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Matthias Grenié Rekyt
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Ecology

Université Grenoble Alpes / Laboratoire d'Écologie Alpine (LECA) Grenoble, France

Nishant Bhardwaj nishantbhardwaj1
I am interested in ecology, conservation, human-animal interactions and using AI/machine learning for biodiversity conservation or management.

Delhi, India

Olivier Gimenez oliviergimenez
Scientist. Statistical ecology. Modelling and conservation sciences.

CNRS Montpellier

Tim Adriaens timadriaens
I am the focal point for IAS at INBO. I have a broad network in the field of IAS research and provide expertise & support in relation to IAS and biodiversity.

@inbo Brussels

lea katzlea
PhD Student at BIOMAR Lab ULB. Working on benthic biodiversity in the Western Antarctic Peninsula.
