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HOME > EN(3.0) > HTTP Callback


SRS does not support server-side scripting, instead it supports HTTP callbacks; read ServerSide script.

For token authentication based on HTTP callbacks, read Token Authentication


SRS always enable http callbacks.

For more information, read Build

Configuring SRS

The config for HTTP hooks is:

vhost your_vhost {
    http_hooks {
        # Whether http hooks are enabled.
        # Default: off
        enabled         on;

        # on_connect Hook
        # When clients connect to the vhost/app, call this hook, with
        # the request's POST data containing a JSON-encoded object like this:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_connect",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "tcUrl": "rtmp://",
        #           "pageUrl": ""
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported in this format:
        #       on_connect http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;

        # on_close Hook
        # When clients close/disconnect from the vhost/app/stream, call this hook.
        # The request's POST data will be a JSON object like the following:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_close",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live"
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) with its response,
        # an int value, specifying the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported in this format:
        #       on_close http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;

        # on_publish Hook
        # When a client (encoder) publishes to the vhost/app/stream, call this hook.
        # The request's POST data will be a JSON object similar to the following:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_publish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported in this format:
        #       on_publish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;

        # on_unpublish Hook
        # When a client (encoder) stops publishing to the vhost/app/stream, call this hook.
        # The request's POST data will be a JSON object like this:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_unpublish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported with this format:
        #       on_unpublish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;

        # on_play Hook
        # When client start to play the vhost/app/stream, call this hook,
        # with the request's POST data a JSON object similar to:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_play",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream",
        #           "pageUrl": ""
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported with this format:
        #       on_play http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;

        # on_stop
        # When a client stops playing the vhost/app/stream, call this hook,
        # with the request's POST data a JSON object as follows:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_stop",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # Multiple API hooks are supported with this format:
        #       on_stop http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;

        # on_dvr Hook
        # When SRS reap a DVR file, call this hook,
        # with the request's POST data a JSON object like this:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_dvr",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream",
        #           "cwd": "/usr/local/srs",
        #           "file": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.flv"
        #       }
        # If valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200 (Status OK) and its response,
        # an int value, specifies the error code (0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs;

Note: For more information, read the section in conf/full.conf

HTTP Callback Events

SRS can call HTTP callbacks for events:

Event Data Description
on_connect {
"action": "on_connect",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"tcUrl": "rtmp://x/x?key=xxx",
"pageUrl": "http://x/x.html"
When a client connects to the specified vhost and app.
on_close {
"action": "on_close",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"send_bytes": 10240,
"recv_bytes": 10240
When a client closes a connection, or the server drops a connection.
on_publish {
"action": "on_publish",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
When a client publishes a stream, for example, using flash or FMLE to publish a stream to the server.
on_unpublish {
"action": "on_unpublish",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
When a client stops publishing a stream.
on_play {
"action": "on_play",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream",
"pageUrl": ""
When a client starts playing a stream.
on_stop {
"action": "on_stop",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
When a client stops playback.
on_dvr {
"action": "on_dvr",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream",
"cwd": "/opt",
"file": "./"
When reap a DVR file.


  • Event: When this event occurs, call back to the specified HTTP URL.
  • HTTP URL: Can be multiple URLs, split by spaces, SRS will notify all one by one.
  • Data: SRS will POST the data to specified HTTP API.
  • Return Code: SRS requires that the response is an int indicating the error, 0 is success. SRS will disconnect the connection when the response is not 0, or HTTP status is not 200.

SRS HTTP Callback Server

SRS provides a default HTTP callback server, using cherrypy.

To start it: python research/api-server/ 8085

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ python research/api-server/ 8085
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] api server listen at port: 8085, static_dir: /home/winlin/git/simple-rtmp-server/trunk/research/api-server/static-dir
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] start cherrypy server
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Serving on
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTED

Publish and Play

When publishing a stream to SRS, SRS will call the registered HTTP callback:

[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":4,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":""}
[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] srs on_connect: client id=4, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl= - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:33] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"

When playing a stream on SRS, SRS will call the registered HTTP callback:

[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":5,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":""}
[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] srs on_connect: client id=5, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl= - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:50] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"


The HttpCallback can used to snapshot, please read snapshot

Winlin 2015.1

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