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Tunguska is a comet-based distributed publish/subscribe hub for server side JavaScript (NodeJS, Rhino/RingoJS). Tunguska enables building applications around a pubsub paradigm with real-time message delivery to browsers. An introduction to Tunguska can be found here. Tunguska can be installed as NPM package using:

npm install tunguska

Tunguska consists of several modules:


This is the actual publish-subscribe hub. The hub is a simple, easy to use set of channels for publishing and listening for events, but includes some powerful features. To use the hub, simply require the hub.js module to get the hub object. If you installed Tunguska, you can do:

var hub = require("tunguska/hub");

Now to subscribe to a channel:

hub.subscribe("name/of/channel", function listenerFunction(message){
    // do something with the messages that are received

To publish to a channel:

hub.publish("name/of/channel", {foo:"bar"});

And to unsubscribe:

hub.unsubscribe("name/of/channel", listenerFunction);

Return Values

Calls to publish, subscribe, and unsubscribe will return an array of promises that represent the eventual return value from each subscriber. One can therefore determine when all the messages have been delivered, and if there was failures. In a distributed environment, the return value from subscription requests can be monitored to determine when the subscription has been distributed to all hubs.


Tunguska supports wildcarding/globbing for subscriptions. We can subscribe to a set of channels like:

hub.subscribe("name/of/*", listenerFunction);

or we can use double asterisk for recursive wildcard, to subscribe to everything:

hub.subscribe("**", listenerFunction);

In addition, we can use tagged subscriptions to subscribe to a subset of tagged messages on a channel:

hub.subscribe("name/of/*:tagname", listenerFunction);

Using tags requires that objects are published with a tag:

hub.publish("name/of/channel:tagname", {foo:"bar"});

Messages that are published with a tag will be sent to all subscribers that are subscribed to a matching tag, or that are subscribed to the base channel without a tag.

Tunguska also supports named event sub-types within each channel. The subscribe function takes an optional second parameter for specifying a specific event type to listen for. For example, we could choose to only listen to the "system" messages on a channel:

hub.subscribe("name/of/channel", "system", systemListener);

Named Events

And we can define name of the type of events with the "type" property in our published messages. For example:

hub.publish("name/of/channel", {type:"system"}); // will fire systemListener
hub.publish("name/of/channel", {type:"chat"}); // will not fire systemListener

Tunguska itself fires a special "monitored" event whenever a channel has one or more subscribers, and whenever a channel becomes free of any subscribers. For example:

hub.subscribe("name/of/channel", "monitored", function(message){
    // name/of/channel has at least one subscriber now
    // name/of/channel has no subscribers now

(This is used by the connectors)

Client Identity/Echo Suppression

Tunguska provides echo suppression by defining client identities. This is an important feature for distributed pubsub because it allows you to define efficient message routing without messages bouncing back and forth. To define a client identity, you can call fromClient with a client id, which will return a new hub interface which will suppress all messages from this client. :

hub.fromClient("client-1").subscribe("name/of/channel", function listenerFunction(message){
    // do something with the messages that are received

The clientId property may be an array if there are a list of client of client identities that should be excluded.

The hub interface returned from the fromClient call can also be used to publish messages. A message with a from a client will be withheld from any listener defined through that client. For example:

hub.fromClient("client-1").publish("name/of/channel", {name:"msg-1"}); // will not fire the listenerFunction above
hub.fromClient("client-2").publish("name/of/channel", {name:"msg-2"}); // will fire the listenerFunction


This module consists of several JSGI appliances.



This a middleware appliance for creating and using a pool of client connection entities that can be shared across requests. This can be useful to use directly if non-comet requests may add or alter subscriptions for another comet connection that shares the same virtual connection entity. Connections are defined by including a "Client-Id" header in a request. All requests that share the same Client-Id share the same connection object. The nextApp is called after connection handling.

Connections are available within downstream JSGI applications from request.clientConnection. The connection queue object has the following properties/methods:

  • send(message) - This can be called to send a message to any connected client
  • onclose() - This event is called/triggered when a connection is closed


require("tunguska/jsgi/comet").Broadcaster(path, subscriptionApp, nextApp)

This provides a comet end-point. A request that matches the path will be handled by the Broadcaster and any messages in the client connection queue will be sent to the client, or if the connection queue is empty, it will wait until a message is sent to the connection and the broadcaster will deliver the message to the client. When the path is matched, the subscriptionApp will be called next and can handle defining any subscriptions that should be made (to the hub) and routing received messages to the connection queue. If the path is not matched, the nextApp is called.


require("tunguska/jsgi/comet").Subscriber(subscriptions, nextApp)

This is a subscription handling appliance that will either use list of subscriptions provided in the setup argument, or if the subscriptions argument is omitted, any subscriptions provided in the request, and subscribes to given channels on the hub, and forwards any received messages to the connection queue object.


require("tunguska/jsgi/comet").Notifications(path, subscriptions, nextApp)

This combines all three middleware appliance above into a single middleware appliance. The path defines the comet end-point. The subscriptions parameter is optional and can specify the set of channels to subscribe to. The nextApp is called for requests that don't match the path.


require("tunguska/connector").Connector(connectionId, stream);

Connectors provide a means for connecting hubs in different processes and on different machines, thus allowing for distributed publish/subscribe systems. Connectors are provided for worker-based communication, WebSocket communication (and in the future, HTTP-based communication) between hubs. The connectors communicate through a framed stream, following the WebSocket API. One can easily use a WebSocket connection or one can use the framed stream connection provided by multi-node for connecting processes. Here is an example of connecting the processes initiated by multi-node for distributed pub/sub across all the processes:

var multiNode = require("multi-node/multi-node"),
    Connector = require("tunguska/connector").Connector;
// start the multiple processes
var nodes = multiNode.listen({port: 80, nodes: 4}, serverObject);
// add a listener for each connection to the other sibling process
nodes.addListener("node", function(stream){
  // create a new connector using the framed WS stream
  Connector("local-workers", multiNode.frameStream(stream));

The Connection constructor takes two arguments:

Connector(connectionId, framedWebSocketStream);

The connectionId identifies the source of the messages, and utilizes echo suppression to route messages properly. A message that is broadcast from one connection won't get rerouted back to the same connector/client causing duplicate messages. The second argument is the framed stream that follows the WebSocket API.

One can utilize different connectionIds to connect different networks for more sophisticated topologies. For example, one could have a set of connectors for local processes with one id ("local-workers"), and a connector for a remote server with another id ("servers"). A message received the other server would not be echoed back to that server, but it would properly get routed to the local worker processes.