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Colby CoolColby23


Leon LeonMarcel-HD
🏳️‍🌈 | 20 | 🇩🇪 | Media Designer

NRW | Germany

gerardo romero niño gerardorn
I do my best to bring companies into the digital world and keep them updated with cutting edge technologies. GCP and AWS certified


Andrew Rathbun AndrewRathbun
DFIR @ Unit 42, Admin of the Digital Forensics Discord Server, USMC Veteran, Former LE.

Unit 42 Michigan

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Sindri Jóelsson sindrijo
Most of my time these days is spent writing C# professionally for Unity3D projects, but I've been known to pull out C/Cpp/JS/ObjC/Swift from time to time.

@Attensi Oslo

Can Karka Cankar001
Game Engine Developer by heart

Elgato Düsseldorf, Germany

Lwrnc.E.U. murshyne
'L' here, Turn air & coffee into code. before you go, take this with you.."The Quickest way to kill a big Dream is to Introduce it to a Small Mind"
Mathis Guyot LeMageoire
Electronics Engineer in Embedded devices and Mecatronics. --- Started 42 School in October 2023, I'm Looking for Opportunities as a Junior Software Engineer.
Aaron Cupp IamMrCupp
Founder of @Tech-Noid-Systems Infrastructure & SRE Leader, DevOps, DevSecOps, Streaming Media

@Tech-Noid-Systems West Sacramento, CA

Jonas Dautel SNRSE

ByteHive Germany

Gaurav Agrawal gauravagrwal
🃏 Game Developer | Software Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Philatelist

Light & Wonder Bengaluru, India

perestoronin perestoronin

perestoroniny France

Steven Tender StevenTender
tend·er (tĕn′dər) noun: One who tends something

University of Maryland College Park, MD

Dom Salvia domsalvia
Old nerd trying to be a little more public
Founder of The Blue Line; a community supporting Eastside Hockey Manager since 2004.
Just a normal person developing cool stuff!

@Roleplay-Utilities Online & Ohio!

Lauren Cochrane lcochrane
👋 I have no professional training. Just a life-long interest in all things tech. Currently tinkering with Python 🐍


Isaac Hernán Isaaker
Spanish 🇪🇸 |  Apple | 💻 Owner of | 🌐 Open Source | Cibersecurity 🛡️| 🛫 Aviation

@Ramshackle-code España / Spain