React component playground as React component
Panopticon works/feels like any other React component and doesn't force/lead you to write a lot of configs/stories just for setting up a component playground. That's why it keeps consistent/unified build workflow/pipeline for your application.
yarn add panopticon-core panopticon-stdlib
npm i panopticon-core panopticon-stdlib
pnpm add panopticon-core panopticon-stdlib
import React, { FunctionComponent, ButtonHTMLAttributes } from 'react'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import { Gallery } from 'panopticon-core'
import { BooleanCheckbox } from 'panopticon-stdlib'
// imagine this is your component
const Button: FunctionComponent<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> =
({ ...props }) => <button {...props} />
// make an exhibit from component
// and use some knobs to experiment with it
const buttonExhibit: Exhibit<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>> = {
component: Button,
props: {
disabled: BooleanCheckbox,
// create a page from list of exhibits
const PanopticonPage = () => (
// and render page
.render(<PanopticonPage />)
Simple, right? No configs or build pipelines/plugins, just components.
Check out other examples and router integration guides.
Gallery and IFrame components, type definitions
Collection of knobs for common/general purposes
Feel free to open an issue/discussion with request/report, but ensure you read/follow Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Project licensed under MIT License. What it means
Project name, logo, visual design and writing style heavily inspired by Control game (made by Remedy Entertainment)