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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lenaic Jordan Lenaic-Jordan
Insights for Impact


Ml Lp mlapla
Math, music, high energy physics and computers. ☕ -


Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Yassin TALSSIS YassinTalssis
As a Smart System Engineer, my passion is making useful tools, accomplishing specific useful tasks, relieving boredom,...

ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco

E ObiwanKenobee

@Guardian-IO Wakanda

Alan Szmyt szmyty

Boston, Massachusetts

Peter Kuria peterkuria1
I am a MLOps engineer with a passion for datascience, AI, SaaS and cloud integrations.

Nairobi, Kenya

Sloane Ortel 🏳️‍⚧️ srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

Jiacong Cai jcongCai
My name is Jiacong Cai. Master of Environmental planning and management, Nanjing university. Research interest: Big data and human behaviours.
Vicky Liau vickyliau
Ph.D. in GIS with Specialty in Spatial Statistics

plano, Texas


University of Leeds/ CGFI Leeds, UK

Sean Miller millerss1
Meteorologist and GIS specialist with over 10 years working with spatially enabled data for applications related to climate/weather and natural hazards.

Maxar Technologies San Diego, California

Francesco Portigliotti francesco-portigliotti
Turning Data into a Competitive Edge | Engineering Smart Choices for a Sustainable Future
Alejandro © acocac
Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact

The Alan Turing Institute London

dillan teagle teaglebuilt
Senior software engineer inspired by software architecture and distributed technology. Experience in all areas of building and delivering software solutions.

@builttechnologies Charleston

Dr Azad Rasul Azad77
As a geographer, I use programming, remote sensing and GIS methods and techniques to study land surface temperature, urban environment, and Earth observation.

Soran University

James Crowley jamescrowley
Fractional CTO focused on sustainability & impact with #deeptech #techforgood

Atomitz / Satgana anywhere

Yigakpoa Samuel yigakpoa
Maintainer @clentafrica, @oppia, @chaoss. || Tech Mentor @outreachy

@oppia @chaoss @clentafrica

Trishal Kumar tkkr6895

PESIT Bangalore, India

Oliver Cronk cronky
Technology Director @ScottLogic formerly Chief/Enterprise Architect and Full stack OSS Developer. Passionate about Sustainability and Responsible Tech

Scott Logic United Kingdom

Tonic Josephrp
Working on machine learning for back office admin and finance + software for biofabrication and research - contributing to collaborative datasets

@Tonic-AI territories of north america