Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | The User ID | [optional] |
name | String | The User name | [optional] |
defaultCurrency | String | The User default currency | [optional] |
locale | String | The User locale | [optional] |
lang | Number | The User language ID | [optional] |
String | The User email | [optional] | |
phone | String | The User phone | [optional] |
activated | Boolean | Boolean that indicates if the User is activated | [optional] |
lastLogin | String | The User last login date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
created | String | The User creation date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
modified | String | The User last modification date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
signupFlowVariation | String | The variation of signup flow (if exists). E.g. google | [optional] |
hasCreatedCompany | Boolean | Boolean that indicates if the User has created a Company | [optional] |
isAdmin | NumberBoolean | Indication if the User is admin (1 = true, 0 = false) | [optional] |
activeFlag | Boolean | Boolean that indicates if the User is activated | [optional] |
timezoneName | String | The User timezone name | [optional] |
timezoneOffset | String | The User timezone offset | [optional] |
roleId | Number | The ID of the User role | [optional] |
iconUrl | String | The User icon URL | [optional] |
isYou | Boolean | Boolean that indicates if the requested User is the same which is logged in (in this case, always true) | [optional] |