Name | Type | Description | Notes |
parties | BaseMailThreadAllOfParties | [optional] | |
draftsParties | [Object] | Parties of the drafted mail thread | [optional] |
folders | [String] | Folders in which messages from thread are being stored | [optional] |
version | Number | Version | [optional] |
snippetDraft | String | A snippet from a draft | [optional] |
snippetSent | String | A snippet from a message sent | [optional] |
messageCount | Number | An amount of messages | [optional] |
hasDraftFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread has any drafts | [optional] |
hasSentFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread has messages sent | [optional] |
archivedFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread is archived | [optional] |
sharedFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread is shared | [optional] |
externalDeletedFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread has been deleted externally | [optional] |
firstMessageToMeFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether the mail thread was initialized by others | [optional] |
lastMessageTimestamp | Date | Last message timestamp | [optional] |
firstMessageTimestamp | Date | The time when the mail thread has had the first message received or created | [optional] |
lastMessageSentTimestamp | Date | The last time when the mail thread has had a message sent | [optional] |
lastMessageReceivedTimestamp | Date | The last time when the mail thread has had a message received | [optional] |
addTime | Date | The time when the mail thread was inserted to database | [optional] |
updateTime | Date | The time when the mail thread was updated in database received | [optional] |
dealId | Number | ID of the deal | [optional] |
dealStatus | String | Status of the deal | [optional] |
allMessagesSentFlag | NumberBooleanDefault0 | Whether all the mail thread messages have been sent | [optional] |