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Henricus Louwhoff hl
Father and software engineer. Love to shoot analogue film, bake and cook. Building apps using Elixir & Phoenix. Experimenting with Swift, Janet, and Rust.


Alyx AlyxPractice
👨‍💻 Sr Infrastructure Engineer @docker 💎 ex-Ruby/Rails developer 😸 Golang enjoyer 🚴‍♂️ Remote worker 🤪 Silly projects are on my personal account!

@Docker Remote (France)

Julian Dumitrascu Julian-Dumitrascu
My teams provide people, methods, and means to help manage relationships, data, and resources.

Sol Global Management

Igor Šarčević shiroyasha
Founder/CTO @operately. Previously lead architect at @semaphoreci

@operately Novi Sad, Serbia