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Writing Sequences Files in Biopython

The previous section talked about reading sequence files in Biopython using the SeqIO.parse(...) function. Now we'll focus on writing sequence files using the sister function SeqIO.write(...).

The more gently paced Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook (PDF) first covers creating your own records (SeqRecord objects) and then how to write them out. We're going to skip that here, and work with ready-made SeqRecord objects loaded with SeqIO.parse(...).

Let's start with something really simple...

Converting a sequence file

Recall we looked at the E. coli K12 chromosome as a FASTA file NC_000913.fna and as a GenBank file NC_000913.gbk. Suppose we only had the GenBank file, and wanted to turn it into a FASTA file?

Biopython's SeqIO module can read and write lots of sequence file formats, and has a handy helper function to convert a file:

>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> help(SeqIO.convert)

Here's a very simple script which uses this function:

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "NC_000913.gbk"
output_filename = "NC_000913_converted.fasta"
count = SeqIO.convert(input_filename, "gb", output_filename, "fasta")
print(str(count) + " records converted")

Save this as and run it:

$ python
1 records converted

Notice that the SeqIO.convert(...) function returns the number of sequences it converted - here only one. Also have a look at the output file:

$ head NC_000913_converted.fasta
>NC_000913.3 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome.

Warning: The output will over-write any pre-existing file of the same name.

Advanced Exercise: Modify this to add command line parsing to take the input and output filenames as arguments.

The SeqIO.convert(...) function is effectively a shortcut combining SeqIO.parse(...) for input SeqIO.write(...) for output. Here's how you'd do this explictly:

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "NC_000913.gbk"
output_filename = "NC_000913_converted.fasta"
records_iterator = SeqIO.parse(input_filename, "gb")
count = SeqIO.write(records_iterator, output_filename, "fasta")
print(str(count) + " records converted")

Previously we'd always used the results from SeqIO.parse(...) in a for loop - but here the for loop happens inside the SeqIO.write(...) function.

Exercise: Check this does the same as the SeqIO.convert(...) version above.

The SeqIO.write(...) function is happy to be given multiple records like this, or simply as a list of SeqRecord objects. You can also give it just one record:

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "NC_000913.gbk"
output_filename = "NC_000913_converted.fasta"
record =, "gb")
SeqIO.write(record, output_filename, "fasta")

We'll be doing this in the next example, where we call SeqIO.write(..) several times in order to build up a mult-record output file.

Filtering a sequence file

Suppose we wanted to filter a FASTA file by length, for example exclude protein sequences less than 100 amino acids long.

The Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook (PDF) has filtering examples combining SeqIO.write(...) with more advanced Python features like generator expressions and so on. These are all worth learning about later, but in this workshop we will stick with the simpler for-loop.

You might try something like this:

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "NC_000913.faa"
output_filename = "NC_000913_long_only.faa"
count = 0
total = 0
for record in SeqIO.parse(input_filename, "fasta"):
    total = total + 1
    if 100 <= len(record):
        count = count + 1
        SeqIO.write(record, output_filename, "fasta")
print(str(count) + " records selected out of " + str(total))

Save this as, and run it, and check it worked.

$ python
3719 records selected out of 4141

Discussion: What goes wrong and why? Have a look at the output file...

$ grep -c "^>" NC_000913_long_only.faa
$ cat NC_000913_long_only.faa
>gi|16132220|ref|NP_418820.1| predicted methyltransferase [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]

The problem is that our output file only contains one sequence, actually the last long sequence in the FASTA file. Why? What happened is each time round the loop when we called SeqIO.write(...) to save one record, it overwrote the existing data.

The simplest solution is to open and close the file explicitly, using a file handle. The SeqIO functions are happy to work with either filenames (strings) or file handles, and this is a case where the more low-level handle is useful.

Here's a working version of the script, save this as

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "NC_000913.faa"
output_filename = "NC_000913_long_only.faa"
count = 0
total = 0
output_handle = open(output_filename, "w")
for record in SeqIO.parse(input_filename, "fasta"):
    total = total + 1
    if 100 <= len(record):
        count = count + 1
        SeqIO.write(record, output_handle, "fasta")
print(str(count) + " records selected out of " + str(total))

This time we get the expected output - and it is much faster (needlessly creating and replacing several thousand small files is slow):

$ python
3719 records selected out of 4141
$ grep -c "^>" NC_000913_long_only.faa


Editing sequences

One of the examples in the previous section looked at the potato protein sequences, and that they all had a terminal "*" character (stop codon). Python strings, Biopython Seq and SeqRecord objects can all be sliced to extract a sub-sequence or partial record. In this case, we want to take everything up to but excluding the final letter:

Consider the following example (which I'm calling

from Bio import SeqIO
input_filename = "PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta"
output_filename = "PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_rep_no_stars.fasta"
output_handle = open(output_filename, "w")
for record in SeqIO.parse(input_filename, "fasta"):
    cut_record = record[:-1]  # remove last letter
    SeqIO.write(cut_record, output_handle, "fasta")

This should work fine on this potato file... but what might go wrong if you used it on another protein file? What happens if (some of) the input records don't end with a "*"?

