSummer
Migrated personal projects to: Custom web developer using Drupal, React, Node.js, and Django.
Husna Ramadan husnaram
A person has drunk pure coffee

Kota Tasikmalaya

Geoff Myers geoffmyers
President + CEO of SimDex LLC

SimDex LLC Saint Paul, Minnesota

Armand Camponovo camarm-dev
🇫🇷 French developer and growing sysadmin. 🌱 I create open source projects since 2020.

@LabseStudio & @PapillonApp France

Ethan Carter Edwards ethancedwards8
GPG: 2E51 F618 39D1 FA94 7A73 00C2 34C0 4305 D581 DBFE


Filippo Brigati filippobrigati

@GAB-Tamagnini-S-R-L Reggio Emilia

Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Just hanging aroung 👍

Dhaka, Bangladesh

removidoBR removidoBR
Basic user of Linux-based operating systems. Passionate about games and technologies.
Yağız Aydın yagiz-aydin

Btcturk İstanbul, Turkey

Sblorg Sblorgotech
I might hate myself but at least I try


lily celeste newton TheAwesome98-Real
dani if he was free software developer and also if he was a hot girl with massive boobies

Aberdeen, Scotland

Faldien Fallible-Disk-Encryption
Hi! Linux & UNIX enthusiast, general novice. I'll work on random things I find interesting, but always happy to help.
Isaque Martins IsaqueeMartins
Desenvolvedor Junior @Rede-Krill

Rede Krill Praia Grande - SP

Hervé Musangwa hmusangwa
I am contributing to the education of young aspiring software engineers in Africa.

African Leadership University Rwanda