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Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Greg Bomkamp bomkamp
Principal Software Engineer | Liberty Mutual Insurance | Fascinated by problems & passionate about solving them

Liberty Mutual Technology Cincinnati, Ohio

Mark Outcalt mtoutcalt

Liberty Mutual Seacoast, New Hampshire

Shirish Pokharel shirish93
Wannabe writer, poet, farmer. Computer Scientist

Liberty Liberty Leee-bertyyy PNW

Cason Cherry thecherrytree
Architect. Interactive Intelligence + Cloud = <3

@GeorgiaTech, @LibertyMutual New Hampshire, USA

Szikszai László szikszail
Solution Architect in Test Automation, JavaScript/TypeScript/Python Engineer @Idea-Pool @gherking

EPAM Debrecen, Hungary

Jason Kent JasonK97
Software Engineer and Frontend Developer. Interested in how AI can boost productivity.

@libertymutual Greater Idaho Falls, Idaho

Michael Standarski mstandarski

Liberty Mutual Indianapolis, IN

Seckin Arsoy seckinarsoy
Software Engineer at Liberty Mutual Insurance. I develop chatbots.

@libertymutual Orlando, Florida

David Ehringer davidehringer New Hampshire, USA