You are free to create your own record item.
Just create class App\Entity\MyRecord
extends BugCatcher\Entity\Record
And also create App\Repository\MyRecordRepository
extends BugCatcher\Repository\RecordRepository
When you have custom class you need registered it to discriminator map. This is little bit tricky, because you need override all ORM mappings.
In windows you need copy orm files to your project and edit it. Be careful when tou update bug-catcher package, you need copy all this files again and merge your file. Remember, some files can be added or edited in new version.
mkdir config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle
cp vendor/php-bug-catcher/bug-catcher/config/doctrine/* config/doctrine/BugCatcherBudnle
In linux you can create symbolic links to original files and override only one file. So you can update bug-catcher package without any changes in your project except one file that you edited.
But you need copy simlinks again sometimes after composer update because some files can be added in new version.
mkdir config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle
find ./vendor/php-bug-catcher/bug-catcher/config/doctrine/ -name '*.xml' -exec bash -c 'ln -rs "$0" ./config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle/' {} \;
rm config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle/Record.orm.xml
cp vendor/php-bug-catcher/bug-catcher/config/doctrine/Record.orm.xml config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle/Record.orm.xml
<discriminator-mapping value="my-record" class="App\Entity\MyRecord"/>
# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
type: xml
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/doctrine/BugCatcherBundle/'
prefix: 'BugCatcher\Entity'
alias: PhpBugCatcherBundle
You need enable api plaform for your custom entity. See Api Platform documentation for more details. You can inspire in entity BugCatcher\Entity\RecordLog for more details.
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Now you can create twig component MyRecord
for rendering log row in dashboard. and configure it in services.yaml
# config/packages/bug_catcher.yaml
- BugCatcher\Entity\RecordLog
- BugCatcher\Entity\RecordLogTrace
- App\Entity\MyRecord
If you have installed php-bug-catcher/bug-catcher-reporter-bundle in your project, you can now send your custom log record
class TestCommand extends Command {
public function __construct(private readonly BugCatcherInterface $bugCatcher) {
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
"lastStart"=>(new \DateTime("-10minutes"))->format(\DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED),
return Command::SUCCESS;