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Cryto 0xp3p3x0
Only Good Job!
Christian Anders Schwarzgruber casch-at
Introduction to mentoring: A guide for mentors and mentees. https:/

ITSV GmbH Austria, Vienna

Robust Pony pony0206
👋 Hello! I'm Fun Pony, a passionate and dedicated web developer with a knack for creating intuitive and responsive web experiences.
0xcordev 0xcordev
I'm an Software Architect and Full-Stack Developer, with a strong attitude to Growth Hacking.
Wakil Ahmed Wakil18

eFoli, LLC Dhaka, Bangladesh

Moein MoeinDeveloper92
MERN Stack Developer, and life long learner. Skills: 1:JavaScript 2:React/React-Native 3:MongoDB/Mongoose/SQL 5:NodeJs/Nestjs/API/RESTAPI 6:Security skill


Gregory Bowne gbowne1
Machine and Fabrication Shop owner. Hobbyist coder.

Blue Star Machining, Inc. Seattle, WA USA

Linda Eland lindasueze
The morning is wiser than the evening

Miami, United States

Lillian Song lilliansong788
Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within YOURSELF in your way of thinking.

Chicago, United States

tzztson tzztson
The future is technical.

tzztson federation tzztson federation