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Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Cory Albrecht CoryAlbrecht
Java developer, alternate history fan, network engineer, photgraphy hobbyist, systems administrator, all-around geek

Kitchener, ON

James P jpansarasa

Elastic Development

Takashi Morita moritata

ILCA, inc. Chiba,Japan

dominicusin dominicusin
contantly changeable

Hitech inc. The local group of Galaxies

Andrey Mavlyanov amavlyanov
*nix admin, SPbLUG ex-Coordinator

Digital Activity Rishon LeZion, Israel

Davide Valsecchi valsdav
Particle Physicist | Postdoc @ ETH Zurich | CMS experiment @ CERN

ETH Zurich Geneve (CH)

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
JN Σ jnbdz
Senior Developer with a passion for flying

PID 1 127.0.01

Jearton jearton
Senior Software Engineer

HomeLab Hangzhou

David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sergey Mutin mutin-sa

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

Peter Skarpetis peterska
Founder of Serendipity Software, Linux zealot and Kubernetes enthusiast.

Sydney Australia