Name | Type | Description | Notes |
title | String | The name of the Lead | |
ownerId | Number | The ID of the User which will be the owner of the created Lead. If not provided, the user making the request will be used. | [optional] |
note | String | The Lead note. Can contain some allowed HTML tags. | [optional] |
labelIds | [String] | The IDs of the Lead Labels which will be associated with the Lead | [optional] |
personId | Number | The ID of a Person which this Lead will be linked to. If the Person does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. This property is required unless `organization_id` is specified. | [optional] |
organizationId | Number | The ID of an Organization which this Lead will be linked to. If the Organization does not exist yet, it needs to be created first. This property is required unless `person_id` is specified. | [optional] |
value | LeadValue | [optional] | |
expectedCloseDate | Date | The date of when the Deal which will be created from the Lead is expected to be closed. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |