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File metadata and controls

238 lines (178 loc) · 6.17 KB

Messages and Responses

LLMling's messaging system provides a unified way to handle communication between agents and teams. The system is built around two core concepts:

Message Flow

Messages in LLMling-Agent can flow between:

  • Individual agents
  • Teams of agents
  • Agents and teams
  • External systems (through tools and connectors)

Each message carries not just its content, but also metadata about its journey through the system (costs, timing, routing information).


flowchart TB
    classDef header fill:#2b4670,color:white,font-weight:bold,font-size:16px
    classDef agentBlock fill:#e1f5fe,color:black,stroke:#01579b
    classDef teamBlock fill:#f3e5f5,color:black,stroke:#4a148c
    classDef infoBox fill:#fff3e0,color:black,stroke:#e65100,stroke-dasharray: 5 5

    Can send/receive messages, connect to other nodes, and participate in message routing"]
    class MessageNode header

    subgraph "Agent Types"
        direction TB
        Agent["Regular Agent
        - LLM interaction
        - Tool usage
        - Message history
        - Resource access"]

        StructuredAgent["Structured Agent
        - Type-safe responses
        - Schema validation
        - Specialized tasks"]

        CallbackAgent["Callback Agent
        - Function-based
        - Simple transformations
        - Easy integration"]

        HumanAgent["Human Agent
        - Interactive responses
        - Supervision
        - Training/Testing"]
    class Agent,StructuredAgent,CallbackAgent,HumanAgent agentBlock

    subgraph "Team Types"
        direction TB
        Team["Parallel Team
        - Multiple agents working together
        - Concurrent execution
        - Shared resources
        - Combined responses"]

        TeamRun["Sequential Team
        - Pipeline of agents
        - Step-by-step processing
        - Result validation
        - Data transformation"]
    class Team,TeamRun teamBlock

    MessageNode --> Agent & Team & TeamRun

    Agent --> StructuredAgent & CallbackAgent & HumanAgent

    %% Show that teams can contain any node
    Team -.- contains
    TeamRun -.- contains
    contains[/"Can contain any MessageNode
    (Agents or other Teams)"/]
    class contains infoBox

Message Types

The system uses two main message types:

  1. ChatMessage: The basic unit of communication
  • Can contain either text or structured data
  • Tracks metadata, costs, and routing information
  • Used by both individual agents and teams
  • Supports various formatting options for different interfaces
  1. TeamResponse: Specialized response type for team operations
  • Represents parallel or sequential execution results
  • Contains individual agent responses
  • Provides aggregated team statistics
  • Can be converted to ChatMessage for unified handling

Message Connections

Agents and teams can be connected to create message flows:

# Direct connection

# Team connection

# Chain connections
analyzer >> planner >> executor

Messages flowing through these connections maintain their metadata and can be:

  • Transformed
  • Filtered
  • Queued
  • Monitored

Detailed Types


ChatMessage is LLMling's user-friendly message abstraction, providing a clean interface over the more technical implementation details of various AI libraries.

class ChatMessage[TContent]:
    """Common message format for all interfaces."""

    content: TContent
    """Message content (string or structured data)"""

    role: "user" | "assistant" | "system"
    """Role of the message sender"""

    # Metadata
    name: str | None = None
    """Display name of the sender"""

    model: str | None = None
    """Model that generated this message"""

    message_id: str
    """Unique message identifier"""

    # Cost tracking
    cost_info: TokenCost | None = None
    """Token usage and cost information"""

    response_time: float | None = None
    """Time taken to generate response"""

    # Tool usage
    tool_calls: list[ToolCallInfo] = []
    """Tools used during message generation"""

    # Routing
    forwarded_from: list[str] = []
    """Chain of agents that forwarded this message"""

Usage Examples

# Simple text message
msg = ChatMessage[str](

# Structured content
msg = ChatMessage[AnalysisResult](
    content=AnalysisResult(score=0.8, issues=[...]),

# Access cost information
if msg.cost_info:
    print(f"Tokens: {msg.cost_info.token_usage['total']}")
    print(f"Cost: ${msg.cost_info.total_cost:.4f}")

# Format for display
print(msg.format("simple"))     # Basic format
print(msg.format("detailed"))   # With metadata
print(msg.format("markdown"))   # As markdown


TeamResponse represents the combined results from multiple agents working together:

class TeamResponse(list[AgentResponse]):
    """Collection of responses from team execution."""

    def duration(self) -> float:
        """Total execution time."""

    def success(self) -> bool:
        """Whether all agents completed successfully."""

    def failed_agents(self) -> list[str]:
        """Names of agents that failed."""

    def by_agent(self, name: str) -> AgentResponse | None:
        """Get response from specific agent."""

Usage Examples

# Execute team
team = pool.create_team(["analyzer", "planner", "executor"])
response = await team.run_parallel("Process this task")

# Access results
for agent_response in response:
    print(f"{agent_response.agent_name}: {agent_response.message.content}")
    if not agent_response.success:
        print(f"Error: {agent_response.error}")

# Get specific agent's result
if analyzer := response.by_agent("analyzer"):
    print(f"Analysis: {analyzer.message.content}")

# Format execution times

# Convert to single message
combined = response.to_chat_message()

Both ChatMessage and TeamResponse provide clean abstractions over the complexity of agent interactions, making it easy to work with both individual and group responses in a consistent way.