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KingOfDevil lerlar
King Is Back

Freedom Thailand

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Julio Galindo juliog922
Rustacean 🦀

Madrid, España

Matthew Stotts mlstotts
Investing in and advising world-changing technology entrepreneurs. Professor of Technology Management, College of Engineering at UCSB. [email protected] $5


Nwachukwu David Chukwudumebi xp0n3nt1chae
Full stack web developer 🧑‍💻 Web3 analyst/Web3 Dev💲💲💲 Crypt🪙 Enthusiast 📈📊 expensive piece of ..🤑 💭 HIT me up with deals



Neon Labs

Victor_TheOracle Victor-Okpukpan
Front-End and Solidity Developer
jafar75 jafar75
Software Engineer

Decentralized Earth

Muhammad Ilham Jaya ilhamjaya08
Junior Software Engineer & Student

Diversitylabs Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia

Smart Contract Engineer, Auditor
Mahesh Vagicherla b4s36t4
NodeJS, Python and Rust. Open-source ❤️.


dwong 0xdwong
Dive into blockchain.
Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

metasal metasal1
I can’t wait to show you what I build next.


Bruno Sanguinetti Jaxiii
Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of Brasília. Tech Lead at Explanada dos Mistérios

Exura Brasilia, Brazil

Thę Rēct◎r rz1989s
Just a thinker 💭 and explorer of new ideas!


Vitaly Bykov himaster
DevOps Tech Lead with 13+ years of commercial experience, working in large teams of up to 26 members as well as solo, both remotely and on-site.

Chisinau, Moldova

BTC Master saitomizuki111
Ethusiasm in De-Fi | DAO | IDO | NFT Marketplace | Smart Contract | Web3
turinglabs turinglabsorg
Polyhedric blockchain developer | Bitcoin First | 🦀 Rust lover


Marquivion Orr Marqui-13
software engineer with expertise in various fields including blockchain, web3, AI, full-stack development, creative development, cryptography, and quantum

Iowa, United States

Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.