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Daniel Brito Danielcnn
Aprendendo Geogebra e MATLAB

@modelosemgeogebra Brasil

João Assaoka Assaoka
Futuro Bacharel em Ciência e Tecnologia

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - ICT São José dos Campos, SP

Gabriel Barberini GabrielBarberini
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

SumUp São Paulo

Pamela C Santana SantanaPC
Postdoc in SPACE (Speciation, Adaptation and Co-evolution) group

Lund University Lund - Sweden

👋 Hi there! I'm BARYALAY SAFI, a passionate software developer with a knack for creating robust, scalable, and efficient software solutions.


Renan Bomtempo renanbomtempo
MSc Mathematics @ufmg

UFMG Brazil

Wandeson Ricardo wsricardo
Art, tech and maths.


Csaba Schneider schcs
Professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte

Gilvan Almeida gln028
"A imaginação é mais importante que o conhecimento." Albert Einstein

Ceará, Brasil

Wellington Wagner Ferreira Sarmento wwagner33
As a professor in Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará). Me. in Teleinformatics Engeneering.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Diego Volpatto volpatto
Faculty Researcher in Applied and Computational Math at the Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI).

LNCC Petrópolis/RJ, Brazil

Darlan Almeida Darlan-Almeida
Ciência da Computação, UFCG

UFCG Campina Grande, PB

Efraim Rafael efraim-evo
Sou um jovem interessado em programação, e pretendo me formar em engenharia civil, elétrica ou da computação, com uma grande ênfase em Data Science, ML e DL.


Livia Jatoba liviajatoba

UERJ Nova Friburgo, Brazil

Clodomir Neto clodomirneto
Professor EBTT Matemática

IFCE Caucaia Caucaia - Ceará - Brasil

Mateus Praxedes MateusPraxedes
Full Stack Developer | JavaScript | React | Vue | Node | APIs | Java | Spring Boot | MySQL

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

RibeiroLucas LucasRibeiro1024b
I'm a developer honing my skills on backend.

Sobral - CE, Brazil

J. V. Bellas jvbellas
Accountant with bachelor's degree in finance at UERJ. Currently studying computer engineering at UNINTER and technical in electronics at Cefet/RJ.

RJ. Brazil

Jonathan jonathanmorais
Developer. AI entusiast

Rio de Janeiro

Fhillipi Silva fhillipi

Universidade Estadual do Piauí

Estevan Zanetti Küster Oxy8
Computer Science undergraduate at UFRGS
Matheus Telino thundertelino
Learning coding and searching courses and books. Welcome. Python | HTML | Java

Rio de Janeiro

meli meli-tortelli
computer engennering student. learning, living and trying the best that i can.

Itapeva - SP, Brasil

Iulisloi Zacarias izacarias
There is nothing special about me. Computer networks, protocols, standards, mobile networks...
Fernando Carvalho flcs

NSI Campos / RJ - Brasil

Roberto Costa robertheory
“Do or do not. There is no try.”

@techinrio Rio de Janeiro

André Carvalho andreunix
Software Engineer 💻🌐
Moisés Salgado de Morais baraosalgado
I'm a Bank officer and business administrator. Specialist in Business Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics. I like Python, SQL.

Banco do Brasil São Paulo, SP - Brasil