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Saeed Ahmad saeedahmadicp
AI Research Engineer @ IKLab Inc. | Machine Learning Engineer

IKLab Inc. Geumcheon District, Seoul, South Korea

Jaewon_Ahn JwAhn0830
2001. 08. 30

Myongji Univ.

Joe L JelloMel
IT student, working on learning more

Brown University Cambridge, MA

Donghua Chen dhchenx
His research areas focus on Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Modeling, Big Data Analysis, and Artificial Intelligence in Medical Informatics.

Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of International Business and Economics Beijing, China

Austin G austingibb
Strong python, java, sql, and c skills. I enjoy all things computer science and love how software can enhance people's lives. Lead dev at 0xFACADE games.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Nathan NathanMTL
🌈🦄 ADHD | Geek | Hobbyist
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Unsettled by @luxxluciano to gather knowledge and stage projects from final steps in CST_ADS_GRAD [late2024] + further Academic/Professional trail PowerUps
Louis Lac laclouis5
PhD | R&D Engineer | AI and Computer Vision

@NeovisionSAS Grenoble, France

alex choi heyalexchoi
hello this is alex


Gaurav Marwal gauravmarwal
Software Engineer at IDFC First Bank | Open Source @gitlabhq | Gitlab Hero 🦊

IDFC First Bank Bangalore