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Summary of our design decisions and some pointers to literature.

Reference Counted Pointers

Memory management is handled by RCP (reference counted pointers) from Trilinos (module Teuchos). We have copied the relevant files into src/teuchos, so no external dependency is needed. Brief code snippets of the most frequent operations are given in our C++ Style Guide, this is useful to consult if you are unsure about the syntax. In order to understand how it works under the hood, read Teuchos::RCP Beginner's Guide (pdf). Finally, more thorough exposition is given in Teuchos C++ Memory Management Classes, Idioms, and Related Topics --- The Complete Reference (pdf).

Teuchos' RCP implements reference counting of objects, exactly like Python works. When an object runs out of scope, its reference count is decreased. When it is copied, its reference count is increased. When reference count goes to zero, it is deallocated. This all happens automatically, so as long as our C++ Style Guide is followed, things just work.

When CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug is set in our CMake (the default), then Teuchos is compiled with debugging support, which means that as long as you follow our C++ Style Guide, the C++ code should never segfault (since you never access raw pointers that could segfault and Teuchos raises nice exception with full stacktrace if there is any problem, very similar to Python). Use this mode when developing.

When CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release, then Teuchos is compiled without debugging support, which means that all pointer operations become either as fast as raw pointers, or very close. As such, there is pretty much zero overhead. However, in this mode, the program can segfault if you access memory incorrectly. This segfault however would be prevented if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, so always use the Debug build to test your code, only when all tests pass you can enable Release mode.

The Trilinos RCP pointers as described above are only used when WITH_SYMENGINE_RCP=OFF is set in CMake. The default option is WITH_SYMENGINE_RCP=ON, which uses our own implementation of RCP (see src/symengine_rcp.h). Our implementation is faster, but it only implements a subset of all the functinoality and it requires all our objects to have a refcount_ variable. Otherwise the usage of our RCP is identical to Teuchos::RCP, and Travis-CI tests both implementations of RCP to make sure the code works with both.

Operator Overloading

Ideally, we would like to be able to do:

RCP<Basic> x  = make_rcp<Symbol>("x");
RCP<Basic> y  = make_rcp<Symbol>("y");
RCP<Basic> r = (x + y) + (y + x);
std::cout << r << std::endl;

But the problem is, that the +, - and << operations must be defined on the RCP objects. However, just as you should not redefine what double + double is, you should not try to redefine operator overloading for an existing type (RCP). We can override operators for Basic objects, like so:

((*x) + (*y)) + ((*y) + (*x))

But here the problem is that the + operator only gets access to Basic, but it needs access to RCP<Basic> for memory management. In order to allow for operator overloaded types that use dynamic memory allocation, we will need to create our own "handle" classes. It is hard to write a handle class in C++ that are const-correct and clean and simple to use for most C++ developers. It can be done, but it is very hard, especially since we care about performance. In our opinion, we are better off writing such a layer in Python. An example of handle classes is [2] --- it is non-const correct, but should give ok performance.

Solution: using non-member non-friend functions is much more clear and much cleaner:

add(add(x, y), add(y, x))

The function signature of add is:

inline RCP<Basic> add(const RCP<Basic> &a, const RCP<Basic> &b);

For more complicated expressions, instead of add, we might also consider using the naming scheme proposed in [1]. Another advantage of this approach is that compiler errors are much easier to understand, since it is either finding our function or it does not, while when overloading operators of our templated classes (and RCP), any mistake typically results in pages of compiler errors in gcc.

The Python wrappers then just call this add function and provide natural mathematical syntax (x + y) + (y + x) at the Python level.

