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Alexander Paul Wansiedler wansiedler
🧠 Professionally failing at algorithms and turning coffee into code since 2003. 💡 Inventor at heart, Engineer by trade.

Ippen Digital Media GmbH München, Bayern, Deutschland

John kirathe jonkirathe
I'm a seasoned Senior Fullstack Developer with a passion for crafting efficient and scalable solutions.

Mbid Nairobi, Kenya

MadBananaBrands MadBananaUnionDAO
Banana Brainz on the Blockchain making Banana Brands, incubating Businesses, constructing digital infrastructure for the Metaverse's first true UNION. Plugin.

Mad Banana Union BlockChainWorld - Metaverse UnderGround

FiveOne7 fiveone7
I love software engineering what I'm doing.
Giasone giasone

DISH Digital Solution Düsseldorf (Germany)

OctoZeus octo8ight
I'm a programming polyglot. I love my career as a software engineer very much.
1% Better Everyday

SupraOracles Lisboa

VASP Holdings vaspholdings
Boutique management consultancy specialising in crypto asset risk including AML-CTF-CPF.


Altin (tin-z) tin-z
insecurity researcher || life &﹥ /dev/null;
Fausto Gutierrez faustogut

Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK)

N zkpvc


jaybuidl jaybuidl
Builder @kleros

@kleros asia-grid19-shard3



Peter Pan pantaovay

Particle Network Singapore

Tamjid tamjid0x01
SmartContracts Security Research. Love hacking for more secure Web3.

@AIT-s | @code-423n4 | @sherlock-audit | @immunefi-team | Web3

Shawky_Hanna ShawkyHanna
A multi-talented designer and creator with internationally recognized and extensive IT certifications and skills in the field of CNC Special Design
Koshik Raj koshikraj
🕸️ Open web3 evangelist | Brewing @brewitmoney | 🧑‍🏭Jazzing at @zenguardxyz | 📖 Authored @blockchainbook | 🔑 PGP: C4B9 729D B4AB 75BD

@zenguardxyz @brewitmoney Bengaluru