Exercise: Modify this example to only remove the last letter if it is a "*" (and save the original record unchanged if it does not end with "*"). The sample solution is called instead.

Filtering by record name

A very common task is pulling out particular sequences from a large sequence file. Membership testing with Python lists (or sets) is one neat way to do this. Recap:

>>> wanted_ids = ["PGSC0003DMP400019313", "PGSC0003DMP400020381", "PGSC0003DMP400020972"]
>>> "PGSC0003DMP400067339" in wanted_ids
>>> "PGSC0003DMP400020972" in wanted_ids

Exercise: Guided by the script, write a new script starting as follows which writes out the potato proteins on this list:

from Bio import SeqIO
wanted_ids = ["PGSC0003DMP400019313", "PGSC0003DMP400020381", "PGSC0003DMP400020972"]
input_filename = "PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta"
output_filename = "wanted_potato_proteins.fasta"
count = 0
total = 0
output_handle = open(output_filename, "w")
# ...
# Your code here
# ...
print(str(count) + " records selected out of " + str(total))

The sample solution is called, and the output should be:

$ python
3 records selected out of 39031

Advanced Exerise: Modify this to read the list of wanted identifiers from a plain text input file (one identifier per line).

Advanced Exerise: What is the advatage of using a Python set instead of a Python list for the wanted identifiers?

Discussion: What happens if a wanted identifier is not in the input file? What happens if an identifer appears twice? What order is the output file?

Selecting by record name

In the previous example, we used SeqIO.parse(...) to loop over the input FASTA file. This means the output order will be dictated by the input sequence file's order. What if you want the records in the specified order (regardless of the order in the FASTA file)?

In this situation, you can't make a single for loop over the FASTA file. For a tiny file you could load everything into memory (e.g. as a Python dictionary), but that won't work on larger files. Instead, we can use Biopython's SeqIO.index(...) function which lets us treat a sequence file like a Python dictionary:

>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> filename = "PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta"
>>> fasta_index = SeqIO.index(filename, "fasta")
>>> print(str(len(fasta_index)) + " records in " + filename)
>>> "PGSC0003DMP400019313" in fasta_index
>>> record = fasta_index["PGSC0003DMP400019313"]
>>> print(record)
ID: PGSC0003DMP400019313
Name: PGSC0003DMP400019313
Description: PGSC0003DMP400019313 PGSC0003DMT400028369 Protein
Number of features: 0

Exercise: Write a new version of your script using SeqIO.index(...) instead of SeqIO.parse(...) and a for loop. Which is faster?

Exercise: Complete the following script by using SeqIO.index(...) to make a FASTA file with records of interest in the given order:

from Bio import SeqIO
wanted_ids = ["PGSC0003DMP400019313", "PGSC0003DMP400020381", "PGSC0003DMP400020972"]
input_filename = "PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta"
output_filename = "wanted_potato_proteins_in_order.fasta"
fasta_index = SeqIO.index(input_filename, "fasta")
count = 0
total = # Your code here, get total from fasta_index
output_handle = open(output_filename, "w")
for identifier in wanted_ids:
    # ...
    # Your code here, get the record for the identifier, and write it out
    # ...
print(str(count) + " records selected out of " + str(total))

I called this script and the output should be:

$ python
3 records selected out of 39031

Now compare the outfile files from the two approaches:

$ grep "^>" wanted_potato_proteins.fasta
>PGSC0003DMP400020381 PGSC0003DMT400029984 Protein
>PGSC0003DMP400020972 PGSC0003DMT400030871 Protein
>PGSC0003DMP400019313 PGSC0003DMT400028369 Protein
$ grep "^>" wanted_potato_proteins_in_order.fasta
>PGSC0003DMP400019313 PGSC0003DMT400028369 Protein
>PGSC0003DMP400020381 PGSC0003DMT400029984 Protein
>PGSC0003DMP400020972 PGSC0003DMT400030871 Protein

The second file has the order specified in the Python list.