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Aakash Joshi avianage
👨‍💻 Computer Engineering student | Coding enthusiast 🚀 | Tech explorer 🌟 🔭 Building, learning, growing | Let's connect! 🤝
Alex Porter Apl0x
Computational Chemist. Using computational chemistry for drug discovery. Also an esports coach with an enthusiasm for stats

Syngenta London

Surendrasingh Sucharia surendrasinghs
Product & Solution Lead, EkStep | Lead Evangelist, Sunbird ( | Building @ONEST-Network

EkStep Bangalore, IN

Zhenglei Zhenglei-BCS

Bayer CropScience Monheim am Rhein

Hardik K Naik HardikKNaik
An Insilico enthusiast.


Simona Barankova milieere
Dev and Data

Unitary Switzerland

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Matheus Barcelos de Oliveira mathbarc
AI Engineer specialized in Computer Vision, avid for DevOps practices allied to Artificial Intelligence Systems.

@syngenta-digital Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Han Le han-le11
Software development, DevOps, machine learning. Computer Science Master's student at Aalto University.

Helsinki, Finland

Rahul Hirve rahul-hirve-fce

@syngenta-digital Pune

@Firmino89 Firmino89
Data Science enthusiastic, chemical engineer working as project/program manager. Start my career coding in C++ for numerical simulation.
Kumar Gauraw krgauraw
A focused professional with 8+ years of experience in Software Development using Java Stack.

StackRoute Labs Bangalore

Joe Roberts Dr-Joe-Roberts
Entomologist interested in applying data science to pest management problems.

Harper Adams University UK

João Oliveira jpolivra
Developer at @syngenta-digital, building AgTech products. Brazilian 🇧🇷

Syngenta Digital Brazil

Ron Cvek roncv
DPhil @ University of Oxford | CompChem

University of Oxford



Durgesh Mahajan durgeshm01722
DevOps and SRE Engineer I @syngenta-digital | 1x AWS Certified | Full-Stack Developer - Web and Mobile | TypeScript | Reactjs | Nodejs | CircleCI | AWS

@syngenta-digital Pune, Maharashtra

Geoff Hutchison ghutchis
Creator and developer of @Avogadro @openbabel and @PittQuantumRepository

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Rakhim Abdullayev Rakhimjon

IMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi Tashkent

David Dreier dadreier
Data scientist with an interdisciplinary background in molecular biology, toxicology, and environmental health.
Ney Anderson neyanderson
IT guy, music and cats

São Paulo

Ricardo Kanitz rkanitz
Applied evolutionary biologist, data scientist and open-source enthusiast.

Syngenta Switzerland

Victor Tulus vtulus

ETH Zürich Zürich