Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Name of the field | |
options | [Object] | When field_type is either set or enum, possible options must be supplied as a JSON-encoded sequential array, for example: ["red","blue","lilac"] | [optional] |
fieldType | String | Type of the field.<dl class="fields-list"><dt>varchar</dt><dd>Text (up to 255 characters)</dd><dt>varchar_auto</dt><dd>Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters)</dd><dt>text</dt><dd>Long text (up to 65k characters)</dd><dt>double</dt><dd>Numeric value</dd><dt>monetary</dt><dd>Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value)</dd><dt>date</dt><dd>Date (format YYYY-MM-DD)</dd><dt>set</dt><dd>Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options</dd><dt>enum</dt><dd>Options field with a single possible chosen option</dd><dt>user</dt><dd>User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user)</dd><dt>org</dt><dd>Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account)</dd><dt>people</dt><dd>Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account)</dd><dt>phone</dt><dd>Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters)</dd><dt>time</dt><dd>Time field (format HH:MM:SS)</dd><dt>timerange</dt><dd>Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS)</dd><dt>daterange</dt><dd>Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD)</dd><dt>address</dt><dd>Address field (autocompleted by Google Maps)</dd></dl> | |
id | Number | The ID of the Product Field | [optional] |
key | String | The key of the Product Field | [optional] |
orderNr | Number | Position (index) of the Product Field in the detail view | [optional] |
addTime | String | The Product Field creation time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
updateTime | String | The Product Field last update time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
lastUpdatedByUserId | Number | The ID of the last user to update the Product Field | [optional] |
activeFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is currently active | [optional] |
editFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field Name and metadata is editable | [optional] |
addVisibleFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is visible in the Add Product Modal | [optional] |
importantFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is marked as important | [optional] |
bulkEditAllowed | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field data can be edited | [optional] |
searchableFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is searchable | [optional] |
filteringAllowed | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field value can be used when filtering searches | [optional] |
sortableFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is sortable | [optional] |
mandatoryFlag | Boolean | Whether or not the Product Field is mandatory when creating products | [optional] |
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